Sentences with phrase «is the biggest girl when»

Mertesacker is the tallest player in our squad but is the biggest girl when it comes to high fizzing balls into the box..
She's gonna be a big girl when she grows up!

Not exact matches

I «m very keen about the fact that a little girl now, watching the news, when they see me and Judy sitting side by side, it will occur to them that that's perfectly normal — that it won't seem like any big breakthrough at all.»
Once, when I was fussing about a girl whom I knew I did not love and did not want to marry, but who had charm and who had somehow offended my pride, Mother heard my story and simply said, «Charles, life is big
A Mat Mom I am from a town very close to all of these kids and when my son had to wrestle a girl it really was no BIG DEAL... By the way I have seen this girl wrestle and trust me she can hold her own and most boys do nt want to have to face her because she really is that good and can truely hold her own Go Cassy
They carp on in a superior fashion about how awful religion is then sulk like big girls when you insult them back whining «You can't say that it isn't Christian» Please crawl back to your trailer, you're missing «America's got talent»
«The little girl cried when Jesus died, so her dad paused the video and explained what was happening, and assured her that there was going to be a big surprise coming up.
When faced with a crowd of eager children, it's hard to know where to start, but I was drawn instantly to an older girl standing to the side with a big smile and a confident laugh.
I am with you girl, when I discovered that a big, healthy & sweet breakfast was just a few hours away it also kept me from overindulging at night.
They remind me of the mile high strawberry pie at Elias Brothers Big Boy's, one of our favorite restaurants when our girls were small.
When she and Ickey went to Cincinnati this season with two kids — five - year - old Jermaine (Chandra's) and two - year - old Amber (theirs)-- plus a girl, already named Jasmine, due in March, they were unmarried, though they had plans for a big wedding this summer in Fresno.
Jill used to love those moments, walking from machine to machine, offering encouragement, checking erg scores and then, when the workout was done, drawing laughs by mimicking her friends, the tiny girl on the big rowing machine.
I'm amazed that they are showing c - sections like they are no big deal when so many impressionable women and girls watch their show.
When your little girl's big day is around the corner, you will start to plan about the perfect gifts that you think she's going to love.
When we finished our morning session I told her sweetly that it was her birthday and that she was a big girl now and that boobies were for babies.
She sleeps in a big girl bed now, I run instantly when I hear her cry or call mommy in the middle of the night, it is just what I think I should do and I enjoy doing it because I feel she needs me and I love being there for her!
When the little girl learned that she was going to be a big sister, she reportedly told relatives that she «wanted to die.»
Some mornings I have actually been awake all night long nursing and soothing our wee girl and when the clock hits 6 AM and I hear the big kids getting up, I start to feel really overwhelmed with exhaustion.
When her big day is just around the corner parents will start thinking about different gift ideas that will surprise their young girl on...
When her big day is just around the corner parents will start thinking about different gift ideas that will surprise their young girl on their special day.
I need some advice I have 3 children my oldest is 8 my middle one is 3 and the youngest is 17 months however My 3 year old completely refuses to use the potty when you mention it she has a complete melt down I know that she has the smarts it take to know when to use the potty because when you ask her where you go potty she says «the big girl Potty» but when i attempt to put panties on her she cries for a diaper so i guess my question is What can I do to help her get over the fits about potty training we have never pressured her but she is now 3 and the diapers are hardly fitting her anymore and she rufuses to put on pull up so please any advice would be great.
Girls would come up to me and ask me how I can balance on skates when I am so big.
Kissing is a big issue, especially after last year, when a 15 - year - old Canadian girl allergic to peanuts died after kissing her boyfriend, who had eaten peanut butter.
For whatever reason, my little girl takes great satisfaction in telling me that when Daddy takes her and her big brother somewhere without me, that I will be all alone.
When she turns 3 soon, we are moving her into a big girl bed and maybe the novelty and excitement of that will help her stay in it... but for now, we thought if she knew we could still see her after we leave AND if we can talk to her without being in her room, she might just listen and stay in bed.
When my daughter was 2 we bought her a «big girl» bed in hopes she would move to her room and we can get our bed back.
It's really cute to see her face light up when she sits on the big girl potty!
When I let her cry, I tell her, «You're a big girl and you can go to sleep all by yourself.
When my daughter was just about eight months old, my husband I and started shopping around for a new, «big - girl» stroller.
Pick up some cool panties that she can wear when she's using the potty like a «big girl,» and reward her with praise when she does use the potty.
It was cheap and I will be able to use it when she has a big girl bed.
I have set very serious limitations on my big girl to make sure the baby still gets everything she needs, but I'm so beyond thankful I didn't push her to wean exactly when she needed me the most.
With my oldest I took her to the store, let her pick out a potty chair, and big girl underwear to help with getting her excited when she was about 18 months old.
I told her when she's a big girl she won't want mama's milk anymore and as she begins to make big girl decisions, like suddenly not letting me trim her nails that dig into my nipple as she plays, I get irritated and tell her she can't have milk then because big girls don't drink mama's milk.
When it's night - time and she feels unsure in her big girl bed, you're the one she wants for reassurance.
When morning arrived, the girls were so excited to put on their «big girl» underwear.
She wants to be a big girl, and she's more patient when sitting on the potty and more interested in getting the job done.
When my girls were young, being only a year apart, I hired a mother's helper during the day, as working with two babies at home is a bigger deal than with one baby.
You could take big, drawn - out sips of the rice milk and talk about how someday when she's a big girl she'll be able to drink rice milk, too.
My 4 year old doesn't always like to walk (nor do I prefer her to walk when we're in a large area with a lot of people) Allows her to be a «big girl» She can sit or stand.»
All in all, we have been pleased with our new booster seat and our daughter is so happy she can be more of a «big girl», although she has found it a bit difficult to buckle her own seatbelt with the armrests present, but that is not a concern for us when we buckle her in.
Example: While at Grandma's, tell your 4 - year - old, «While we're here, you get to sleep in the same room with Mommy and Daddy, but when we get home, it's back to your own big - girl bed in your own room.»
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My 2 year old is big for her age but the car seat is meant to be used for kids up to 50 lbs, when my little girl was 24 lbs she honestly didn't fit in this car seat.
Well the safety part was put to the test when our baby girl was 7 weeks old, we were rear ended while at a dead stop by a big rail road truck, all we could think about was our precious and helpless baby girl in the backseat.
You know, those times when you've had a big working week or socialising (pardon me — educating yo» self) at university; perhaps you pretended to study for a few hours Friday evening, then got loose on Saturday night with the girls busting waaaay too many pop n» locks on the D - Floor... and then, AND THEN your boyfriend rudely wakes you for brunch at 9 am on Sunday (NINE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING ON A SUNDAY?!
Then one day when she was 3 she took her pull ups off, handed them to me and said «I'm done with these now, I'm a big girl».
When I was in the market for Dahlia's big girl car seat, a friend of mine tipped me off to
She is in «big girl pants» throughout the day, but when she...
I love having an activity center to keep her entertained and also to get her off the floor when my big girls are running around being crazy.
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