Sentences with phrase «is no precise way»

It might be exasperating to live among neighbors who are acting out a self - conscious «sense of» community, but that may be the precise way our better natures come to light these days.
What unifies pictures and text is the precise way in which the text elements are treated formally in the drawings.
While some liability injury insurance companies may attempt to calculate personal injury damages based on factors such as similar case results and the reputation and experience of the injured party's attorney, there is no precise way to put a dollar figure on pain and suffering and lost opportunities in life, among other elements.
A diminished ability to enjoy the day - to - day pleasures of life, «loss of enjoyment» is usually an item of general damages, meaning there is no precise way to place a monetary value on it.
There are precise ways to handle this and even to grow it to a semi-large national scale.

Not exact matches

Not in an airy - fairy sort of way, but by being technical and precise.
His council's self - defined benchmark for success is unusually precise and an undeniable stretch: devise measures big enough to lift the median household's income to $ 105,000 in 2030, way up from about $ 80,000 today, and well above the mere $ 90,000 expected if Canada fails to adopt new ways of generating wealth.
In terms of design, from the precise way everything was packaged, to the look and feel of these headphones, there is no doubt that a lot of thought was put into making them both functional and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
In particular, Baxter doesn't — and wasn't intended to — move in the precise, sharp, angular way normally associated with robots (and with those tiresome people who imitate them).
There's just one thing standing in the way: cows, or to be more precise, about 12,700 dairy farms.
They've come a long way in a short time: it was just over four years ago, April 2, 1993 to be precise, when Philip Morris cut the price of Marlboro cigarettes by 40 cents a pack.
And while there is no way to determine the precise numbers, that drop has undoubtedly restricted the ability of owners to obtain financing to start, expand or maintain a business.
While it is impossible to be precise about the magnitude or the timing of near - term movements in commodity prices, this assumption seems reasonable on the grounds that industrialisation and urbanisation in China still has some way to run.
«A key component of this tariff is that Staff doesn't have all the information and analysis they would need to calculate these values in a precise way, so they are using proxies instead as a first step toward more granular compensation,» notes a statement by Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).
The real question is does it take more faith to believe that mass and energy came into existence in such a way to (relatively) evenly displace it throughout the universe that came into existence at the same time, or did it come together in such a precise manner to create a supreme being that could design and build a universe after the fact?
The faithful Mormons are offended because they think Christians are calling them evil people, although many of us are not, while those of us who went to seminary and suffered through a course on systematic theology keep stressing that there is actually a precise definition of «Christian» and that Mormons differ from that definition in a very few important ways.
Also, do you suggest this blog is David's way of rebelling against «legalism» or strict doctrine, precise laws and rules?
just raise your head 45 degrees into the sky and be stunned from the creator, God, seeing the vast universe around us and how everything is calcuated in a precise way such that the whole universe is sustained.
To gain entrance to a corporation head and insist on discussing his workers» plight with him is much more difficult than to march in a picket line, for it requires much more in the way of intelligence, ability, precise information, and strength of soul.
There are no literally sufficient conditions in the past for our present ways of thinking, or even for the precise happenings in inanimate nature.
Geneticist Svante Paabo told Science, in an article entitled «Relative Differences: The Myth of the 1 Percent,» «I don't think there's any way to calculate a number,» or at least a precise percentage, of differences between chimpanzees and humans.
It is proposed that the framework of civil society, whatever its precise definition may be, is to be considered a way to open a new horizon for ecumenical social thought and involvement from our Christian faith perspective.
The way similar references are made in contemporary documents leaves one wondering sometimes how far those who quoted prophetic texts meant that the precise fulfillments they saw or expected were intended by the prophets themselves.
Whitehead did not speculate on the precise location of memory within the animal organism, but the most plausible extension of his theory suggests rather that memories are maintained for the soul by other occasions, thereby freeing the soul for its adventure into novelty.2 The way in which the conscious ego draws upon the ocean of unconscious feeling which sustains it may well reflect the way the soul draws upon other living occasions.
After that event, the universe continued to unfold in a series of transformations, none of which could have occurred the way they have unless the cosmic beginnings had already been configured in a very precise way.
It has been used without precise definition and in a way that hardly distinguishes it from my use of person.
However, this does not mean that nothing can be said to clarify and render more precise the particular way in which one chooses to use these terms, for here one finds real and significant variety.
And that prior orderedness is the precise focus of Thomas» Fifth Way.
The Upanishads themselves suggest the way of meditation under direction of a teacher, but have little to say with regard to the precise methods to be employed.
It opens the way for reconciliation, one of the most important and beautiful of all biblical words.18 Theologians have often preferred to speak of «justification,» and it is a precise, courtroom word.
Because the death of Jesus on the cross was the very fact that sparked off the development which led to the Easter message, it came to determine the more precise meaning of the exaltation of Jesus in a way that had no parallel in the tradition of Elijah, for he was thought never to have died.
Is not precisely the essential difference between natural and secular history on the one hand and the really personal, sacred history of redemption on the other, blurred, if God's action even outside the history of redemption receives a definite predicamental position within space and time, because a definite, precise individual reality in distinction to others and in a different way from others receives a privileged direct relation to God?
Consequently no statement can be made about anything in him, about one component in the plurality of his essential constitution, which can be quite without significance for the rest of him, nor could any statement be adequate even in a limited way, unless its actual precise meaning were drawn from its relation to the one human being in his unity.
While his letters are not models of philosophical precision, they are reflection of the highest order and in their own way are as precise (in the way that metaphors and images are precise) as are any philosophical concepts.
We do not know if the universe is or is not designed, but we do know that the best way to understand the «design» of the universe is to study it unbiasedly and make the most accurate models that fit reality in the most precise ways that cause the best predictions — in a word, science.
Demarest explains, «The early church defended itself against heretical teaching by appealing to «the rule of faith» or «the rule of truth», which were brief summaries of essential Christian truths... The fluid «rule of faith» gave way to more precise instruments for refuting heresies and defining faith, namely, creedal formulations such as the Apostles» Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Definition of Chalcedon and the Athanasian Creed.»
is not a precise or satisfactory way of ascertaining the adequacy of his motivation for recovery.
The way to stop floods is by building dams and controlling the flow of rivers; plagues and epidemics are conquered by more precise knowledge about bacteria and viruses: why pray when through the controls made possible by our knowledge of the cause - and - effect linkage we can do for ourselves as much as can be done?
To carry through the process of rethinking the account of actual occasions and eternal objects in the light of the full doctrine of God will be in line with the direction in which Whitehead's own thought was moving at this point and will also alter in subtle, but at times important, ways the precise form of the doctrine of God.
On the one hand, reason is not alien to the nature of the universe, which responds in more or less precise and predictable ways to reason's probes.
The trinitarian conceptualization of reality, the place where God could be found, fixed every form in a precise way.
As new actualities occur, they enable the more precise delineation of ways in which other actualities might be similar (to them or to other actualities).5 And since similarity is a matter of degree, possibilities are indeterminate; how much they include is not precisely specifiable.
Finally, it is unclear how salient an efficient cause must have been and how decisively a new feeling must conform to that cause in order for us to say in a precise and nonarbitrary way that an emergent habit has been manifested under «pertinent conditions.»
He must endeavor to discover, so far as this is possible, the precise way in which those events in the past did take place.
A more precise way of putting it is that with regard to every future logical possibility the causal probability of occurrence is either 1 or 0.
If it is a correct answer, it implies that we must support such organized efforts as that of the APPE4 to deflect current educational momentum into other channels than a mere reshifting of the same materials and approaches, putting forward of dead models as new panaceas, or the temptation to begin with precise discipline where in fact learning should start in a different way.
He was quiet for a moment, and I wasn't Sure if he heard me or if he had to gun his motor to get his answer Up to his mouth, but then he said, in his usual quiet precise intent Way, I would prefer to look for herons and wood ducks.
Of its nature, such a way of thinking is supremely jealous: It resents the coyness of being in withholding itself from clear and precise ideas, and it resents any form of novelty that might upset its invariable order of essences, anything new — any way of thinking or speaking of being — that might try to come forth into the open.
The most precise way to substitute for all - purpose flour is by weight (grams) not volume (cups).
If the precise portion size is important to you then I recommend weighing the whole thing and divvying it out that way.
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