Sentences with phrase «irreducible unit»

When he thinks or wills, it is not any one or any number of his cells that thinks his thoughts or wills his purposes, but himself as an irreducible unit, as much as a unit as any cell or any atom or any electron.
His task, therefore, is one of analyzing, as clearly and completely as possible, the irreducible unit of process, the actual occasion.
Each traversal from depth to surface is a minimal or irreducible unit of cognition and elaborates a whole unit of subjective time.

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This unwillingness is based primarily upon what he considers to be an undeniable and irreducible fact of human self - intuition: when one is directly aware of himself in a specific moment, he is aware of «himself» as a single unit of action and not of any system of cells.
This is the level where we find the irreducible operations of a central processing unit.
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