Sentences with phrase «involving little movement»

1 star is very simple conversions involving little movement of decimal point and then two and three star involve more complex decimals and more complex problems to solve.

Not exact matches

• There is much misinformation on this thread: o The emergent movement is not a cult o emergent started as a conversation among people of various theological / philosophical understandings and remains that way o The emergent conversation hasn't faded away at all — in fact — it's now integrated in practically every Christian expression o Mars Hill and emergent have very little in common o Mark Driscoll and Tony Jones have very little in common o I don't know of the personal behavior of everyone involved in the conversation, but because people have been involved — I'm sure there has to be bad behavior from some.
• Play simple games with your baby that involve both music and movement: Pat - a-Cake (clap your baby's hands), This Little Piggy (wiggle those little toes), or Ride a Horse to Banbury Cross (jiggle baby on yourLittle Piggy (wiggle those little toes), or Ride a Horse to Banbury Cross (jiggle baby on yourlittle toes), or Ride a Horse to Banbury Cross (jiggle baby on your lap).
That is not «movement politics» however - rather the reverse, a low level of engagement from a large number of people, with very little activism involved even from the candidates.
Additionally, effort was higher when the movements involved weaker muscles, even for movements that necessitated only little strength.
Core Stabilization Exercises are core exercises that involve little to no movement through the lumbar spine.
Core Stability Exercises involve little to no movement in the lower back and are used to teach your body how to be stable so that you have less pressure on your back and move more efficiently.
This is most easily observed during the squat exercise, where the hip extensors have very small external moment arms at the top of the movement (and therefore can contribute little to the movement) but very large external moment arms at the bottom of the movement (and therefore must be very involved).
Because there's no equipment involved, the various bodyweight workouts you can do will make it very easy to transition from one movement to the next, taking very little rest.
I found Modern Sonic's levels involved more and more segments where you have little - to - no control over Sonic's movements.
At this stage it is a global movement involving many millions of people — and whether you are persuaded or not is of little account.
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