Sentences with phrase «issue about morality»

«One is an issue about morality and ethics, the other is an issue about plurality and competititon.

Not exact matches

6) The main issue is less about the morality of artificial contraception than it is the authority of the Pope.
If you hear someone talking about sin they are more likely talking about big problems like environmental degradation, economic justice, and war, than about issues of personal morality like adultery or gluttony.
One of the biggest fallouts (to oversimplify) then was that conservatives cared about personal morality and not involvement in social ethics / issues of evil, while liberals cared about social ethics / issues but were seen as lax about morality.
If young evangelicals were concerned about regulating «morality» instead of global social issues then they would all be voting for Perry.
For Whitehead, this importance is not limited to issues of human morality, although he is keenly concerned about these.
This poll indicates that strong majorities of both Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics do not often hear about morality policy issues from clergy.
Incestuous relationships between adults should push the issue of consent and its many complexities and weaknesses to the fore in debates about sexual morality and marriage.
Morality isn't just about WHAT is right and wrong... it is also about WHY it is right and wrong and «because I said so» does not answer that issue.
«Very rarely,» he continued, «did Jesus ever talk about morality or social issues... Often, people want to talk about behavior modification, and our church isn't about that... We're about soul transformation.»
When he teaches in a solemn way about issues of faith or morality, especially when things are in dispute, his teaching is guaranteed to be infallible.
The revision of American thought and practice about life questions began with abortion, and examination of the moral confusion attending that issue helps us understand more general developments in public morality.
Priests and others are reluctant to talk about controversial areas of morality, especially the «pelvic issues», with the result that the main influence on Catholic thinking on those issues comes from the surrounding culture.
Many in America who make their livings talking about politics and morality live, like Nietzsche's last man, under the assumption that we can «be good without God,» as Glenn Tinder phrased it in the December 1989 issue of The Atlantic.
And I have been largely reluctant to talk publicly about my opinions on the morality of the issue, something I believe the church has said enough about at this point (and recklessly so, which has done more harm than good).
Asking questions about ethical issues can help your child get to know her values and develop morality.
There are a number of old Tory favourites in their (current) policy - mix which the old party has dropped, notably the promotion of grammar schools, although it has to be said that Nigel Farage keeps pretty quiet about issues of sexual morality.
Casual sex has been a thorny issue with most people arguing about the morality issues that revolve around it.
Honest and frank about sex, money, and issues of morality, Wade gives us the real dope on the modern Sugar Daddy not a rich decrepit «captain of industry» exploiting empty - headed vixens for hedonistic pleasure, but a mature gentleman seeking fun and pleasure with women of substance.
The aim of this module is to: - Introduce utilitarianism and deontology to students - Foster debates about the nature of morality as well as specific moral issues.
Now, of course, many see the Pope's claim about morality unsurprising but fail to understand the profound significance for climate policy - making of understanding climate change fundamentally as a moral issue.
According to research by Yale Law School professor Dan Kahan and his colleagues, people's deep - seated views about morality, and about the way society should be ordered, strongly predict whom they consider to be a legitimate scientific expert in the first place — and thus where they consider «scientific consensus» to lie on contested issues.
In the name of saving the planet and thereby ourselves, we invoke those things happening to the very same people fifty years from now, and it is said that this is a great moral issue of our times, but well, what kind of morality are we talking about?
Coincidentally, or maybe that's what has me thinking more than usual about law and morality, Joseph Raz, one of our pre-eminent philosophers on legal and moral issues, has started to release some of his older papers onto SSRN.
Netherlands About Blog Philosophy on the move It goes through a wide range of philosophical issues: knowledge / truth, ethics / morality, language / meaning, culture, and society.I try to use philosophy as a perspective for understanding present society.
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