Sentences with phrase «is easier learning»

I totally agree on the multi-media learning — it is easier learning sometimes when we can see it step - by - step and it was a lot of fun to work with Michelle on this project.
This helps you in better communication, and it is easier learning about your possible match.
Therefore, in some way, it would be an easy learn, that would be the key.
There's a common dilemma in this digital author business: most writers are of advanced age, and the technology they need to succeed is easier learned by the younger crowd.

Not exact matches

The compact 3 - D printer unveiled by Brooklyn - based MakerBot is being pushed as «easy to use,» and requiring «virtually no learning curve.»
I have been using them and it easy to learn.
The good news is that they are generally wrong about that, but the bad news is that it often kills the deal before they learn that very few things are as easy to do as they are to talk about.
Online advertising is a great place to learn how to buy ad space, because it offers you endless options for targeting your message, a huge range of price points, and easy - to - understand metrics.
The rest is all pretty easy to learn:)
It's remarkably easy to continue doing what you've done the day before and the day before that, but I have learned that if you're not willing to take a risk, then you will stop growing and you will not be successful.
Working in tech for the past 10 years, one important lesson I've learned is that it's too easy and common to get lost in day - to - day work and responsibilities.
So he cobbled together a relatively easy - to - learn coding system — HTML — that has come to be the lingua franca of the Web.
Aladdin Doors ® franchise opportunities are easy to learn, manage and grow.
vTiger easy to learn and affordable, with a tech support desk that's quick to respond.
It's also easy to learn and use, and offers an intuitive interface that's easy to navigate on mobile and desktop devices.
So, top managers need a set of cognitive skills not always needed by others, skills that are not easy to learn in the classroom.
With machine learning making disruptive innovation easier than ever before, it's up to entrepreneurs to show the big kids how it's done.
Once I learned to let go and relax a bit, that's when I started to shine, doors that had been closed began to open, and climbing the ladder of success became a whole lot easier.
As much as your marketing guys want to learn data science, it's much, much easier to teach a data scientist the basics of marketing.
Playing the xylophone is fun and energizing and learning the instrument is relatively easy as long as you have the proper preparation.
Today, it's easier than ever to learn and develop a new skill.
During my time at iConic: Seattle, it was easy to learn from wildly successful entrepreneurs and business leaders.
«World class thinkers learn early on that becoming a millionaire isn't easy and the need for comfort can be devastating.
«It covers a space that it's not easy to go learn about.
Easy WebContent's target market is people who don't want to learn underlying HTML; many «simple» Web page applications don't require you to use HMTL either, but they tend to rely on piles of custom JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets that make pages uneditable — except in that software, so you can't reuse them you if you decide to switch to another application.
This one's easy, your goal is not to be the smartest person in the room, it's to learn from those who have more experience, creative ideas, and bring a new perspective.
You may experience a bit of a learning curve at first, since texting involves becoming familiar with a whole new truncated language, but it is easy to pick up.
When Tala met a woman who got married in Italy and learned that it was the easiest European country for British citizens to wed, it seemed like a no - brainer.
It's important in a startup to learn more about your colleagues in other departments and what they do every day because it makes it way easier to work collaboratively.
Learn how easy it is to choose the right ones.
It's such a natural extension, which is why things like programming and learning code comes easy to them, where someone older looks at it like a foreign language.
Although it's uncomfortable at the time, you learn that you can do anything and that everything gets easier once you try it.
It's an easy, quick, mobile - friendly system that doesn't require a steep learning curve.
Even though it may be easier to do so, I've learned you can't always say yes.
I've learned that meaningful work doesn't mean it's easy — it means it's going to be worth it.
It's easy to be protective of your own ideas because they feel like your own children, but you have to learn to be more objective if you want to create something profitable.
Learning how to do that, however, is not quite as easy as it seems.
It was easy to learn and to deploy through the Google log - ins and fairly priced.
By comparison, learning how to write compelling copy is not just easy, it's affordable!
There are several ways to tweak the Duolingo app to make it more efficient for you — several of these tips really do make it easier to learn the language you're trying to understand.
«Where some of the competitors are really hanging their hat on teaching you to cook and learning to be a gourmet cook, we really want this to be something that is easy and enjoyable,» said Zbar.
Learning to like or respect someone over time is much easier than learning to truLearning to like or respect someone over time is much easier than learning to trulearning to trust them.
Understand that if you can learn to master stress — versus falling prey to it — the entrepreneurial journey is easier.
Learning your industry is the easy part.
Our brains are wired to recycle ideas we've already heard from others, but you can learn to think independently, or to come up with novel ideas, with a few easy psychological tips and tools.
«I wanted to make an event where different people could come and play games that are easy to play, easy to learn.
As you may have already learned, building a successful speaking business is no easy feat.
You're not a straight - A student anymore, but you learned more from the tough classes than you ever would taking it easy.
Linguists and psychologists are still arguing about this one, but it's commonly accepted that learning a second language is easier for most people when they're younger, generally before puberty.
Thinking up the idea that will change everything for your company will never be easy but you can learn to recognize the ones that have the potential.
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