Sentences with phrase «irreversible climate change»

When he's asked for the evidence of irreversible climate change and then the other side goes silent.
It is based on when most of the globe will be exposed to potentially irreversible climate changes.
I would argue that CO2 emissions ought to be very strongly decreased, ideally close to zero, to avoid irreversible climate change.
Unless a human «tipping point» is reached soon, with implementation of effective policy actions, large irreversible climate changes will become unavoidable.
But, we won't beat the clock against irreversible climate change through building operations alone.
It is only a question of how much time we may have in facing irreversible climate change and damage.
Is this really irreversible climate change or just part of the 60 year cycles, 30 up — 30 down approx.
Can we estimate the tipping point into irreversible climate change?
It is based on when most of the globe will be exposed to potentially irreversible climate changes.
Unless a human «tipping point» is reached soon, with implementation of effective policy actions, large irreversible climate changes will become unavoidable.
Pam Pearson, ICCI's founder and director, introduced the report on the risks of irreversible climate change in the cryosphere − the scientific name for the parts of the world that are covered in ice and snow for part or all of the year — by saying: «We are worried by the disconnect between cryosphere dynamics and the policy response.»
At this watershed moment in human history, the architecture, planning, and building community must play a critical role in preventing irreversible climate change by working to achieve:
The Plan B goals for developing renewable sources of energy by 2020 that are laid out in this chapter are based not on what is conventionally believed to be politically feasible, but on what we think is needed to prevent irreversible climate change.
What's happening in Antarctica, how we measure irreversible climate change, and what it means for coastal cities that sea - levels all around the world will rise by 1.5 m.
World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns.
The bottom line is, there is only one scenario with a good chance of averting irreversible climate change: one that caps global cumulative industrial - era carbon emissions at under one trillion tons.
The planet's quickening pace toward irreversible climate change grows far more dire if world leaders fail to find a way to stem emissions this December, experts warn.
«Compared to the imminent risk of irreversible climate change impacts, the risks of mitigation are manageable» said Sokona.
Pesticides still abound, we're in the midst of a human - made mass extinction and decades of warnings about irreversible climate change appear to have fallen on deaf ears.
The form of the overall climate regime of the UNFCCC, as the is going through changes that will determine its way forward for the next years pre and post 2020, we are in crucial moments for being able to deal with our emissions to avoid catastrophic irreversible climate change.
Studies from the International Energy Agency, numerous American scientists, and countless other peer - reviewed scientific papers show that waiting until 2020 to begin aggressive emissions reduction would cause irreversible climate change, including more severe tropical storms, worsening droughts, and devastation affecting communities and businesses across America.
the scientific basis for human - induced climate change, including uncertainties and controversies, the historical context for identifying the climate problem, links to other issues such as air pollution, and the evidence for extreme as well as irreversible climate changes;
Jan Kowalzig continues: «The world must act together to avoid irreversible climate change whose consequences are set to get worse.
Oppenheimer is one of many scientists who have in fact long pointed toward coral reefs as one of the first places that truly irreversible climate changes might manifest themselves.
Solomon, S., Plattner, G. K., Knutti, R. & Friedlingstein, P. Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions.
On the website onehundredmonths, conceived by the NEF and others, we can see a second - by - second countdown of one hundred months (8.3 years) until irreversible climate change sets in (their data).
According to IGSD this has delayed the onset of irreversible climate change by 12 years, topping off the worst and so far preventing important climate tipping - points.
The idea (quoted in the United Nations Environmental Programme report) that in order to be reasonably sure of avoiding dangerous and potentially irreversible climate change, a minimum of a 50 % cut in global emissions compared with 1990 levels is required by 2050, is based firmly on the IPCC - led consensus, contrary to the impression you appear to have.
What's happening in Antarctica, how we measure irreversible climate change, and what it means for coastal cities that sea - levels all around the wor...
Where is the commitment to urgent action needed to avert irreversible climate change and protect people from its impacts?
FOREWORD 2015 was a watershed moment in the global fight against irreversible climate change.
He added, «We are joining with our partners from every part of the world to do what needs to be done to prevent irreversible climate change
When he was asked how close Earth may be to a tipping point of irreversible climate change, he replied: «Everyone would like to know the answer to that.
«For the sake of future generations who could be harmed by irreversible climate change, I urge New Yorkers to reject this fear mongering and uphold science against ideology,» he said in a statement.
Will they support the wellbeing of our own and other species or will they provide a context for further large - scale extinctions and irreversible climate change
She said that the analysis she and co-authors did for a paper on «irreversible climate change» helped lead her, as a non-expert citizen when considering energy technology, to conclude that such research is vital, even as efforts are made to find successors to fossil fuels.
To help illustrate how close humanity is to irreversible climate change, the IPCC went so far as to endorse a carbon budget.
Further delay will greatly increase the costs of making necessary emissions cuts and will risk locking in irreversible climate change
She released a statement about why she undertook today's action: Today I'm taking action because Vermont Gas is intent upon shackling our communities to fossil fuels, and condemning us to irreversible climate change.
A major component of the report is Roadmap 2050, which sets out the emissions reduction targets necessary in the building sector to avert dangerous and irreversible climate change.
The team imagined that, by 2117, irreversible climate change would force humankind to establish a new habitat in space.
Although the link between GDP and emissions appears to be breaking down, climate scientists warn that we're already dangerously close to the point of no return when it comes to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere that will bring about disastrous and irreversible climate change.
Solomon S, Pierrehumbert RT, Matthews D and Daniel JS 2012: Atmospheric composition, irreversible climate change, and mitigation policy.
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