Sentences with phrase «involve whether humans»

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In response, the fund's ethics council began an ongoing assessment of whether any of the companies in the fund might be involved in human rights violations (forced labour particularly) in Eritrea.
The Faith movement's push for such coherence involves affirming, in a neo-Augustinian manner, the dynamic relationship of spiritual mind (whether of the absolute God or of the human soul in his image) with the objects of its knowing, as a metaphysical first principle.
The methodology of the academy involves the strict control, if not the elimination, of the student's feelings and the neglect or denial of the feelings of what is studied, whether that is human or not human.
How should we decide whether we shall do the translation on the web or get a human translator involved?
A standard view is that identity through time involves spatiotemporal continuity But it is questionable whether the human mind is thus continuous.
This is still the case whether the shaping of human desire involves programs like the Affordable Care Act that seeks to orient humans toward care for the other or advocacy of programs that support a pro-life agenda.
(I Corinthians 15:28) Whether this involved the annihilation of all opposing forces, demonic and human, or their redemption, or their reduction to utter impotence in Sheol is not made clear.
So let's just say that I think about human behavior a lot, whether that involves puzzling over relationships, behavior change, or why humans do what they do (this election has provided plenty of fodder in the latter department).
The team, involving Radha Raman Pandey and David Homolka from the Pillai lab, is now investigating whether the piRNAs follow the same «inchworm» process within mammalian cells, to take them a step closer to understanding the process within humans.
To see whether cancer stem cell renewal involves a chain of events similar to that used by embryonic stem cells, and whether the process was affected by oxygen levels, Semenza and graduate student Chuanzhao Zhang focused their studies on two human breast cancer cell lines that responded to low oxygen by ramping up production of the protein ALKBH5, which removes methyl groups from mRNAs.
Most agricultural robotic systems still require some form of human management, whether it involves watching over a swarm of bots to ensure nothing goes haywire or turning a strawberry - picking robot around once it has reached the end of a row.
The setup, put together by scientists at the International Potato Center, is a hermetically sealed container that mimics the day lengths, atmosphere, and temperature of Mars, fed by a «nutrient rich water» (no word on whether human waste was involved).
Because of this, researchers can look for the same molecular signatures in human tissue and begin to tease apart whether particular subtypes of serotonergic neurons are involved in conditions such as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or autism.
Human challenge studies, which only involve a few dozen volunteers, speed the process of deciding whether to scrap or pursue a promising lead, saving time and money.
That court referred the case to the European Court of Justice, asking it to decide several questions, including what the E.U. law means when it refers to «human embryos,» and whether the ban also covers patents that don't involve embryos directly but where the use of embryos «is a necessary precondition» for the covered process or product.
At present, it is not clear whether a similar mechanism could be involved in human bonding, says Young.
It will also be interesting to investigate whether this protein is involved in other viruses, such as Rubella, that can also access and impair the developing human brain.»
Washington knew that the mechanisms involved in vision tend to be similar throughout the animal kingdom, so he wondered whether chlorophyll could also enhance the vision of other animals, including humans.
Specifically, this manuscript tries to reconstruct whether the main path followed by those human populations involved a Southern or a Northern route out of Africa.
Whether these observations reflect causal processes or are confounded by genetic and social factors remains unclear, although animal (and some human) studies suggest that epigenetic programming events may be involved.
«With additional research on early - time restricted feeding on humans, we can create a more complete picture of whether this innovative method can best help prevent and treat obesity,» said Schoeller, who is a spokesperson for the Obesity Society and was not involved in the study.
These products fill a human need — whether that be our need for warmth or convenience — all while looking on - trend and not like a middle - aged dad who's functional dressing involves multi-pocketed cargo pants.
For example, if a strategy makes a distinction between whether the market is in an uptrend or not, and trades accordingly... (a) a strategy that determined the trend by looking at the 10d moving average in relation to the 200d would be QUANTITATIVE (b) a strategy that involved a human looking at a chart and deciding whether the trend was up or not would NOT be quantitative
If you are a human mother and you have given birth you know all the complications involved with a delivery... whether natural or a c - section, many complications can arise.
Trupanion sees many poison claims involving human pain medication whether they were dropped on the floor or the pets got into a purse.
Ask about the most common behavioral problems: housetraining problems, inappropriate chewing, jumping up on people, submissive urination, dog aggression, human aggression (find out whether it involved children, adults, or both).
Whether you have a product or a service (which is what travel bloggers offer) you have to get it (or yourself) out into the market — which involves selling — Daniel Pink wrote a great book — «To Sell is Human» which I felt took a lot of the fear out of approaching people (potential customers) with either your product (or you) by talking of buoyancy strategies when confronted by negative responses — which, lets face it is the biggest fear to asking in the first place — But more revelatory is to ask yourself — Can I do this?
Each of the artists involved uses everyday materials in innovative ways to explore and explain the mysterious and beautiful, whether it is the experience of the human body, the properties of light, or the reimagining of utilitarian materials.
The country is, however, in almost complete denial on the subject of global warming — not only whether something should be done, but whether humans are involved at all.
Whether in South America, the Adirondacks, the Serengeti or Asia, there's enormous logic in finding ways to mesh human livelihoods and wildlife that don't involve fences.
You say «the question of whether this or that storm is caused by human activity overlooks the basic fact that at this point in history both natural and human influence are involved
«the question of whether this or that storm is caused by human activity overlooks the basic fact that at this point in history both natural and human influence are involved.
As Bobdroege says, with Trenberth, the question of whether this or that storm is caused by human activity overlooks the basic fact that at this point in history both natural and human influence are involved.
Even as negotiators meet in Marrakech, Morocco to take the next steps to avert dangerous human - caused climate change — and, even as the U.S. decides whether or not to elect a president who is skeptical it is happening — a new study has highlighted the sharp stakes involved, particularly when it comes to the ongoing rise in global sea level and the dramatic but uneven way in which it could affect the world's coastlines.
Remember it has already been warming for 10,000 years or more, and all climatic positive feedbacks are involved in global warming, regardless of whether caused by humans or not.
The Supreme Court of Canada will be hearing an appeal of Schrenk v. British Columbia (Human Rights Tribunal) and determining whether the B.C Human Rights Tribunal had jurisdiction to hear a complaint about discrimination in employment involving individuals from different workplaces / separate employers.
It is therefore anticipated that a substantial percentage of all human rights cases involving handicapped complainants will involve indirect discrimination and the question of whether the respondent should accommodate the complainant's handicaps.
So whether an executive is: responsible for human relations and suspicious of an employee's loyalty or false accusations; in finance and suspicious of fraud; or inside counsel involved in unfortunate litigation, it is imperative to examine digital data.
And although this seems to be the perfect instrument to maintain the EU's legal autonomy and the principle of subsidiarity, Pérez rightfully raises the question whether this new procedure may involve «too many voices» in the protection of human rights.
John Ruggie, UN Secretary - General's Special Representative for Business and Human Rights, has announced a study involving 15 corporate law firms from around the world «to identify whether and how national corporate law principles and practices currently foster corporate cultures respectful of human rights.&rHuman Rights, has announced a study involving 15 corporate law firms from around the world «to identify whether and how national corporate law principles and practices currently foster corporate cultures respectful of human rights.&rhuman rights.»
The latter case involved the question of whether the acceptance of advertisements is a «service... customarily available to the public» under British Columbia's human rights legislation.
HHS strongly agrees that IRB review is essential for the adequate protection of human subjects involved in research, regardless of whether informed consent and / or individuals» authorization is obtained.
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