Sentences with phrase «iron and calcium intakes»

, iron and calcium intakes.
I think the most important thing during pregnancy and while nursing is to focus on your iron and calcium intake.

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Phytic acid is a strong chelator of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc, and can therefore contribute to mineral deficiencies in people whose diets rely on these foods for their mineral intake, such as those in developing countries.
Chia seeds are a nutritional power house: 3 tablespoons of chia seeds contain 11g of fibre (44 % of your recommended daily intake), a whopping 5 grams of protein, 20 % of the daily recommended intake of calcium and 15 % of the daily recommended intake of iron.
-- 119 calories to your daily intake (you can eat a whole sweet potato for less calories than that); — you'll also consume a whopping 21 % of your recommended daily fat intake (which is already too high); — 0 % of your daily Carbohydrate; — 0 % of your daily Protein; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin A; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin B - 12; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin C; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin D; — 0 % of your daily Calcium; — 0 % of your daily Iron; and — 0 % of your daily Magnesium... I think you get the picture.
There are 7 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber, 15 % of your daily iron intake, and 6 % of your daily calcium intake in just 1/4 cup of bean flour.
One serving of chia seeds (3 Tbsp) contains 44 % of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of fibre, 10 % of your protein RDI, 20 % of your calcium RDI and 15 % of your iron RDI.
I never measured, and I used what I had, whether that was a dash of cream leftover from a dinner party's whipped cream dessert, or a pour of oozy blackstrap molasses which boosted my calcium and iron intake when I was pregnant.
A recent study of the gluten - free diets of new and experienced coeliacs found that significant numbers of adult female participants did not achieve the recommended dietary intakes (RDI) or even the population averages of thiamin, folate, calcium, iron or fibre.
For pregnant women, this is seen most commonly with the intake of iron and calcium.
Rapid weight loss, a lower daily calorie intake, and a limited ability to absorb folate, zinc, calcium, vitamin B12, and iron can put you and your baby at risk for nutritional deficiencies.
During pregnancy, a woman's daily intake requirements for certain nutrients, such as folic acid (folate), calcium, and iron will increase.
Eating an imbalanced diet may negatively effect not only mom, but an unborn baby's sodium level, calcium, iron, and vitamin intake.
The study, which compares the latest data from dietary surveys representing the various territories, shows that, of the 17 compounds analyzed, there is a great prevalence of «improvable» intakes of various micronutrients, especially iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6, vitamin D and folic acid.
One serving of blueberry also contains 4.5 grams of fat; 20 grams of carb with 3 as fiber; 20 % of the daily recommended calcium intake; and 10 % of your iron needs.
In a large 2003 government survey known as the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination, or NHANES III, increased intakes of added sugars were found to reduce the intakes of calcium, vitamin A, iron and zinc for most age groups.
They are also a good source of magnesium, calcium and iron, providing about 24 %, 10 % and 7 % respectively of your recommended daily intake of those minerals.
The essential nutrient minerals for humans, listed in order by weight needed to be at the Recommended Dietary Allowance or Adequate Intake are potassium, chlorine, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, chromium, molybdenum, selenium and cobalt (the last as a component of vitamin B12).
Her own studies have found that women with higher intakes of calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron were at a lower risk of PMS.
-- 119 calories to your daily intake (you can eat a whole sweet potato for less calories than that); — you'll also consume a whopping 21 % of your recommended daily fat intake (which is already too high); — 0 % of your daily Carbohydrate; — 0 % of your daily Protein; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin A; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin B - 12; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin C; — 0 % of your daily Vitamin D; — 0 % of your daily Calcium; — 0 % of your daily Iron; and — 0 % of your daily Magnesium... I think you get the picture.
Several previous studies have observed deficiencies in intakes of micronutrients, such as vitamin D, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iron, in dieting bodybuilders [3, 17, 18, 204, 205].
Using previously collected information on the U.S. population and average U.S. dietary intake, these researchers determined that replacement of meat and dairy with soy would result in significantly improved intake of folate and vitamin K; larger amounts of calcium, magnesium and iron; and 4 additional grams of fiber per day.
We know that vegetarians often need to supplement micronutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), vitamin D and calcium (either by using supplements or altering their dietary intake).
Added sugars in sweetened dairy products were positively associated with calcium intakes, and added sugars in breakfast cereals increased the likelihood of children and adolescents to meet the recommendations for calcium, folate, iron, and dairy products.
Well, with such unhealthy lifestyle we only worry about the calcium and iron intake.
By giving this vegetable to your bunny, you can boost their intake of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, and even iron.
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