Sentences with phrase «iron molecules»

«Solar cells of the future could be based on iron molecules
The research group at Iowa found, however, that tumor tissue's abnormally high levels of redox active iron molecules (a by - product of abnormal mitochondrial metabolism) react with vitamin C to form hydrogen peroxide and free radicals derived from hydrogen peroxide.
The latter is significantly more difficult to achieve, which contributes to why the researchers» accomplishment in showing that the new iron molecule emits orange light is so important.
There are eye drops and oral medications that either reduce tear flow, dilate tear ducts, or bind iron molecules available from your vet and in some pet stores, but there are potential problems.
Is it because the phytic acid chelates the iron molecules and prevents the damage that way?
As previously mentioned, chlorophyll has a very similar structure to hemoglobin; whereas hemoglobin has an iron molecule at its center, chlorophyll has magnesium.
At the center, hemoglobin contains an iron molecule while chlorophyll contains a magnesium molecule.
Methemoglobin is an altered form of hemoglobin in the blood, where there is a change in the state of the iron molecules.
By the way, the trail of tears down the cheek appear as rust coloured stains because there's iron molecules in tears... after the water part evaporates... it leaves behind oxidized iron molecules.
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