Sentences with phrase «irrelevant questions about»

So the newly elected head of the world's oldest scientific body interviews a journalist for three hours, then, knowing that he is a hypochondriac and ex-heavy smoker, chucks away the interview, throws him an irrelevant question about cancer, and films him squirming.

Not exact matches

Its up to the people asking question to have a meaningful debate or just another bunch of irrelevant talk about nothing important to the future of our nation.
What the real world is like, or even whether there is any such world apart from our ideas or language about it are, for some scientists, now irrelevant questions.
I knew in my head that God was in this, but all the confusion and questions in my heart about decisions that I had already made and other decisions that I would make in the not - distant future made Him feel far off and irrelevant.
And the only reason Romney is deflecting questions about his church is quite simple, like the rest of us he feels it's irrelevant to the fact he's running for president.
They may tell us that in dealing with such phenomena as «religiosity» or «humanism» it is irrelevant and out of order to inquire about the «something» that lies behind them, and thereby protest against the conclusion that the only answer to all ultimate questions is the Nihil.
Their desire to accommodate Christian symbols to the reigning paradigms of knowledge is so great that questions about the descriptive power of those symbols are often dismissed as fruitless or irrelevant.
And then we have a whole other group of questions about god's nature and will and all his other possible desires (Interestingly they all seem to involve human emotions and desires when we consider them even though we are infinitesimally irrelevant considering the size, scope, and functions of the universe itself).
Imagine he had fcuked off the guy for asking him that irrelevant question, we would all be reading about how he is too arrogant blah blah...
I think Greg did a wonderful, open - minded, genuine thing and I respect the hell out of the fact that he kept coming back to this blog, updating people as to the progress of the event, taking questions to pass along, being open to having information about Nestle's actions provided to him in order to educate him because he was open to being educated, and even taking more than his share of condescension directly or indirectly from people on the previous thread about things as irrelevant as his sense of humour.
That might be the first place I breastfeed in public as we asked questions, I was sitting there waiting and like I don't know why, though they must be ready to go [laughs] and so am sitting there and I had my baby and was he probably 5 weeks old and in my head I was like saying, «I should have been here sooner, I should have been here sooner», [laughs] which is irrelevant but that what's goes through your head and then I was like I guess I just do it and it was the meanest thing because I'm sitting on the floor with my baby and I didn't have to use the cover and I was just so «Oh, you just have to do it like in a room full of women» and everybody is in just as uncomfortable and everybody is trying to make this dance work and trying to get a rhythm and they needed this thing to be able to do and I would imagine for me it was a good transition to being in publicand not to worry about the cover but also for women like ok, this is your group for example.
According to him, about 80 % of the questions asked by the members of the committee were not necessary and irrelevant to the position Martin Amidu had been nominated for.
If you remove the irrelevant info about Utah from your question, I'll remove it from my answer.
Apart from the irrelevant commentary and over-simplifications (which are real and not mere formulations problems), you say nothing of the practical side of things, which is what this question is about (as opposed to generalities regarding the status of the TRNC which are well known to the OP as s / he told you already).
But that's irrelevant to the spirit of the question, since (1) Democratic politicians in fossil fuel states pretty much do the same thing (See West Virginia's Democrat Manchin); and (2) Such behavior is really industry agnostic, and every politician of every party whose constituents are over-represented in a particular industry will of course behave the same way about competing disruptive industry; and (3) The main opposition is not on alternative energy per se, but on measures to tax / disrupt fossil fuel one.
Unless they are arguing that actual BAU emissions will be so low as to prevent CO2 from any further significant build up (or at least stay under a doubling), this is a detail entirely irrelevant to climate science, and almost entirely irrelevant to the question about «reasonable anticipation of endangerment».
Results We all know about OKCupid's ridiculous and irrelevant questions that you answer in order to get your friend / enemy match score when women look at your
There will always be people who think that statistics and probability are more important than arithmetic and algebra, despite the fact that you can't do statistics and probability without arithmetic and algebra and that you will never see a question about statistics or probability on a college placement exam, thus making statistics and probability irrelevant for college preparation.
True, when seeking a traditional publishing book deal or agent representation for an as yet unpublished book, the questions about current sales are irrelevant.
That rather supposes the question is a trick, providing irrelevant information about the stock market.
A lot of digital ink has been spilled about whether individuals will earn more miles before or after the changes, but I think that's a relatively unimportant question — not just because I earn the overwhelming majority of my airline miles through manufactured spend, rather than flying, but also because it's irrelevant: the changes are coming, on January 1 in Delta's case and March 1 for United.
Sure, there's line management, and a structure, and teams with responsibilities, but questions about who tells who what to do are treated like they are almost irrelevant, archaic.
For Hansen, the question of whether something was art or advertising or commercial photography was irrelevant — it was simply about taking good pictures.
It is also an irrelevant question if we accept, like Nullius does, that science ain't about consensus anyway.
Your questions about packing, moving, burial, air fields, and cities are all good ones but however assume aspects of my design to which they are all irrelevant as it turns out.
(You see why your earlier questions about sequestering CO2 etc. are irrelevant to the system I'd envisaged.)
In answer to Spencer's question above, Ferenc understandably refuses to take the bait which would just lead to an irrelevant tangent about local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE).
You're either asking a completely irrelevant question, or you have no idea what you're talking about.
The scientific understanding of the nature of the threat, of course, is not irrelevant to the ethical question of whether the risk is ethically acceptable, but science alone can not tell society what it should do about various threats.
Citing a seven year old citation of what was then a seven year old citation of something to irrelevant to the paper in question, then making insupportable assertions about inevitability (which, ironic, as complex dynamical systems pretty much argue against the precept of predetermination), and ending with an implied causal relationship from the symptoms of Forcings to the Forcings themselves, served with a dollop of ad hom..
Your statement about N2 radiation in the Earth [s atmosphere not having to obey radiation laws is irrelevant and a fine example of how knowing the question to ask means that you have 80 % of the answerhas a lemma that some questions such as yours have no meaning because they are based on a set of false assumption.
All of that is irrelevant as the landlord didn't use personal information about the person asking the question, or use information in a way pertinent to that person in any manner.
Judges are also offered training to help them ask the right questions about an expert's qualifications or a peer - reivewed study, so that they can cull irrelevant evidence from the record and determine whether evidence is scientifically reliable and ultimately helpful to juries.
I appreciate that that's tangential to the question you asked about one - stop shopping; however, ease of shopping becomes irrelevant to the merchant if nobody is visiting the store because they don't have to pay to get in elsewhere.
Throughout the hearing the same panel member asked recurring questions of the principal about his possible ties to Liberation Tigers, which was irrelevant to the issue in the hearing.
Don't be afraid about looking a fool by doing this; you'll only look foolish if you interpret the question incorrectly and fly off into an irrelevant answer.
Emphasising irrelevant skills may raise questions about your interest level.
Current native title rights would equate with full ownership and questions about whether current activities on the land were authorised by tradition would be irrelevant.
These misunderstandings are highlighted by Carolyne and her comments / questions about the listing agent's legal right to claim 100 % of commission payable in Clause 2 when Clause 3 is irrelevant to satisfying the terms of a separate Buyer Brokerage Agreement.
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