Sentences with phrase «irresponsible people making»

This approach has drawn scorn from such commentators as the New Republic «s Mickey Kaus and Johns Hopkins professor George Graham, who said of these numbers, «A lot of what the activists are calling hunger is just absolute rubbish... irresponsible people making irresponsible claims.»

Not exact matches

Musk made his disparaging comment after Zuckerberg said during a Facebook Live stream on Sunday that people who are fearful of AI are «pretty irresponsible
To be priveledged to be with a person at THAT time, and NOT make sure they are in right relationship with God is, IN MY OPINION irresponsible.
-- what you are saying is that people on the margins making outrageous statements are representative of Conservative and Christian conservatives - that is not so, I can't get you to admit that what you are doing is irresponsible and represents a swipe at a lot of good people.
Spirituality helps people deal with what is painful and unproductive about the human condition, without making them irresponsible or stupid.
Some people don't like it, doesn't make it irresponsible.
NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill said comments Trump made during his visit to Long Island, which seemed to encourage officers to use force when arresting people, were «irresponsible, unprofessional and sends the wrong message to law enforcement as well as the public.»
«That this House notes that young people today grow up in an increasingly complex financial world requiring them to make difficult decisions for the future, often without the necessary level of financial literacy; believes that financial education will help address the national problem of irresponsible borrowing and personal insolvency and that teaching people about budgeting and personal finance will help equip the workforce with the necessary skills to succeed in business and drive forward economic growth; further believes that the country has a duty to equip its young people properly through education to make informed financial decisions; and calls on the Government to consider the provision of financial education as part of the current curriculum review.»
Even people who may feel unhappy about irresponsible comments or actions that have taken place in other states must know that two wrongs can not make a right.
In a fundraising appeal to supporters, campaign deputy communications director Christina Reynolds called it a «ridiculous and irresponsible attack for someone to make — not just against the person who is almost certainly going to be the nominee of their party this November, but against someone who is one of the most qualified people to run for the presidency in the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.»
George ends with some observations that are often forgotten: Third World debt has been largely or entirely repaid; those who borrowed were rarely elected by their peoples (who now suffer the terrible consequences); those who loaned were irresponsible or intent on making debtors subservient to their interests and, finally, there are no checks on international funding agencies.
Irresponsible person don't inspire the trust, and it is difficult to make a serious relationships with him.
This is the kind of movie that makes you wonder which sequences are the most irresponsible and depraved, and what these talented people were doing involved with such a project.
While Seth Rogen has made a reputation for being this irresponsible, weed - smoking, party - man of the people, at some point, that image along won't always work as the actor ages.
There is no such thing as «be patient and move on to writing the next book,» and it is irresponsible for a person who has already made it over the mountain to give advice on what it's going to be like for you to climb it.
Also, the misuse of a useful service by an irresponsible person does not necessarily make the service bad in and of itself.
Many people consider it irresponsible to keep a dog intact; to leave dogs outside for long periods; to keep large, energetic dogs in an apartment; to keep a dog in a crate for long hours; to skip routine veterinary care; to make a bad choice of a breed; or to consider giving up a dog because of that bad choice.
That doesn't make them irresponsible owners, that doesn't make them bad people, that doesn't make them poor.
People forget that it's not the breed, it's the irresponsible owners; those who breed and train them for protection or fighting are the culprits who made American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog and other large, strong breeds the menace of society.
Pitbulls are the dog of choice for irresponsible breeders, dog - fighters, people who want a tough - looking dog to tie up in their yard and those who refuse to have their male dogs fixed because they think those big, swinging balls makes them look tough by proxy (86 percent of fatal canine attacks involve an unneutered male, according to the American Humane Society).
We do have a serious problem with irresponsible owners, and we can't make it unreasonable for them to take their animals to shelters and animal control facilities... We need to make things a little bit easier for people to help, not just make it easier for them to --» [lost audio]
If one is so concerned about this, they should attack and change the truly sick and irresponsible people who make up the bulk of this problem.
Often irresponsible people become BYBs because they see an opportunity to make a quick buck.
This way of thinking has led to people choosing to buy at pet shops or worse, irresponsible breeders and animal traders just to make the process of getting a pet a lot easier.
What's the point of the block, if people don't use it and instead are irresponsible and force Mods into making unnecessary appearances?
I believe it would be foolishly irresponsible for us adults to expect young people (who are inheriting much of the mess we've helped make) to bear the burden of coming up with «solutions».
Unnecessarily frightening people and making them anxious about wind farms that millions live near all over the world is hugely irresponsible.
Yes, choice of language is important because people are naturaly skeptical about what they may percieve to be «scare stories» but the dangers of AGW are very real and possibly, yes, catastrophic and it would be irresponsible to play down this risk in order to make more palatable reading.
The young men and women who serve in the Army are sometimes preyed upon by unscrupulous people who take advantage of their youth and inexperience, and entice them into making sometimes irresponsible financial decisions, such as purchasing vehicles and consumer appliances on credit terms they can not afford.
Because other drivers could easily be hurt or even killed because of one person's irresponsible driving, the state has made reckless driving a major offense which carries harsh penalties.
The person who once seemed so charming and made you laugh, now seems irresponsible and flighty.
I also made a couple of horrible investments and generally became an extreamly irresponsible person financially..
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