Sentences with phrase «is another frustrating day»

Sure, these things take time, but when you drop everything for a dream, every day that passes is another frustrating day when the dream hasn't become reality.
David Wagner: «It was a frustrating day because we made too many easy mistakes.
It looked like it may be a frustrating day for Ernesto Valverde's men when Raúl García's header cracked off the bar.
This is my second daughter exactly, and it can be frustrating some days.
«There'll be frustrating days ahead,» Cuomo told reporters.
OLIVER GAVIN, NO. 4 COMPUWARE CORVETTE C6.R «To say that this was a frustrating day would be an understatement.

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Flaherty has been trying to establish a national regulator almost from the first day he became finance minister, only to be frustrated at every turn by provincial objections and most recently by the courts.
It can be very rewarding but also frustrating on certain days.
This is only a small prompt for a pivotal, soulful discovery, so don't be frustrated if you aren't there in a day, week or month.
He was starting to get frustrated with the slow pace of advancement at Amgen when his old college roommate called — a guy he used to do day trading with in the dorms.
Having to divvy out a finite number of vacation days can be frustrating, but it also makes them feel tangible and earned.
If candidates are waiting around for days, weeks or even months to hear back, it can be frustrating to take the next step.
It was also long before a small business owner in California named Kristen Christian, frustrated by Bank of America's now - abandoned decision to charge customers a fee to use their debit cards, launched a grass roots effort to convince people to move their money out of large banks and dubbed November 5 Bank Transfer Day.
Do you ever get frustrated when you return to a blog or website you think of as fairly dynamic and it hasn't been updated all day?
The experience changed the narrative from why I showed up a day late to my destination from being a frustrating one to a delightful one.
That time was spent slogging through long days of writing and reviewing new software and scrambling to keep frustrated customers from abandoning the site, which continued to suffer from occasional slowdowns and crashes.
Recommended by Orlando, Fla. - based Dr. Jennifer Landa For hitting the gym: GymFlow (iOS and Android, Free) If you've ever felt frustrated after ending a difficult day at work only to have to wait an hour to run on your gym's treadmill, this app is for you.
«[Day 5] There are still a few tech issues that are really frustrating me.
But equally, nothing is as frustrating as running headfirst into a wall — which, some days, it feels like you're doing repeatedly when all you want to do is move ahead.
Given how manipulated the data and the economy is these days, I find it impossibly frustrating to attempt any sort of rational analysis of trends and investment.
Zillow began «with a few people in an office, dreaming about how the Web might be used to empower everyday people to take more control of the scary, frustrating and exciting process of buying and selling a home,» then - CEO and now Zillow Group Chairman Rich Barton said on launch day.
Porter also said he is frustrated by the lack of progress on energy infrastructure — particularly on the Energy East project, a pipeline proposed by TransCanada Corp. (TSX: TRP) that would ship 1.1 million barrels of Alberta oil per day to refineries in Eastern Canada.
It was a bit frustrating to wait about 5 days to pull out a portion of EOS so that I could reallocate and pull original capital out, but I know that sleeping well (and peace at home) is more important than sweating well!
This blog is supposed to be about Link Building, but Digg managed to get me a little upset during the past few days (hey, this works great, thanks for the tip, Muhammad;)-RRB- What really got me frustrated during the past -LSB-...]
Jay introduces the guests and sponsors for the day's show and Michael Oliver says the critical low in gold wasn't reached and that stocks can be frustrating.
Factor Funding Co knows how frustrating it can be for the owner or manager of a janitorial company to struggle to pay weekly operating expenses while customers take 30, 60 or 90 days to pay billed invoices.
To be sure, Lululemon's plunging share price follows a string of frustrating PR nightmares for the company, including a massive quality - driven pants recall last spring, the sudden departure of visionary CEO Christine Day early last summer, and some less than savory comments from Lululemon's founder — and now former chairman — Chip Wilson.
A comment was made that most churches don't preach Jesus... I find that frustrating because in most churches we hear all day long about Paul, what he has to say about «Christ», all feeling one step removed from Jesus by name, preferring to speak of Him by His title.
Even as someone who gets frustrated with the over PC nature of MLK day it is totally out of line to put this article out on his day.
When a beloved friend and fan favorite tragically dies in the second season, Bartlett's irate, impassioned tirade against the Almighty in a Catholic Church is like a mirror of Sufjan Steven's equally frustrated sentiments in «Casmir Pulaski Day» — and, for that matter, of Job himself.
It was too often equated with unemployment and implied frustrating hours to seek new employment, days to reflect on failed dreams, and time to worry over one's family and its future security.
I become frustrated, tired, empty, if I'm not creating something, even if it's just as simple as a few hundred words a day.
Note: I know that for those of us who long for a day when a new generation of Christ - followers rise up together to pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of God over any kingdoms of this world, a move like this is frustrating.
So, after affirming a whole range of ways in which various roles and occupations and professions can contribute to our common good she said, «To all of you on this Christmas day, whatever your conditions of work and life, easy or difficult; whether you feel that you are achieving something or whether you feel frustrated; I want to say a word of thanks.
I guess for authors it could be frustrating to sign books then have them go up on ebay later that day for 100's or 1000's of dollars.
Mona Williams, a Price, Utah, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints, wrote last Sunday evening to tell people closest to her how frustrated she is with the state of the country.
And they got upset and were trying to figure things out and finally became so frustrated that the Law was so hard to follow and God kept sending them into captivity and there was so much death and eventually the prophets started prophesying about a day that would come where the hearts of the fathers would return to their children and a sacrifice that would be the final sacrifice so that they could all stop killing so many animals (which God also admitted He never wanted in the first place because that was not the point), and also that God would eventually wipe out the old system and write his law on their hearts and minds so that they could finally follow him without making so many mistakes and messing up everything.
The wife is feeling lonely and frustrated because she has been cooped up with the children all day and needs some warmth and love from an intimate adult.
They said that everyone was anti-Semitic in those days, that Luther was frustrated after trying to convert the Jews, that this was all based on a misinterpretation of Scripture.
I'm sure it can be frustrating for folks who spend days at such conventions working and praying through these resolutions to face criticism afterward, so I want to say at the outset that I trust these decisions are made with the best of intentions.
Back in the warm summer days of July, New York magazine posted an article entitled, «All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting», an examination of the current emotional and mental state of today's parents who were depicted as being harried, frustrated, and unfulfilled by the challenges of raising children.
The child is disobedient and rebellious, and one day, the father got frustrated that in a moment of anger he hit the child over the head with a baseball bat.
Do you wake up every day frustrated that you are someone who is married?
Do you wake up every day frustrated that you are inside the religious system?
I know some readers get frustrated that we're not in the local shop, area or country and I promise you if we could be everywhere then we would be but sadly it's not quite as easy as that and ultimately it lies outside of our control but we're working hard on it every single day!
My healths been playing up too recently, I keep pushing myself because I get so frustrated with not just being normal (although what even is normal) and sometimes I feel ashamed or embarrassed to explain to people my condition, or why I can't eat like everyone else or why sometimes I can be fine one day and the next day everything will have changed.
Dear Ella, thank you so much for writing this Well done on being open and honest — and for those of us who struggle in a similar way to you with the day to day hassle of a medical condition, this type of blog post is just as helpful and useful as a new recipe, if not more so You are right — having to live with a restricted diet and lifestyle can be very isolating and frustrating, and even the loveliest friends can struggle to understand what we're going through at times!
I am so frustrated as I've spent all day and quite a bit of money on all of the ingredients.
It can be challenging to find healthy meals to cook each day and even more frustrating when working with restrictions.
you sound discouraged and frustrated and that's not what life is about... I'll just stick to worrying about net carbs and actually enjoy my bag of raw veg that I eat every day...
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