Sentences with phrase «issue advocates»

Right now it operates as a «stealth issue advocate» — that is, hiding advocacy in the cloth of science.
Focusing on other topics or being a one issue advocate paper is ignorant and frankly boring.
Single issue advocates simply threaten other essential components of the solution.
CSPI is a nonprofit organization dealing with food and nutrition issues advocating on behalf of consumers including education on genetically engineered foods (GE) and ingredients.
Currently, corporations, industry groups, wealthy individuals, unions and other special interests can participate directly in campaigns as long as they define themselves as issue advocates and avoid using certain «magic words», as defined by the state Board of Elections, like «vote for» or «reject.»
Administration officials paint last - minute updates and omissions as the result of minding the schedule of a very busy governor, but the pattern has rankled the press, annoyed legislators who feel the governor should notify them when he visits their districts, and stymied issue advocates and protesters.
Filthy schools, shuttered schools» sale to private school operators, special education scandal among issues advocates say underscore need for accountable, elected, representative school board.
The third and last issue the Advocate General addressed was the question whether the EU has the power to terminate prior Member State investment agreements with Singapore.
To work as a youth advocate where I can express the concerns of the youth on a wide variety of topics and also guide them on how to go about tackling these issues
Rockstöm and his co-authors are a prime example of what Roger Pielke, Jr., calls «stealth issue advocates,» a role «characterized by the expert who seeks to hide his / her advocacy behind a facade of science.»
RAP Index is a web - based software solution created by issue advocates for issue advocates.
She also said she'd meet with officials and issue advocates but final details weren't yet available.
Our writers in this issue advocate looking at gaps as opportunities.
Similarly, across this heterogeneuous group, there could be mass media actors characterized as «issue advocates» and «honest brokers» of information.
I think there are about as many «pure journalists» as there are «pure scientists»; — RRB - I have to give some more thought to this but it seems that the «balance as bias» argument is asking journalists to move away from the «honest broker» who reflects the range of views to become «issue advocates» who choose one view over another.
The roles of Science Arbiter and Honest Broker of Policy Options are ways for scientists to engage with the public and in the policy process without being an Issue Advocate.
But to force massive change in the economy based on such a fear is to get lost in the hothouse world of single - issue advocates, and become myopic about risk.
Jeffrey Zysik, chief financial officer for DonorsTrust, said in an email that neither DonorsTrust nor Donors Capital Fund «take positions with respect to any issue advocated by its grantees.»
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