Sentences with phrase «iron age»

When you're done being a child believing in iron age fairy tales, and ready to embrace adulthood, come join us.
Looking at organized religion objectively, they are myths from iron age societies that were trying to explain the world, and there is virtually no chance any one is truth.
And in each case provide no evidence whatsoever for their claims, but base them entirely upon Bronze and Iron Age Palestinian writings.
Funny how he believing in iron age fairy tales is fine, until you try to blow up a building.
I also struggle with the «iron age ethics» scattered throughout the bible.
But study it as you would academically and do nt use 21st century standards on bronze and iron age writers and you will appreciate it.
Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster - before it destroys them all.
Me: And your version or right and wrong came from the edited, translated words of iron age «talking monkeys».
That is the problem with the Jewish zombie theory, their dead prophet was as ignorant as everybody else in the Early Iron Age Middle East.
The infectious microbes» DNA has been found in the teeth of Bronze Age and early Iron Age people who lived between 4,800 and 3,000 years ago, say evolutionary geneticist Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen and his colleagues.
topher: where is this much promised proof that those ware «god's laws» rather than the translated, edited hearsay of iron age sheep boinkers?
Many of us do not seek heaven, or fear hell, or give a steaming pile what your edited, translated iron age comic book says.
The Ring of Kerry also offers insight into Ireland's ancient heritage, with remnants of Iron Age forts, ogham stones, and old monasteries.
I wonder when we will finally get to the point where we no longer base 21st Century social decisions on Iron Age myths from the Middle Ages that were cobbled together into a book during the Dark Ages.
I am also lucky to have the impressive Iron Age hill fort and flint mines at Cissbury Ring within my constituency so I can occasionally lose myself up there and ponder what a life in archaeology might have brought.
A team of researchers has for the first time recovered a magnetic field record from ancient minerals for Iron Age southern Africa (between 1000 and 1500 AD).
The man - made Islet, or «Crannog», had been created by Iron Age dwellers as a safe haven from predators.
The infectious microbes» DNA has been found in the teeth of Bronze Age and early Iron Age people who lived between 4,800 and 3,000 years ago, say evolutionary...
We tend to have a good working knowledge of the age, size and history of the Universe and the idea that a being would create the entire thing — with 400,000,000,000 galaxies, EACH with 100, 000,000,000 starts and even more planets, then sit back and wait 13,720,000,000 years for human beings to evolve on one planet so he could «love them» and send his son to talk about sheep and goats in Iron Age Palestine makes no sense to us.
If you knew anything about the Bible you would know that the New Testament is a Roman Iron Age text.
I like this story... it makes Magic Baby Iron Age Sky Jew seem more like someone 8I *, a Millenial, could have a relationship with.
@b4bigbang, so because there is no one definitive source that provides all answers to all moral questions we should rely on our own subjective interpretations of the myths of ignorant iron age cultures?
Our image bank is the first in a series looking at different aspects of life in Iron Age Britain.
The study found fish tapeworm eggs to be surprisingly widespread in the Roman Period compared to Bronze and Iron Age Europe.
Danny uses «consenting» as his standard — that seems to be a little more reasonable starting point then Iron Age texts and something as manipulatable's «God principles».
I think it is sad that in the 21st century, there are people with their heads so far up their rectums that they feel that translated, edited Iron Age hearsay represents the word of god
gjp, so you prefer the myths and best guests of ignorant iron age societies who had about a billionth of the knowledge and understanding of modern humans?
The Rochester team, which included several undergraduate students, collaborated with archaeologist Thomas Huffman of the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, a leading expert on Iron Age southern Africa.
I wonder if we will ever get to the point as a nation where the vast majority of us DO NOT believe in Iron Age myths from the Middle East about sky - gods and evil ground spirits.
Personally I see more value in appealing to human decency and modern culture than to attempting to make the moral views of iron age civilizations entrenched in sexism, racial bigotry, and a host of other very morally questionable beliefs somehow fit our modern society.
«The results highlight the benefits of using non-intrusive geophysical surveys for the detection of archaeological features and, once again, prove to be an invaluable tool for documenting Iron Age building remains in Scandinavia,» says Andreas Viberg, researcher at the Archaeological Research Laboratory at Stockholm University.
Maiden Castle in Dorset is the largest and most complex Iron Age hillfort in Britain.
Yet we have reached a point in society of recognizing that some teachings are representative of bronze and early iron age societies and their barbaric prejudices and beliefs.
A pair of detectorists who gave up the hobby found wonderful iron age gold jewellery on their return
(c) a Christian who has just read that collection of Iron Age Palestinean mythology we call the «Bible»; or
We need to grow up as a species and shake off our remaining Iron Age superst.itions once and for all.
The researchers were surprised to find that the older Iron Age men were genetically more similar to people living in Britain today than the Anglo - Saxon women were.
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