Sentences with phrase «irresponsible pet owners»

All because of irresponsible pet owners who do not spay and neuter.
The sad truth is there are thousands of irresponsible pet owners, who treat animals as if they were disposable toys.
There are plenty of rescue groups out there trying to help animals that have been abandoned by irresponsible pet owners.
When irresponsible pet owners allow their dogs to get pregnant, it compounds the already bad problem.
Frankly, taxpayers are unfairly paying for irresponsible pet owners and backyard breeders.
They must offer support and incentives to encourage and reward responsible pet ownership; and they must enforce reasonable penalties against irresponsible pet owners to bring them into compliance.
How do we stop unethical breeders and irresponsible pet owners from creating this mess in the first place?
There are still too many irresponsible pet owners that irk me.
However, the numbers make it evident that there are plenty of irresponsible pet owners in Tulsa.
halliburton certainly has in on ithe whole irresponsible pet owner right wing conspiracy.
As fake service dogs, or «comfort dogs» as they're sometimes called, are a hot topic for some time now, we can expect more states to jump on the wagon and pass bills that fine irresponsible pet owners.
The cat overpopulation is not a cat problem — it is a people problem caused by uneducated and sometimes irresponsible pet owners who abandon their cats or do not have them sterilized, causing a proliferation of cats being born on the street.
In a perfect world all feral cats could be caught and euthanized; however many feral cats evade capture, and irresponsible pet owners continue to abandon unneutered cats that keep having kittens.
Fines paid by ticketed irresponsible pet owners can be used to help pay for the euthanasia of the innocent lives they create.
Part of its many progressive initiatives include establishing island - wide high - volume spay and neuter services, providing humane education for all public elementary school students, and working with local governments to crack down on irresponsible pet owners and enforce Puerto Rico's Animal Protection and Welfare Act 154.
They may have had bad experiences with irresponsible pet owners who didn't safely confine their animals or pick up their feces, who snuck pets in, or who left ruined carpets and drapes when they moved out.
This is the fault of irresponsible pet owners who do not sterilize their animals.
There has been fear of reoccurrence in third world countries where they eat many cats; and has benefited my health, at 50 I look 35, 5 ′ 6 ″, 125 lb., strong, fit and 120/79 blood pressure: — RRB — OH, and one or two cats are enough, but since there are so many irresponsible pet owners and I have the ability to help, I do.
By asking a few simple questions, property owners can screed out irresponsible pet owners and find the responsible ones who will make good tenants.
Fix OK proposes an effective economic model designed to reduce the homeless pet population by saving innocent lives while also reducing the burden on taxpayers struggling to financially to pick up the tab for irresponsible pet owners.
A common misconception is that feral cats are a new phenomenon, a byproduct of irresponsible pet owners who abandon their pets or allow them to breed.
You can contribute toward keeping our tax base lower by not adding to more city expenses for dealing with the pet overpopulation problem created by irresponsible pet owners who allow unsterilized pets to roam free and breed.
Although they have a no pet policy, it was primarily due to the fact that it's difficult to discern a responsible pet owner versus an irresponsible pet owner.
They often must do what is difficult but necessary — including euthanasia when that is the most humane option for animals who come to us too ill or too aggressive because they've been abused, abandoned or neglected by irresponsible pet owners.
The proposed fee increases target all irresponsible pet owners, from those who fail to vaccinate their pets to owners whose dogs are involved in severe attacks.
Irresponsible pet owners — including backyard breeders — cost taxpayers millions of dollars every year and cost millions of innocent animals their lives every year.
We are not stupid or irresponsible pet owners... we simply didn't know any better.
The laws we advocate would simply require breeders and irresponsible pet owners to pick up some of the billion - dollar tab borne by taxpayers nationwide to operate the killing houses we call animal shelters.
When I visit my vet for check ups and refuse the annual shots, I am made to feel that I am an irresponsible pet owner
It's irresponsible pet owners
And sadly, some surrenders are simply due to the result of indifference on the part of irresponsible pet owners.
If your cat has a worm infestation it doesn't necessarily mean you are an irresponsible pet owner.
And by being irresponsible pet owners, you help to potentially contribute an entire litter to the pet overpopulation problem.
Reality: Many landlords fear that if they allow pets they will be overrun with irresponsible pet owners and the problems they create.
Unfortunatly this did and you can not replace your loss and the irresponsible pet owners with the huskies hopefully if not now, later realize they did not take responsibilty for the actions and it will bother them throughout the ownership of the huskies.
The pet overpopulation is thanks to breeders, pet shops selling animals and irresponsible pet owners.
My impatience with irresponsible pet owners is high.
It is irresponsible pet owners, who cause much of the overpopulation by not having their pets spayed or neutered.
Rob and Hooch's neighbor and friend, Marina Bradley, of Ambler, was well aware that a shelter was no place for a 14 - year - old dog, especially prior to the July 4th holiday, when some irresponsible pet owners were lining up to dump their pets at shelters so they could head out on vacation.
But animal organizations say breed bans don't keep residents safe because they fail to target the real problem: irresponsible pet owners.
Similar to the gun ban study, our research, as reflected in the NAIA Guide to Pet Friendly Ordinances, shows that to be successful, ordinances must distinguish between responsible and irresponsible pet owners.
Irresponsible pet owners and backyard breeders inundate the state with unwanted puppies and kittens — all because they didn't spay and neuter their pets.
Irresponsible pet owners and backyard breeders also contribute greatly to the death of about 2.4 million dogs and 2.8 million cats every year.
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