Sentences with phrase «involving number theory»

The research techniques that I have seen range from those involving number theory to operations research.

Not exact matches

The theory of evolution now requires us to suppose a far vaster scale of times, spaces, and numbers than our forefathers ever dreamed the cosmic process to involve.
A study published online 10 October in Nature Genetics provides the strongest evidence yet for the starting gun theory by showing that mutations in a gene involved in ensuring proper numbers of chromosomes result in childhood cancer.
In general, physicists prefer to study processes involving larger numbers of particles, since the added complexity assists in searches for physical effects that aren't described by today's best theories.
A large number of theories surrounding the movie before Infinity War involved just how it would be tied to the Avengers franchise.
Lesson 1: Start with motivating example that it is in theory possible to find pairs of numbers for factorisation for any solvable quadratic, but in some cases this guessing difficult, as it involves surds, and instead we use completing the square to factorise.
There is no set number of years automatically «falsifying the theory» — after all, the laundry list of radiative forcings has about a dozen terms, so the hypothetical lack of warming you propose would raise the question of just which factors were involved.
Discussion from the Viewpoints of the Numbers of Typhoons That Develop, Approach, and Hit Japan, and Their Intensities The present paper examines the theory that global warming causes abnormal weather phenomena involving typhoons, focusing on the numbers of typhoons that develop and hit Japan and their intenNumbers of Typhoons That Develop, Approach, and Hit Japan, and Their Intensities The present paper examines the theory that global warming causes abnormal weather phenomena involving typhoons, focusing on the numbers of typhoons that develop and hit Japan and their intennumbers of typhoons that develop and hit Japan and their intensities.
This to me is a very key issue, because if one cant discredit it, then the only option is looney conspiracy theories involving very large numbers of scientists over decades.
A disturbing number of the hours I billed as an attorney came about because my firm got involved in a case where a lawyer with a creative theory of business - competition - through - litigation initiated a suit that ultimately cost his or her client more money in the long run.
Starting in 1989, competing media outlets spawned an escalating feeding frenzy of factually unsupported accusations against any number of public officials, including even an accusation involving a murder - for - hire theory.
She is simply reducing the workings of a complicated business to something that a bureaucrat can come to grips with... a nice, neat and tidy problem to be solved with numbers, graphs and theories that will never work as designed for the simple reason that there are humans involved in the equation.
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