Sentences with phrase «island country in»

A tiny island country in the western Pacific Ocean has approved the creation of an enormous marine reserve that will protect 80 percent of the Palau nation's ocean.
Niue, a small island country in the South Pacific with a population of just 1,600, established a new marine protected area that covers 40 percent of the island's exclusive economic zone... In September this year, Chile announced a 740,000 - square - kilometer (285,700 - square - mile) marine reserve around its remote Easter Island.
Malta, an island country in the Mediterranean, is in many ways one continuous edge.
Malta is an island country in the Mediterranean Sea located about 50 miles south of Sicily.
This island country in Micronesia is made up of 250 islands boasting of some of the best marine life imaginable.
The Republic of Indonesia is the largest island country in the world by the number of islands, with more than fourteen thousand islands.
U.S. president John F. Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev are locked in a battle of wills - backed with enough firepower to destroy the planet - over an island country in the Caribbean.
The Republic of Cuba is an island country in the Caribbean.
Halloumi originated in Cypress, which is a Greek and Turkish island country in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey and west of Syria and Lebanon.
Niue (an island country in the South Pacific, if you didn't know) was the second most expensive, coming in at $ 17,566.
Island countries in the Caribbean are facing catastrophic damage from the one - two punch of Hurricanes Maria and Irma just days apart and Red Cross Societies from around the world are moving disaster workers and supplies into the region to help.

Not exact matches

The artificial island and interconnectors could act as a spider web, she explained, making it possible to send energy to different countries where it is needed, getting better prices in the process.
Also, in Washington, D.C., June 21, award winners from across the country, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands will be recognized for their accomplishments.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added St. Kitts and Nevis — two islands, one nation — to its list of countries and territories with local transmission of the Zika virus in September.
The owner of The Country Club Ice Cream Parlor, Jerry Sapio, in Staten Island («Where all the kids hung out,» LaCola says) was the first to offer him cash for mixtapes.
Nigeria's request reiterated its support for Beijing's «One China» policy, which demands that countries break official relations with Taiwan, as Beijing pulls economic levers in Africa and elsewhere to woo nations away from the island it regards as rebel - held territory within Chinese borders.
If you become ill, there are more people per capita to take care of you in Prince Edward Island than anywhere else in the country, according to the 2006 census.
The European Union's top diplomat, Federica Mogherini, arrived in Cuba on Wednesday to help strengthen member countries» economic and political ties with the Communist - run island.
Rhode Island also has one of the highest uenmployment rates in the country.
So, in 2008, I traveled to the country made up of over 7,000 islands (exactly how many depends on whether it's high tide or low tide).
And though the country remains a dumping ground for many refuge - seekers, it is now focused on legitimate enterprises, including tourism, making it far easier to get a visa — the island's airline arranged mine, and I finally visited in 2011.
Of all the «lopsided» questions in the survey, this one is easily the most egregious because it completely ignores certain realities, such as the fact that Canada remains one of the only countries in the world where capped home internet plans are the norm (the others being islands: Australia, New Zealand and Iceland).
Add to that the fact that Honolulu has one of the highest costs of living in the country — due in part to the cost of importing supplies and exporting products from the islands — and it's no wonder that most business owners are quickly lured back to the mainland for anything more than a long vacation.
The recalled items were sold in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and 10 other countries and territories, including Anguilla, the Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Grand Cayman, Netherlands Antilles, St. Kitts and Nevis, South Korea, St. Lucia, and the British Virgin Islands.
A high - tax state with some of the steepest utility costs in the country, Rhode Island's fiscal woes are persistent, hindering its ability to improve one of the nation's worst infrastructures.
Rhode Island: Fastest Internet in the country.
«We would view with great concern the establishment of any foreign military bases in those Pacific island countries and neighbors of ours.»
What Drives Interest Rate Spreads in Pacific Island Countries?
The storm toppled homes and looting erupted in some Caribbean islands, mostly overseas territories belonging to European countries that have sent troops to deliver aid and provide security.
On the other hand, Rhode Island's health care scores are actually great, thanks to its seniors being among the healthiest in the country — seventh of all the states — and the third - highest average Medicare payments in the country.
On the day of his arrest, while Madden was busy pleading not guilty to all charges and pledging his East Hampton country house and the Long Island homes of two friends in order to make bail, shares of Steve Madden Limited fell almost 15 percent to $ 11.85 before nasdaq halted trading.
The company traces its roots to a roadside menswear shop that Yanai's father started more than 60 years ago in the city of Ube in Yamaguchi Prefecture, located near the western tip of the country's main island of Honshu.
The Pacific island nation said it became the first country in the world to recognize a cryptocurrency as its legal tender...
The high - flying balloons were able to help Peru earlier in the year amid significant floods in the country, and so success in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands is largely expected.
China announced today that it will grant visa - free access to individual citizens from 59 countries to the tropical island of Hainan, in the country's south, in an effort to boost its economic growth and tourism industry.
With over 80 locations in different countries, Island Hearing is seeking franchisees to expand their brand.
Rhode Island residents may live in the smallest state in the country, but they have some of the biggest hearts in the world.
The legacy of US colonialism in Puerto Rico, and the island's current status as a US protectorate, has left the island's government without the resources to provide basic services as it struggles to pay off its debts, and at the same time has made it nearly impossible to call on help from other countries.
Without a single error, Luke was accurate in naming 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 islands.
You can leave this country at anytime, just do not change our way of life this country fought for... if this way of thinking continues in the United States of America you will be saluting a different flag... these people who think this way can go live in any other foreign country or go to an island and start your own country, with your own beliefs, sick of the ACLU running this country
Keith, just as «no man is an island», the USA is not the only country in the world.
NoReDumdlicans, you speak of the right wing as those witholding progress and equality in this country and then you advocate shipping them to an island far far away.
The Nation of Qatar, roughly the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island, is the world's leading producer of natural gas and has the highest per capita income of any country in the Arab world.
Many of the central characters of fantasy are country people, like those in Evangeline Walton's Mabinogion tales and other Welsh fantasies, The wizard Ged of Le Gum's Earthsea Trilogy is the son of a bronzesmith on a rustic island and is referred to as «goatherd.»
We are on a desert island, in a town at the edge of a crumbling empire, at an obscure farm in the remote heart of the country, or in the middle of a war.
Ortega was also instrumental in coordinating Pope John Paul II's historic visit to the island in 1998 when crowds of adoring Cubans turned out to see the first pope come to their country.
When we open our house in the country in the spring we know that it will still be winter on our hill; Crosswicks is a good three weeks behind New York, where the Cathedral Close is bursting with blossom, and the cement islands which run down the middle of Broadway are astonishing with the glory of magnolia blooms.
Western church historians mention that Emperor Constantine sent a Christian embassy in AD 354 to certain countries bordering the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea under the leadership of an Asian Christian Theophilus, the Indian, who appears to have been a native of Maladive Islands.
And still the Leninist dream lives on: in a hellhole like North Korea; in the island prison, Cuba; in what ought to be one of the wealthiest countries on the planet, Venezuela.
There are wooded options up island as well (we used to run loops around Peaked Hill for cross country practice in high school) but they're harder to find and not as convenient as down island.
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