Sentences with phrase «isotonic muscle»

Most movements in exercise are isotonic muscle contractions.
There are two types of isotonic muscle contraction - Concentric and Eccentric.

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Muscle contractions which result in movement are known as isotonic contractions.
Ironically, the strength and lean muscle gains exhibited at the studies initial end (6wks) were maintained during the extended trial period, exhibiting some possible isotonic attribute.
Plus, the crunch is an isotonic movement that involves shortening of the muscles against gravity.
In general, isotonic exercises are more effective for muscle hypertrophy than isometric ones.
Isometric contractions of the muscles experiencing myofascial pain also increases the pain; whereas isotonic contractions of the muscle does not.
Weight training is resistance training — both isotonic movements (contracting muscles through a range of motion, like lifting dumbbells) and isometric movements (contracting your muscles against each other or a fixed object, like a plank or wall sit.)
It is interesting that the non-significant EMG amplitude changes after isotonic training follow a U-shaped curve, but only contribute to greater torque increases than the middle range of motion at short muscle lengths (30 degrees).
They tested joint angles from long (90 degrees of knee flexion) to short (30 degrees of knee flexion) muscle lengths, expecting to see greater gains for the isotonic group at both ends of the range of motion, where loading was higher than in the middle.
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