Sentences with phrase «is true to all»

PTSD is not a thing, like a virus or a tumour, but rather a label given to specific groupings of psychological symptoms; and while it is true to say that not every woman who has had an abortion suffers from PTSD, a majority do display relevant symptoms.
The story is true to history, of course, in that former President Nixon declared political and even legal war against The New York Times and The Washington Post for myriad reasons, including the publishing of government secrets exposing lies about the Vietnam War.
I believe it is true to say that the chief hope of John Paul upon becoming pope in 1978 was that his pontificate would see the healing of the breach between East and West.
Matt 10:34 - 36 although harsh, is true to it's word.
The trick is doing this in a way that is true to the basic religious tenets without anxiety, ie, if this can be done with humility and without constant fear of persecution, maybe we can truly learn how to COEXIST (my favorite bumper sticker these days!).
«13 This is true to the Biblical image of God's vulnerability toward man's waywardness.
In the light of all this, I believe it is true to say that we do live in a situation radically different from that of any previous generation.
A critical reader may suspect that this idea grew out of later reflection and served an apologetic interest; yet it is true to human nature and experience.
Nor is it true to say of some great loss or horror - say the rape of a child - «we have to accept the will of God», except in the same sense and with the same solidarity as Christ accepted the bitter chalice sin had brewed for him.
This is true to the implications of the kerygma as we have it in Acts.
and I may have gotten a ticket, but i can tell you right now that my testimony is true to the cause.
To think of God as acting in dynamic relation to His creatures not merely as one actor among many, but as the universal creative power which sustains all things, and without which they could neither be nor act, is true to what our best knowledge of the world tells us.
It is true to the insight of the Bible, which the philosophical tradition has tended to obscure behind the impassive mask of absolute, static being.
Other creation myths have their object formed out of created things (i.e. they are made of physical matter known to man) where as God has never been seen which is true to this day.
What I said earlier about Maritain is true to a lesser extent of Pacelli: Some of these speeches read like period pieces, more so than the work of earlier and later popes.
If it is true to its own origins, theology begins with the death of Jesus, for Christianity itself arose as an interpretation of and response to the death of Jesus.
The same is true to some degree of John the Baptist, although he does not attain the fulness of self - divestation which Jesus alone could attain because he was the Son of God.
He said, «Modern liberalism is steeped in a religious optimism which is true to the facts of neither the world of nature nor the world of history.»
My beliefs don't matter, I should respect that there are Jews, and Muslims, and Christians, and a thousand other flavors each thinking and feeling what is true to them.
Putting the question of success or failure aside for the moment, is it true to say that neoconservatism is dead?
, may indeed be out of place, or a later addition to the text of Amos, but it is true to the structure of prophetism.
But I think it is true to say that nowhere have I made any substantial addition to or alteration of the author's insights and ideas; and to a great extent, especially in the latter part of the book, it was in fact possible to cling closely not only to the sense but also to the wording of the French.
In this chapter I have attempted to present an understanding of our human existence which is true to the facts, so far as we know them, which makes sense of and gives sense to our experience, and which indicates what is meant when we speak, as we do, of the worth and value in our lives.
For Tanner, Christianity is true to the extent that it inspires attractive communities of faith.
You can believe what you stated above but if you attempt to explain why it is true to anyone you will fail every time.
I think it is true to say that preaching at the present time is rarely artistic, because many preachers, while good journeymen, have not become true masters of the English language.
Church growth, if it is to have integrity, must be a by - product when the church is true to its deepest calling to be the body through which the infinite mystery of God is confronted and all life is freed from bondage and expanded to its fullness.
@Chad, Your point that the Allies knew about the situation, is true to an extent, but your quote has dates of 1942, after the US and the Allies were already fully in the war.
What is true to you William?
However, it is an answer that is true to both the definition and etymology of the word «agnostos» and not that of «atheos».
Thanks to the two disciplines of law and journalism, I broke away from the university and made for myself the circle of soul mates with whom to renew the search for a way of thinking, writing, and talking that is true to things as they are.
However, because church people know and proclaim him who is Lord of all, the church will — if it is true to its Lord and to itself — speak with concern and passion about those things which have been learned regarding this creation, and about those things which are yet to be learned.
I am proposing that in doing all this, the theologian is true to her task or his.
Further «A «process theology» that is true to Whiteheadian (and Hartshornean) insights does not provide a case for affirming certain limited affirmations about the reality of God which are then to be augmented by a distinct kind of «revelational theology.»
While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide.
This is true to an extent.
God does not contradict the divine self, is true to the divine intention, loyal to the divine character, acting always in ways that are congruous with the divine final goal of the rule of love.
We believe this «rule» is true to the pattern of the gospel.
There must be a position that is true to the twentieth - century reality and yet still takes seriously the sacredness of marriage, and this is what contemporary Christians must seek.
So then what is true to these and what is idolatry?
Can't we just agree that anything religion or God is true to the extent that the devotee needs and wants it to be true... there is no objective truth to any of it, that we may know, so why all the divisive rhetoric.
However, assuming that the Pope is true to his vows of celibacy, I really don't see that papal gender orientation is all that important.
Also religion has been described as the opiate of the masses and I believe that is true to an extent, since religion and praying helps to calm one down and provide a time for thought and reflection similar to meditation without the connecting to a higher power thing.
I am a bit more interested in truth, in what is true about the universe, rather than is what is true to me.
This is the promise of Allah, verily he is true to his promise
The myth... that we live in a fallen world, a world that has failed to live up to its own ideals, is true to me.
If Fed Chairman Jerome Powell is true to form during his two congressional appearances this week, look for him to continue speaking forthrightly about things like inflation and deficits.
I think it is true to say that there has not been a lot of unhedged foreign currency borrowing occurring among Australian corporates since the days of the «Swiss franc loans» of the mid-eighties, but I will postpone discussion of that topic until I deal with foreign debt in the second half of this talk.
My job is to make sure that the commitments I made to each and every employee of every partner firm is true to the mission of MDC, to reinvent the model of the future, that that's honored and followed to the best of my ability no matter who the shareholder is.»
We design and deliver with a great attention to detail, ensuring that the branded merchandise is true to your brand.
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