Sentences with phrase «irreversible damage to the kidneys»

A complete blockage (no urine can getting through) can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys and can even cause death.

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Suppose the FDA told you about the multitude of detailed scientific studies proving the soy estrogenic endocrine disruptor toxicity causation of (irreversible) autism, seizures, mental retardation, allergies, asthma, thymus damage, hypothyroidism, immune deficiency disorders, damage to pancreas, liver, and kidney, diabetes, leukemia, multiple cancers, metastasis, gender chaos and infertility — pain and suffering for a lifetime.
Damage to the kidneys is irreversible and they deteriorate over time.
Heinz body anemia results in a lack of oxygenation that can cause irreversible damage to your cat's vital organs, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and even the brain.
Without adequate care and attention, periodontal disease can result in pain, bad breath, loose teeth, irreversible damage to the gums, premature loss of teeth, and infection that may affect other organs in the body such as the heart, liver and kidneys.
A cat must be treated immediately after ingesting the plant, or the damage to the kidneys can be irreversible.
Bacteria associated with advanced dental disease enter the blood stream and invades multiple organs, causing irreversible damage to the heart, liver and kidneys.
Failure to observe veterinary instructions while administering pain medication may lead to serious side effects including irreversible damage to the dog's liver or kidney.
This is because consuming grapes or raisins can actually lead to irreversible kidney damage.
Cherries, grapes, and raisins are all toxic to your pets and can cause irreversible kidney damage.
Patients may have to live with the risk of developing blood clots, and may have suffered permanent kidney injury or other irreversible damage to vital organs.
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