Sentences with phrase «irrelevant topics»

Online learners receive an individualized experience instead of a generic eLearning course that touches on irrelevant topics.
Its Arsenal style again, not wanting to do anything rather engaged with irrelevant topics.
It assists the learning students employing saving their priceless time from chaotic searching of irrelevant topics.
It is highly important, however, to note that collecting materials on irrelevant topics / ideas should be avoided.
I feel much of this is generalised or patently false e.g. «the European reaction to everything they don't like is to try to ban it or to exterminate its practitioners» or dips into unnecessary and irrelevant topics such as the banning of kosher or circumcision.
Dangerously Irrelevant In ongoing debates about education, the borderline - irrelevant topics often prove enlightening.
Preferably not the «hot spot» since I think it's a completely irrelevant topic.
Personally I think this is more effective than Mann's attempts to discredit his opponents via introducing irrelevant topics (e.g. cuccinelli) and trenberths denier polemic.
coworker has appointed herself the food police something cool and free for you terse answer Tuesday: 7 short answers to 7 short questions Valentines Day round - up 8 things you should know about job references coworker monopolizes meetings with irrelevant topics bad recruiter behavior: deceptive sales tactics telling your boss she talks too loudly will looking like a teenager harm my job search?
It does not serve the process if a person brings up the past, lays blame or fixates on irrelevant topics.
Just delete the irrelevant topics on the last three slides (covering paper 3);) Enjoy!
You will have to deal with this paper for a very long time and if you will select a boring or irrelevant topic, you will waste a lot of your precious time and get nowhere.
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