Sentences with phrase «is possible for many»

Most of the teachers I have heard do not think it is possible for us to commit this sin today.
But in principle and in general, it is possible for knowledge of form and of the formless to be complementary and to be unified into a larger whole.
Still we have confidence: a cure is possible for anything if we just put enough research and enough money into finding it.
«For men,» he said, «it is impossible, but not for God: because everything is possible for God... Many who are first will be last, and the last first.»
How on earth is it possible for us to live — as the author of 2 Peter advises — without spot or blemish or to be at peace in a world full of turmoil?
But now all the problems that clustered about the ontological ground of X when we thought of A prehending X come back to haunt us when we rise back up to the level of God and raise the question how it is possible for God to prehend X. Christian, as noted above, argues that it is not possible that the presently concrescing entity be the ground of the givenness of the past.
But this is a big «if,» for how is it possible for God to prehend X?
Is it possible for us human beings, in the insecurity that marks our existence, to walk in the partial light of the truth that we can comprehend?
Within the traditional understanding of the teaching function of the church, it is possible for authoritative noninfallible teaching on specific moral issues to be wrong.
It is possible for Watanabe because of his roots in the Japanese decorative tradition.
But is it possible for it to thrive?
Because neutrality supposes that it is possible for the state to act without taking any account of religion generally, or of the specific religious beliefs of constituent groups.
How is it possible for atheists to be responsible for the mass slaughter of people while being, by many religious apologists estimations, an extremely small percentage of the population?
The pope John Paul II said he believed it is possible for none belevers who behave as thought they are following the teachings of Christ even if they don't believe can get into heaven.
I would only note in passing that Hera seems to indicate in her response that such alteration is possible for Zeus, but that what would follow afterward would be unpredictable — perhaps a chaotic return to pre-Zeus divine disorder in the cosmos.
They cause us to know what our attitudes are, and to know also what other attitudes (notably the Christian ones) it is possible for us to take.
Is it possible for us to see a God who by his actions said, «You don't have it quite right.
A Swiss theologian, Gerhard Ebeling, has pointed to this «sphere of radical questionableness» as «the condition on which it is possible for the problem of a natural knowledge of God to arise».
If it is possible for the Irish People to adjudicate by ballot on this question, why might we not in the future deliberate similarly on the right to life of the elderly, the homeless, the Travellers, or the mentally ill?
Indeed, Wyschogrod holds that because the two traditions share certain common premises, it is possible for «each side to summon the other to a better understanding of its own tradition.»
«But Charles Darwin showed how it is possible for blind physical forces to mimic the effects of conscious design, and, by operating as a cumulative filter of chance variations, to lead eventually to organized and adaptive complexity, to mosquitoes and mammoths, to humans and therefore, indirectly, to books and computers.
I would also limit the term «shepherding» to those situations in which it is possible for the minister to concentrate on the healing, sustaining, or guiding of the person or persons, rather than having primarily, at that point, to protect the interest of the group or the institution as perhaps against that of the person.
Transcendence posits that it is possible for us to free ourselves from a given natural or social - historical order and to mold our own future.
We may or may not respond to these possibilities, and the possibilities may or may not be what we would have hoped for all things considered, because their content is relative to what is possible for the situation at hand.
I just want to say that it is possible for God to crown us in this life it is not only on the judgement seat.
In Summa Theologiae I, Q. 25, a. 4, however, Thomas discusses the question whether it is possible for God to restore a fallen woman to virginity.
In recent times we have learned that it is possible for humans to be free even in the prisons of the KGB.
Is it possible for a film to capture the horror of the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church while at the same time presenting a case for the necessity of the institutional priesthood?
The existence of DNA is not evidence for God; it is simply evidence that it is possible for complex molecules to form in this universe.
If someone has hate (in opposition to God's commands to love), it is possible for that person to also violate these other commands.
How is it possible for Noah to be born a DIRTY LITTLE SINNER; only inclined to do evil, be guilty of hereditary depravity, and find favor in the eyes of the Lord?
How is it possible for this radical new Gospel to be caught in the perennial forms of legalism?
It is possible for people to know where you stand with your faith and not be abrasive, suffocating or off - putting.
This acceptance of what he takes to be «the essence of Christianity» explains why it is possible for Whitehead, in other books such as Religion in the Making and in the chapter on science and religion in Science and the Modern World, to reveal himself as generally sympathetic to the Christian enterprise.
We believe philosophical claims, such as that it is possible for God to be three persons but just one God.
We need to say that it is possible for an individual to have faithful reasons for hanging on to substantial wealth: if, for instance, that person uses ownership in a business to pursue policies with important benefits to society, or is able to provide jobs for people that no one else would hire, or is able because of keeping their wealth to accomplish some unique and valuable good that at least equals the good that could be realized if this wealth were wisely given away.
The Synoptic gospels also emphasized Jesus» obedience in their account of his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus prayed «Abba Father, everything is possible for you.
Then Jesus says, what is impossible for man is possible for God.
How is it possible for a moral person to live blissfully in Heaven, knowing that countless fellow human beings are shrieking and writhing in agony below them?
It is possible for the human tongue to carry the word of life».
Naturally it is possible for the Creator to have made creatures who are invariably good, healthy, kind and virtuous.
At this level the set - up is, «Since everyone is corrupt, is it possible for even the best of human beings to be delivered from sin or survive the judgment of God?»
Today in the West it is possible for a young man and woman to stand in expensive wedding attire in a flower - decked church in confusion as to what they are actually doing.
Even when we seem to be making great strides in holiness if we slip into presumptuous pride it is possible for us to fall from grace.
According to Mark, after Jesus had celebrated his last supper with the disciples, he went with them to a place called Gethsemane, where he prayed, «Abba, Father, everything is possible for you.
Nor is it possible for a church leader to fulfill the responsibilities given him in, say, Titus 1:5 - 11 without embracing a measure of authority.
But I'm not sure it is possible for the church to «thrive without the institutional aspect of Christianity».
It is possible for us human beings to transform many of the minuses in our lives into at least partial pluses!
It is possible for a homosexual man to have successful coitus with a woman.
What is possible for us is to take seriously what is said by those who speak from the side of oppressed groups, to do what we can to make sure their voices are heard, and to try to adjust our own living and thinking to make them more appropriate to what we have learned.
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