Sentences with phrase «irrigation water consumption»

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Using a wide array of data from sensors in the soil along with satellite imagery and weather forecasts, the company designed a «personalized» irrigation system for each block of vines, greatly reducing water consumption and increasing output.
Need for strong public outreach Agricultural production accounts for the greatest amount of global water consumption, and in this sector the authors suggest a variety of efficiency proposals such as improved irrigation systems and switching to crop varieties that consume less water.
Seeking a long - term solution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council announced on 29 January the massive investment, which aims to achieve sustainable water use by controlling total water consumption, improving irrigation efficiency, and restricting groundwater pumping, among other measures.
That's more water for later release across the state's thirsty desert during spring and baking summer, more water for irrigation, livestock, human consumption, and sports.
«We always assumed that people's increased reliance on groundwater for irrigation and consumption was resulting in a net transfer of water from the land to the ocean,» said lead author J.T. Reager of JPL, who began the research project as a UCI graduate student.
Consumption of environmental services, such as water (crop irrigation alone counts for 70 % of the world's freshwater withdrawals), should be taxed, say the researchers, and any subsidies should be paid on the proviso that they are as much for protecting the land as for farming it.
By reducing the animal product contribution in the diet, global green water (rainwater) consumption decreases up to 21 % while for blue water (irrigation water) the reductions would be up to 14 %.
By running the irrigation lines with built - in reverse osmosis membranes underground, the proposed irrigation system would use the pressure gradient supplied by the plants» roots to desalinize the water without the high amount of energy consumption usually associated with desalination.
Changes in transport (electric vehicles and fleet logistics), energy (solar and wind), buildings (insulation and lighting), materials (biochemical and nano materials), and water consumption (desalination and irrigation) are a few examples of the ways in which investors can allocate capital into assets that are positioned to succeed in this new economic reality.
1) Negatively: Clouds and cloud formation, mostly 2) Positively: Shallow waters caused naturally or by human activities such as putting up dams in rivers and making shallow pools & reservoirs for irrigation and water consumption.
But according to the World Wildlife Fund, improvements to irrigation practices in just one Turkish agricultural region could remove much of that uncertainty, saving enough water annually to meet Istanbul's needs for up to three years.This month, a joint project by WWF and Turkish cookie and cracker manufacturer ETİ Burçak will begin training farmers in Konya, a fertile region of central Anatolia known as «Turkey's breadbasket,» to use modern drip - irrigation methods that reduce water consumption by one third to one half.
In Morocco's Oum Er Rbia River basin, a key agricultural region suffering from water shortages, the government and the World Bank are working together to «make irrigation in the basin more sustainable, more profitable, and more resilient to climate change» by limiting growers to a fixed — but reliable — amount of water consumption, subsidizing efficient irrigation equipment, and connecting farmers with domestic and international markets.
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