Sentences with phrase «is a painful condition»

Lameness can be a painful condition for many dairy cows that stand for long periods on the concrete floors of milking sheds.
Mastitis is a painful condition that causes breast tissue to become inflamed.
It is a painful condition and the affected breast (s) will feel hard and hot to the touch, will appear red and inflamed, and you may experience a burning sensation during feeds.
Herpetic whitlow is a painful condition that affects your fingers.
Tendinitis is a painful condition which can take several months to heal.
This is a painful condition that could wake the baby up in the middle of the night.
What it is A painful condition that occurs when the band of tissue along the bottom of the foot (plantar fascia) gets overstretched and becomes inflamed.
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot causing pain under the heel.
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the bottom of the foot.
Fibromyalgia syndrome is a painful condition characterized by muscle pain, chronic fatigue, and poor sleep.
Another dangerous effect of prolonged high blood sugar levels is a painful condition called peripheral neuropathy.
This is a painful condition that develops when the dog is between three and eight years of age.
This is a painful condition; please call us immediately if you notice any of these signs.
Degenerative joint disease, commonly called «arthritis,» is a painful condition frequently treated with anti-inflammatory pain - relievers.
This is a painful condition for your cat.
Hip dysplasia (a kind of displacement of the hip joint) is a painful condition that can greatly impact a dog or puppy's quality of life.
This is a painful condition causing the dog to limp.
Entropion is a painful condition and should not be ignored or considered part of the breed.
Distichiasis is a painful condition that causes the dogs eyelashes to grow back into the eye, and prompt medical care is required to prevent more serious eye problems developing.
Glaucoma is a painful condition, sometimes extremely so, and, to date, there is no completely satisfactory treatment, either medical or surgical.
Arthritis is a painful condition that tends to affect its victims as they age.
As this is a painful condition, the signs that are usually seen are squinting and tearing.
Joint disease in dogs — specifically, the deterioration of cartilage — is a painful condition known as canine arthritis.
Dry Eye is a painful condition and eventually leads to permanent blindness.
This is a painful condition that has limited treatment options.
This is a painful condition that needs aggressive treatment.
Legg - Perthes disease is a painful condition affecting the hip joints of mainly young, small breeds of dogs.
Arthritis is a painful condition that should always be taken seriously.
Arthritis - also known as degenerative joint disease, this is a painful condition where the joints wear away cartilage until the bone scrapes against the bone.
Arthritis - also known as degenerative joint disease, this is a painful condition where cartilage in joints wears away, causing bone to scrape against bone.
Depression and anxiety are painful conditions that are rapidly resolved with evidence - based psychotherapy.

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Mr. Flaherty, who has served as Finance Minister since the Conservatives first took office in 2006, had publicly declared that he wants to keep his job, though he has been battling a painful skin condition for months.
But when that became too painful, he would slump back down, putting all his weight on his wrists, and also returning to the condition of not being able to breathe.
Spirituality helps people deal with what is painful and unproductive about the human condition, without making them irresponsible or stupid.
Ultimately, resentment is directed against the cause of pain; and it arises when we become conscious of our painful condition, and attempt to numb our suffering by negating or evading all occasions for pain.
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
Unfortunately not, but there are some foods that can make the condition less painful.
We've got good air conditioning, though, so it's less painful to crank up the oven.
It is very painful to see Arsenal losing points in such a silly condition.
For example, using the lymphatic drainage taping techniques when tendonitis type conditions are present, and movement is painful.
Swimming is one form of exercise, aside from golf, that Seve can enjoy, for he suffers from a back condition that makes most exercise — and even sitting — almost unbearably painful.
Mastitis is a common, uncomfortable, often painful condition from which many breastfeeding women suffer at some point.
In some cases, a midwife or doctor may recommend you have a caesarean section; this is usually the result of an existing medical condition or a problem which may cause a natural birth to be particularly painful or difficult.
It isn't painful, and often the only signs of the condition early in pregnancy are extra skin and soft tissue in front of the stomach wall.
Generally: A good latch is one of the most important ways to help avoid common and painful breastfeeding conditions.
, one cause of hair getting wrapped around toes leading to this painful condition might be washing baby socks without turning them inside out.
Here are some tips to deal with common and painful breastfeeding conditions.
Mastitis, or inflammation of the breast, used to be called «milk fever» or «milk leg,» and there actually might be a genetic component for susceptibility to this painful condition.
This painful condition of the Vulva meant inserting menstrual products was less than enjoyable, and often envoked pain, fear, and anxiety.
It is a condition that can be very painful and debilitating, but there are a number of products that can help with the treatment of the condition.
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