Sentences with phrase «is true in the case of»

As is true in the case of physical nutrition, deprivation of adequate emo tional food is the most damaging in the earliest years of life, when growth is the most rapid and personality the most plastic.
The tone is so different in the last poem, that one can not help wondering if it may not have been the thought of one who lived later, interpolated into the total poem, very much as seems to have been true in the case of the Biblical story of Job and Ecclesiastes.
Sometimes simple is best, and that's true in the case of the CyclingDeal Kids Push Bike.
That's true in the case of the Zika virus outbreak currently marching through the Americas.
And it may very well be true in the case of someone who has no or extremely limited access to organically grown foods, that they would be better off including fresh produce in their diet — even if it has pesticides in it.
While it is true in the case of Anakin Skywalker, I wouldn't go so far, since we all know that the story continues, and that eventually the evil is undone.
While for some time now we have known from similar research studies, conducted throughout the pre-VAM era, that students» test scores are correlated with (or cause) rises in housing prices, these researchers evidenced that, thus far, the same does not (yet) seem to be true in the case of VAMs.
The same is true in the case of the multimedia solutions on offer with their exemplary operation, hardly any improvements are currently possible.
[A caveat: We do not believe this to be true in the case of an active manager with strong expertise in trading.2]
(Which while was true in the case of Coleco's Expansion Module, it wasn't fully Atari 2600 compatible out of the box.)
In the absence of any thoroughgoing investigation, one can only gather impressionistic data about the presence or absence of rebellion against parental authority in women artists, and whether there may be more or less rebellion on the part of women artists than is true in the case of men or vice versa.
That would be true in the case of artists in great demand where Gagosian controls the supply — a rare occurrence.
I'm not sure they're true in the case of hard turbulence.
The same is true in the case of hemp.
The same is true in the case of a matured endowment.
At least that's true in the case of Volley, a you
This is true in the case of video games as well, with the industry having its own trends coming and going.
This is true in case of all the sections namely, qualifications, experiences and achievements.
This is true in case of all job seekers - student or experienced.
It will be true in the case of the former partner being abusive or the relationship was controversial.
I am finding this phrase «he who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client» to be true in the case of the individuals who think they are saving money by selling their homes unrepresented.

Not exact matches

Griffin says investors will supply liquidity when needed, but that's not always true in the case of a crisis.
A similar case to EuropaCorp's «Kursk,» the true story of a Russian submarine that sank in the Barents Sea in 2000 and killed everyone on board; though Putin had a significant role in the events, appears in the source material of Robert Moore's best - seller «A Time to Die,» and even featured in early versions of the screenplay, he's nowhere to be found in the finished film.
This is also true in the case of travelers who take up residence on your land.
If you are taking out the loan to invest in a growth opportunity, you need to calculate the best - and worst - case scenarios for that investment and compare that against the true cost of the loan.
The internal announcement is the external announcement in the case of most public companies — but that's increasingly true for private companies as well.
They're no longer automotive companies either — they're now calling themselves «mobility» companies, just in case all those predictions about the end of car ownership come true.
«But one of the dynamics that is usually true in tax reform is that the winners are fairly quiet while they try to ride it out, while the losers are quite vocal, and that seems to be the case here, too.»
The same is true for a cap - and - trade program, although in that case you might be earning revenue from the sale of unused permits or avoiding the need to purchase them.
That's especially true in the case of restaurants and other retail businesses and, again, is not necessarily connected to cash flow or profit.
It may be advisable to avoid investing in any investment vehicle that you don't understand, but this maxim is especially true in the case of annuities, because with the complexity comes additional expenses, tax consequences and illiquidity handcuffs.
While this may be true in some cases, I've found that it's usually some combination of a misperception among CEOs about the role of the VC, the CEO's own level of self - confidence and the desire of the CEO to elevate his importance in the system by being a single point of contact.
Once the offices were operational, instead of letting our partners drive our business, we took charge in both cases and built teams that were true extensions of our local [Canadian] teams.»
Even if you didn't have those cases, the very evidence that the Attorney General relies on for his advertising claim is that he says DraftKings suggests in its advertising that anyone can win and that's not true because about 1 % of players win a majority of the prizes.
Of course, there might be a few exceptions — such as a rent stabilized place — but in 90 % of the cases, if something looks too good to be true, that's going to be a fake listing.&raquOf course, there might be a few exceptions — such as a rent stabilized place — but in 90 % of the cases, if something looks too good to be true, that's going to be a fake listing.&raquof the cases, if something looks too good to be true, that's going to be a fake listing.»
Making a Murderer is one of multiple examples of a true crime narrative so evocative that it revived momentum in a once dormant case, as Avery recently hired a new lawyer in the hope of mounting a fresh appeal of his 2007 conviction.
It's not easy to admit that we don't have all of the answers, but that is especially true in this case.
While it's true that people often use cryptic language to show off, just as often it's simply a case of forgetting that there are those in the world who don't live and breathe the markets.
Debt, in this case, must be rising faster than debt servicing capacity, in which case Beijing's true debt level is not the nominal debt level but rather the nominal debt level plus estimates of contingent liabilities likely to rise as a consequence of wasted investment.
That would only be true if investment in these economies had previously been constrained by scarce savings, but because this is clearly not the case in today's environment, the impact of higher capital inflows into developed economies could only be to reduce domestic savings.
This is particularly true in cases where the new rules single out certain activities as especially concerning and impose further taxes, whether in the form of higher capital charges, more stringent regulatory supervision or activity - specific legal and regulatory costs and restrictions.
A Boca Raton attorney handling the case, Audra Simovitch, now is claiming in court documents that Deschamps is blocking discovery of the true assets in the estate.
Our mindful examination of inflation validates the conclusions from previous articles that in most cases, stocks are the best option to deal with routine inflation as well as the more infrequent true risk of rapid unexpected changes in inflation.
Unfortunately, many of us have already been conditioned to accept these proclamations as fact without even conducting any independent research on our own to (1) determine if the authoritative figure is even an authority on the topic, which in many cases, he or she is not; and (2) determine if what the authoritative figure is stating is actually true or not.
«Mining is difficult and I think everyone underestimates the true economic costs of extracting a unit of whatever it is, in this case an ounce of gold, and replacing it with an ounce you can take out of the ground next year.
[11] That's most obvious in the case of interest - only loans, but is also true for principal - and - interest loans.
The question I am trying answer is whether the 1 times total market cap to GDP holds true in the case of India.
In the case of junk bonds, that's been especially true.
It's true in most situations, but especially in the case of SaaS products.
The old adage that too much of good thing can actually hurt you can be true in this case.
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