Sentences with phrase «island effect decreased»

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The word «island» is used because it is a localised effect which decreases as you leave the urbanized areas.
Climate - related ecosystem effects are also already evident in the mid-latitudes, such as on the island of Hokkaido, Japan, where a decrease in alpine flora has been reported (Kudo et al., 2004).
(7) A requirement that building retrofits conducted pursuant to a REEP program utilize, especially in all air - conditioned buildings, roofing materials with high solar energy reflectance, unless inappropriate due to green roof management, solar energy production, or for other reasons identified by the Administrator, in order to reduce energy consumption within the building, increase the albedo of the building's roof, and decrease the heat island effect in the area of the building, without reduction of otherwise applicable ceiling insulation standards.
In a new study, researchers from Canada and the United Kingdom estimate that cereal harvests — including rice, wheat and maize — decreased by an average of 9 to10 percent during droughts and heat waves between 1964 and 2007, with the worst effects seen in North America, Europe, and Australia and its neighboring islands.
The green roof will also decrease the «heat island» effect, which is a term used to describe the temperature spike in urban areas compared to nearby rural areas due to environmental disturbances and pollution.
In order to establish a cause - and - effect relationship between acidification and decreased calcification, a team led by Carnegie's Ken Caldeira and including Jacob Silverman (the lead author) and Kenneth Schneider, formerly of Carnegie, compared measurements of the rate of calcification in one segment of Australia's Great Barrier Reef called Bird Island that were taken in between 1975 and 1979 to those made at the neighboring Lizard Island in 2008 and 2009.
Research of United Nation Environment Program indicates that the content of carbon dioxide over the city will decrease by 80 percent in case the roof - greening rate of a city reaches above 70 percent, and Tropical Island effect will completely disappear.
What's more, our buildings can literally begin to come alive: green walls and rooftop gardens not only suck carbon out of the air, but they also can provide healthy local produce, can reduce storm water runoff, and can decrease the urban heat island effect.
In addition to finding seasonal and geographic variations in the urban heat island effect, Wang et al also found a substantial decrease in the urban effect during the periods of the «Great Leap Forward» (1958 - 61) and the «Cultural Revolution» (1966 - 71) and an increasing trend in the urban effect afterwards.
Further, decreasing building envelope temperatures and reducing air conditioning exhaust can reduce urban heat island effect.
They provide additional oxygen and contribute to the reduction of the «UHI» or Urban Heat Island effect, reduce solar radiation and help to decrease air pollution.
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