Sentences with phrase «irreversible damage»

"Irreversible damage" refers to harm or destruction that cannot be undone or fixed. It describes a situation where something or someone is permanently impacted, and the damage cannot be reversed or repaired. Full definition
Always take the time to get the right medication from your veterinarian to prevent causing irreversible damage to your dog's system.
High heat does irreversible damage to the majority of the components of milk and may cause intolerance even in individuals who have no history of milk allergies.
The benefit of early detection allows time for steps to be taken to manage or correct a problem before irreversible damage occurs.
When a dog eats onion, it can lead to irreversible damage of the liver.
And, heat stroke often has devastating consequences resulting in irreversible damage and even death.
The neurological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can occur without anemia, so early diagnosis and intervention is important to avoid irreversible damage [6].
If not detected and left untreated, irreversible damage occurs that results in the loss of teeth and significant pain to the pet.
It'll boost / guarantee your resource gathering and possibly irreversible damage to your device by 100 %!
But even though they don't show us much in the way of outward symptoms, chronic dental / periodontal disease can cause severe and often irreversible damage to internal organs.
But many researchers now think those trials failed because they started too late — after too much irreversible damage had been done to the brain.
If left untreated, your dog could experience irreversible damage to his ear canal and middle ear.
Failure to observe veterinary instructions while administering pain medication may lead to serious side effects including irreversible damage to the dog's liver or kidney.
The prognosis becomes «grave» if pancreatic juices spread to adjacent organs of the pancreas; which cause irreversible damage.
We are worried that this will do irreversible damage to his microbiome.
Being able to detect a resistant infection sooner before irreversible damage is done is another reason to test annually.
This can lead to irreversible damage of these vital organs.
It is important that these conditions be confirmed and controlled before they result in irreversible damage.
Yet we know that if we were to burn all known fossil fuel reserves and resources, we would go way beyond this 2C target, ushering in potentially irreversible damages from extreme weather events and rising sea levels.
Many say that Facebook has suffered irreversible damage since the scandal was brought to light.
Annual blood and urine tests are important in all cats over age six to detect hyperthyroidism before potentially irreversible damage occurs.
Many say that Facebook has suffered irreversible damage since the scandal was brought to light.
Mostly though, our nation is in serious economic trouble and the earth faces irreversible damage with increased coal use because of a colossal lack of national and local leadership to face up to these groups as exemplified by Mario Coumo's decision to effectively shut the completed and functioning Shoreham plant.
«NYCHA has a chairwoman whose credibility has sustained irreversible damage,» Committee Chairman Ritchie Torres (D - Bronx) said in his opening remarks.
Delay in action risks irreversible damage: Several vulnerable elements in the climate system (e.g. continental ice - sheets.
Almost 180 million children across the globe are stunted, a severe, disabling consequence of malnutrition, repeated childhood infections, and sometimes irreversible damage.
De Souza points out that the two - degree threshold is a «goal set out in recent international climate change negotiations, based on scientific and economic studies, to prevent irreversible damage to the planet's ecosystems and economy.
Lacking any one of them can cause minor inconveniences to one's well - being or major problems requiring extensive treatment, possibly even irreversible damage.
It can sometimes take just one accidental, well - meaning click on a malicious email to inflict irreversible damage to the whole organization.
The church also needs to seek ways to be drawn into this reality and jarred out of its complacency, for the segments of nature receiving the least attention may be suffering the most irreversible damage.
The latest study suggests that ibuprofen seems to pass through the placenta with ease, and wreaks irreversible damage on a female fetus's developing ovaries.
Such rises would sharply raise risks to food and water supplies and could trigger irreversible damage, such as a meltdown of Greenland's ice, according to U.N. reports.
Ecosystem - based approaches provide an important route to sustainable action and represent a vital insurance policy against irreversible damage from climate change, whereas failure to acknowledge the relationship between climate change and biodiversity and failure to act swiftly and in an integrated manner could undermine efforts for improvements in both areas.
Mentor of the Year recipient Donahue's research focuses on developing and applying new approaches to identify early changes in tissue function that may precede irreversible damage, and in turn can be used to triage patients for early, personalized therapies.
Summary: Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide characterized by irreversible damage in the optic nerve head (ONH).
Unfortunately, far too many people are not aware (or just don't care) about the pile of simple and hidden sugars they consume each and every day, so we sincerely hope this guy's effort can serve as a wake - up call for all of them: limit your sugar intake before it causes your body an almost irreversible damage.
Reject Greenhouse Gas emissions reductions schemes that come from high - risk technologies which create irreversible damage to human and planetary health including tar sands, shale gas, nuclear energy, and geo - engineering;
These are to define the reason for repairs, minimise intervention, avoid preventable damage and to seek reversibility and minimise irreversible damage.
Research also suggests that impoverished regions in particular benefit from smaller schools and districts, and can suffer irreversible damage if consolidation occurs.
But I fail to appreciate the entertainment value of reading of someone's AVOIDABLE misfortune when trying to follow a teardown posted here, and only in hindsight realizing that a «small step» that has been left out (such as checking to see that he or she removes a micro-SD card first) results in permanent and perhaps irreversible damage to the item needing repair.
Sometimes, severe and destructive eye diseases and traumatic injuries cause the eyes to undergo irreversible damage, which leads to eye shrinkage, also known as phthisis bulbi, along with sinking into the socket.
At Grade 2, we begin to see irreversible damage done to the gum attachment of the tooth and underlying bone.
This type of intervention before significant irreversible damage has been done to the brain, not only significantly slows the progression of disease, but can even turn back the clock on the aging of the brain.
Our goal is to treat Stage I Periodontal disease before irreversible damage happens.
The Great Depression of the 1930s did largely irreversible damage to the colony, and unemployment was only exacerbated by a 1931 hurricane that leveled towns and killed over 1,000 people.
The subsequent court ruling found no fault on the part of L.A. police, even though irreversible damage was sustained to many works of art.
Supporters of the idea of degrowth believe that it is precisely unrestrained consumption that aggravates social inequalities, not to mention irreversible damage to natural environment.
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