Sentences with phrase «involve matters of public interest»

the case must involve matters of public interest that are truly exceptional and must also have a significant and widespread societal impact
It also gives the court discretion to award no costs where the class proceeding was a test case, raised a novel point of law, or involved a matter of public interest.

Not exact matches

«Stephen was a role model for the young and if drugs were somehow involved in his death, as news reports suggested, should that not be a matter of public interest?
These matters of public health policy were also of particular interest to the government agencies involved in the research.
In a culture too often dominated by expediency and self - interest, I came to view climate scientists as visionaries and altruists, flawed and flummoxed like all such people who are suddenly called by forces outside themselves to excel themselves, fighting not just their own reluctance to become publicly involved, and their own ill - adaption to public and activist lives, but, ultimately, fighting for the truth in the face of falsehood, not just because truth matters in some abstract or even in moral terms, but because the fate of the Earth itself, and all who live here, is ever more obviously at stake.
Hollywood Esq. writes that according to Gee, such a connection with Arenas» name and likeness nevertheless constitutes fair use because there is a matter of «public interest» involved — as proven by Arenas» Twitter feed.
A libel trial involves findings of defamation as well as consideration of the defenses potentially applicable to each of the publications, including justification, fair comment, and whether the publications are protected by the defence communication on a matter of public interest.
(This approach was tried in Mosley, when the News of the World's legal team, no doubt realising that the writing was on the wall, attempted to shoehorn the story into a matter of public interest by arguing that the sexual activities involved, constituted assaults under the Off ences Against the Person Act 1961 and as crimes were therefore matters of public interest.
While we have been focused on Mr. Zimmerman's legal defense, we acknowledge that the public interest in this matter revolves around racial tensions, gun rights, media's treatment of people involved in this case, and various other considerations.
These are concepts whose application often involves the balancing of competing public interests which are matters likely to be difficult to apply directly in the case of an independently owned care home.
The bill — if passed — will provide a fast - track motion by which a court could decide if a case involving expression on a matter of public interest should continue.
Both private and public communication can involve expression on matters of public interest.
Prior to joining the litigation team at Lewis Johs, she was involved in the public interest arena prosecuting Family Court matters to verdict for the Administration of Children's Services in New York City where she became a supervising attorney.
It involves the manifold ways in which lawyers represent and advice clients in «ordinary» public and private matters and do so zealously, but with the large aim of promoting public interest.
Such may be the case where the matter involves a public body trying to elucidate the law or where a party has raised a constitutional issue or one otherwise of broader interest.
In determining whether to take action, the ACCC gives enforcement priority to matters that demonstrate one or more of a range of factors such as whether the conduct is of significant public interest or concern, is conduct resulting in a substantial consumer (including small business) detriment, is unconscionable conduct, particularly involving large national companies or traders, or is conduct demonstrating a blatant disregard for the law.
I don't think this should be a matter for our boards and CREA but rather for the regulators who oversee the law to get involved as they supposedly uphold the protection of the industry and the public's best interest in real estate trading.
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