Sentences with phrase «irresponsible decisions with»

Money management may be the most important discipline needed to be a successful sports bettor, yet it's amazing how many bettors make irresponsible decisions with their bankroll.

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The virtue of socialism, it is argued, is that it does away with such irresponsible authority, and forces those who make economic policy to appeal to the electorate and to justify their decisions in terms of the public good.
While psychiatrists will, of course, be available to help people with a homosexual orientation if they want such help, the APA's decision is a clear disclaimer of responsibility for changing homosexual persons who are not troubled by their orientation and whose behavior is not socially irresponsible.
Speaking with earlier this week, Farmers for Action (FFA) chairman, David Handley, branded Tesco's decision to re-price its four pint bottles at # 1 «irresponsible» and warned that «a price war is about to kick off.»
Men and women, who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy and choose to place their child for adoption, take the easy way out and have made an irresponsible decision.
«That this House notes that young people today grow up in an increasingly complex financial world requiring them to make difficult decisions for the future, often without the necessary level of financial literacy; believes that financial education will help address the national problem of irresponsible borrowing and personal insolvency and that teaching people about budgeting and personal finance will help equip the workforce with the necessary skills to succeed in business and drive forward economic growth; further believes that the country has a duty to equip its young people properly through education to make informed financial decisions; and calls on the Government to consider the provision of financial education as part of the current curriculum review.»
The film becomes a driven perspective with blinders on, a decision both irresponsible and woefully lacking in artistic accomplishment.
Ullman says: «If we keep making curricular decisions that impact hundreds of thousands of kids, if we're making these decisions that impact huge groups of the school community based on assumptions, based on ideas with no actual research backing them up, based on fear — that's just curricularly - irresponsible
Rather than punishing students for irresponsible actions, these practices involve teaching students to make responsible decisions and follow through with responsible actions.
Most people are usually so overwhelmed by the time they approach these companies that they would rather have someone else take the financial load off their backs than them having to deal with their irresponsible financial decisions.
Based on the belief that we carry black or white pebbles with us, depending on the choices we make in our lives (black pebbles represent self - focused, irresponsible decisions; white pebbles represent a life of sound,
It takes six decades between the time the decision is made to go with a particular energy generation form and the time it's end of life; committing to coal or natural gas right now, today, is the less economical choice, and fiscally irresponsible, because by the time the plant is built, there will be a 50:1 ratio of cheaper solar / wind / hydro / geothermal / wave years of service committed to.
The trial judge had discounted the reasoning of the Board of Directors on the basis that the members were «irresponsible» and «rather flippant» in their decision because their discussion of the subject was «laden with expletives».
We need a rock - solid foundation for financing homeownership with a bigger role for the private sector, where taxpayers aren't on the hook for the irresponsible behavior or bad decisions of financial institutions and we finally put an end to an era where Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could expect a bailout for risky behavior in pursuit of profits.
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