Sentences with phrase «irregular galaxy like»

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Irregular dwarf galaxies like Barnard's get their bloblike forms from close encounters with other galaxies.
There are three main types of galaxies: oval - shaped ellipticals, disk - like spirals and irregulars that don't quite fit in with either of the former classes.
In 1936 Hubble put these groups onto a two - pronged sequence that looks like a tuning fork because he thought that the galaxies started out as ellipticals, then changed to spirals and then to irregulars.
«The beauty of this is that dwarf irregulars are the most numerous type of galaxy, and many, like IC 10, are relatively nearby.
ESO 407 - 18 (left) is an irregular dwarf galaxy which like NGC 55 is at the front of the Sculptor Group about 6 or 7 million light years from us.
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