Sentences with phrase «iodine tincture»

Testing for iodine deficiency: do you know whether the skin test (painting on iodine tincture and checking how long it takes to be absorbed) is accurate?
I'm wondering what you or the doctor think about using iodine tincture topically in cases of suspected hyporthyroidism.

Not exact matches

Currently I take the following supplements daily and some of them every other day: Lugol's Iodine (for breast / general health), Celtic Sea Salt, Vitamin C (1500 - 2000 per day), B - Complex (1 - 2x a day), Magnesium Citrate (400 - 600 mg) daily, Vitamin E, Omega - 3 Fish Oil with CoQ10, 5 - 10 mg of DHEA, Milk Thistle, Rhodiola Tincture / Liquid (for adrenal health), Trace Minerals.
Black Walnut Hull tincture contains a number of active ingredients, including omega - 3 fatty acids called alpha - linolenic acid (ALA), sterols, tannins, and iodine.
I have switched to nutritional iodine 5 - 10 mg per day rather than tincture and the dramatic improvements remain.
Within one week of iodine intake (5 mg tincture of iodine per day added to liquids) the bleeding and obstruction stopped, enabling me to have an external ejaculation which I hadn't had in several years.
Tincture of Iodine, Peroxide, and most ointments only irritate the wound more and decrease healing.
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