Sentences with phrase «involve lack of food»

Most of the cases reported to our agents involve lack of food, water, shelter, and general animal care.

Not exact matches

«Consider the Golden Rice — it is only meant to address Vitamin A Deficiency when in fact, the problem on malnutrition involves other nutrients as well, which is caused by the lack of access to safe and sufficient food
The case I described involving a trip for a family event was decided completely upon the father's lack of understanding of food allergies, and his motion to the Court was unsuccessful.
Certainly some of these are involved, as may be excessive processing of foods, drug residues in foods and water, now - common deficiencies in DHA and vitamin D, excessive hygiene, lack of challenging childhood diseases, and likely other nutritional and environmental causes we have yet to learn of.
Some worry about certain additives, the processing involving in commercial foods, the lack of nutrition compared to homemade, or possible serious allergy issues, should that be in the family.
It's more about lack of flexibility, how it impacts my social life and stress relief — eating out and socializing (which seemed to always involve food) were signficant sources of pleasure and stress relief before.
They'll believe when lack of food is involved and the neurological diseases SKYROCKET.
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