Sentences with phrase «involving lies on»

I have trouble dealing with something involving lies on resumes.
Many who follow the North London team if pressed, would say there lasting image of him would involve him lying on the floor.
But whereas hydrostatic weighing involves getting dunked under the water, a DEXA scan simply involves lying on a table for a few quick, dry and painless minutes.
Another variation of this position involves lying on the back with feet going up the wall.
Whereas hydrostatic weighing involves dunking under the water, a DEXA scan simply involves lying on a table for a few quick, dry and painless minutes.
Foam rolling: Foam rolling involves lying on a cylinder - like foam roller and rolling any area of the body that is tender.
The bench press exercise involves lying on a bench, lowering a barbell to the chest, and pressing it back upwards to straight elbows.
For all you music lovers, you'll be happy to hear that Cape Town has a whole heap of festivals, concerts and parades — Up The Creek involves lying on an inflatable lounger by a river bed while enjoying some pop and indie tunes.

Not exact matches

Since no position on any fundamental question is wholly free from difficulties, the path of wisdom lies not in rejecting a position because it is found to have difficulties but rather in making an honest comparison of difficulties involved in alternatives.
The most appropriate pastoral guidance offers people the options that lie in front of them, reflects on the consequences of those options, thinks about the faith issues involved, and then remains with people as they make their choices.
But while experience shows that the Catholics» answer to the fundamentalists lies in the base communities, only a minority of bishops have strongly pushed for them because of the Vatican's frequently voiced concern that they are too «horizontal» — meaning that they are a democratic influence on a hierarchical church — and liable to become involved in social and political issues.
We had 8 years of the last bible beating nitwit, George W., who got us involved in a trillion dollar war based on a lie and his goofy belief that Gog and Magog, a couple of make believe biblical bad guys, were loose in the Middle East and had to be stopped (Google Bush, Gog and Magog).
I shall suggest below that a more useful strategy than either of these extremes lies in focusing on religious changes over a period of several decades and involving at least several levels of spatial organization.
The mere fact that people are allowed to pay for their OWN abortion coverage, without federal money, is just too much for these people, which leads one to believe that people like the «Susan B. Anthony» List are malicious liars, though a fair amount of idiocy is involved in their thinking no one will call them on their lies.
«Clarke and I have history, that involves money, lies, on one notable occasion me being interrogated by the police over something I knew nothing about... and all sorts of other stuff,» Little said.
After multiple opening volleys (one of which included Le Batard saying that things were starting with a lie based on Manfred's opening answers), the commissioner said «We do not... WE DO NOT... get involved in operating level decisions in the ownership process.»
If you have the expectation that this trip will involve a lot of lying on the beach or by the pool, than you may be disappointed.
The Superwoman exercise involves adopting a position that mimics her iconic action pose, by lying flat on your stomach with arms and legs extended out flat on the floor.
This could involve the baby lying on their tummy when they're awake and the parent lying down face - to - face and talking to them.
Lying on the belly requires that an infant be able to lift his / her head (this is called extension of the neck) progressing to propping on forearms (more extension now involving the upper half of the back) followed by propping on straight arms (even more extension of the back).
The second and third favored positions for both genders also involved partners lying on their sides, although slight differences in preference emerged here.
If the baby becomes restless while lying on his tummy, lay him on his back and allow him to sleep for a while or get him involved in some other activity.
My son's birth involved me lying paralyzed on a surgery table, discussing kindergarten options with the surgery nurse whose son was about to enter school.
We're not talking the devastation of finding out Santa's a fake, we mean the lying that involves us enjoying sweet treats while the kids gnaw on some broccoli.
My plan was to take the kids back to the house and lie picnic blankets on the ground for everyone to relax with a book, but the kids had other plans that involved our new swing set.
The incidents of infants dying while «co-sleeping» with adults, as documented by the CPSC, include the following: children getting trapped between the bed and the wall, or the bed and another object; entrapment that involves footboards or bed frames; soft bedding - related hazards, such as suffocation on a pillow; falls, sometimes into a pile of clothing or plastic, resulting in suffocation; a child or adult accidentally lying on top of the baby.
This breastfeeding position involves your baby lying on his back, while you crouch over him on all fours and dangle your nipple in his mouth.4 Some mums say doing this for short periods helps if they have conditions like mastitis and don't want their breasts to be squashed or touched; others claim that gravity helps unplug blocked milk ducts, although there's no scientific evidence to support this yet.
Within that routine lies a dozen other routines involved in getting the kids ready for school — lunchboxes are packed, homework is checked and kisses are given before ensuring they're on their way in good time.
While many of Politifact's ratings involve exaggerations rather than outright lies, the Pants on Fire!
Being forcibly questioned on oath and without warning or legal advisors, with no hint of what the questions related to or whether it was a matter involving them or someone else (maybe a family member or friend), the subject either had to incriminate themself or someone else by telling the truth, be charged with perjury if they lied or other witnesses said differently when questioned in turn, or be charged with contempt of court if they didn't speak.
The prosecutor said jurors could impute that state of mind from other factors in the case, including the perception of other people involved in the exchanges as well as what he called Silver's «lies» on required disclosure forms and in response to press inquiries.
Consequently, when on 26th June 2015 Murtala Mohammed, the Deputy Minister of Information and Media Relations, repeated the Koku Anyidoho lies by telling the Ghanaian Times that I «was dismissed by late President John Atta Mills for failing to name the members of his cabinet, who were directly involved with judgment debt saga» I wrote a rejoinder to the Ghanaian Times.
Libous was removed from office last year after he was convicted on a single charge of lying to the FBI stemming from a case involving his son receiving a job at a politically connected law firm in Westchester County.
The fifth prosecution witness in the case involving Gregory Afoko who has been accused of murdering the former Upper East Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has told the court that Afoko lied to the police when he told them he was asleep at 2000 hours on May 20, 2015.
«If the courts get involved in elections when people go over the top on policy and sometimes tell lies then we are going to have a very strange electoral process in future,» he said.
Another case being reviewed by federal prosecutors involves Mr. McPartland's 2014 prosecution of the Suffolk County technology commissioner, Donald Rodgers, on charges that included the rarely invoked offense of lying to the County Legislature.
On May 27, 2010, Stein was indicted and arrested for lying about his involvement during the investigation of the multimillion - dollar Ponzi scheme involving Ken Starr, a financial advisor to various Hollywood celebrities.
The broad spectrum of lying and the array of scientific disciplines involved in seeking to understand what drives such behaviors was explored by three experts in psychology, human memories and psychiatry during a lecture at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 10.
A federal court in Tennessee heard arguments yesterday and today on whether lie detection technology based on fMRI scans of brain activity should be admitted in a criminal case involving a psychologist accused of defrauding Medicare.
(The team doesn't yet understand why, because the changed base pair lies in a region that is not translated into RNA and is not usually involved in switching genes on and off.)
For the unfamiliar, Savasana (also known as corpse pose) is the final restorative pose in most yoga classes that involves lying flat on your back with your palms facing up.
Good posture involves training your body to stand, walk, sit, and lie so that the least amount of strain is placed on the spine during movement or weight - bearing activities (see Posture).
The story had a very happy ending and thankfully it didn't involve me having to lie on top of the table to protect it from the woman who was trying to get it right out from under me.
There's the awkward nagging smalltalk from relatives at family parties, the endless commercials involving fireside proposals, the falling on the ice skating rink with no one to help you up as you lie there freezing cold and motionless just waiting, hoping...... We've been there.
House of Lies, Season 2, Episode 10: Doug's girlfriend convinces him to take on a new, high - profile client without involving Marty.
But though the film's publicity and advanced buzz focus on Weisz's Ronit Krushka — a woman whose return to the cloistered London Jewish community she exiled herself from causes disturbances in the field — Ronit's story is not where the most involving parts of the drama lie.
I'd be lying if I said there weren't times on set when I questioned if we could pull it off... but positivity and hard work from all involved, and here we are!
The necessary gimmick is that most of the film involves us following around Mia having an ethereal, out - of - body experience around the hospital while she lies unmoving in her coma on the hospital bed.
Violence: Frequent battle scenes involve swords, stabbings, flame - throwing guns and huge explosions — all of which result in numerous dead bodies lying on the battlefield.
As for whether the director pair will be involved in what lies ahead, Anthony Russo says that while they love working with Marvel, they still have their sights set on Infinity War.
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