Sentences with phrase «issue discussed elsewhere»

Aside from the ETS / carbon tax (policy issue discussed elsewhere on this blog) the real issue for the environmental cause is to convince the electorate that an enhanced 2030 plan would indeed be best.
In light of issues discussed elsewhere in this report, brief note will be made of three things.

Not exact matches

But as I've stated elsewhere, I think we should be ALLOWED to discuss team relevant issues that overlap slightly with politics.
The impact of formula donations was discussed in depth and this is a real issue in this refugee crisis in Europe and elsewhere.
Elsewhere, «Forum», provides a platform for external experts to comment on science policy, while the Board of Editors discusses a top science issue in «Science Agenda».
We've discussed these NC insurance pricing and regulation issues at great length elsewhere and again here and in the NC Renters Insurance Guide, so we won't belabor the point.
Afraid I'm losing track a bit as to which argument was made on which thread — but for those discussing the drought issue, and particularly those recalling (from Dai, 2010, or elsewhere) that the Mediterranean basin is projected to be at very high future drought risk — this story will have really serious resonance:
Though some of the issues raised in this paper have been discussed elsewhere by the author and other writes, the paper offers a coherent, well rounded, synthesis of epistemological assessment of forecasting, and as such is likely to be of interest to both producers and users thereof.
As «climate means so many things to different people» (Carl Wunsch 1984), the climate & weather issue is discussed elsewhere (here).
My not discussing their solar views here doesn't mean that I endorse them — Gavin Schmidt and his colleagues spend time deconstructing such analyses; solar proponents should pay attention to criticism regardless of the quarter from which it originates; given that others do such analyses, I think that my time is better spent on issues not covered elsewhere.
Finally, there are plenty of others online who discuss elsewhere other human impacts (even myself, in some cases), and I see no need to raise those issues here beyond the extent to which I do when the topics become germane to the climate discussion.
I'll observe however, that the Abbott government itself has removed the strongest argument against the RET, namely, that it duplicates the effect of a carbon price (there were valid counterarguments, which I've discussed elsewhere, but it was still an important issue)
Again, a big thanks to those here (and elsewhere) who do the hard work of maintaining wonderful sites where the science of climate — the biggest issue of our time, imvho — can be frankly discussed.
I agree that many of the issues I'd like to discuss do not imply directly climate science and should perhaps be discussed elsewhere, such as the amount of FF reserves, the effect of a tax, the discussion about the benefit - cost of fossils and so on, but they are nevertheless important in the debate, and many of you seem to have also some ideas about them.
[edit — take your diatribes elsewhere if you can't discuss the science or the issues raised in a civil manner.]
We've discussed these NC insurance pricing and regulation issues at great length elsewhere and again here and in the NC Renters Insurance Guide, so we won't belabor the point.
This format, however, doesn't allow us to share some longer narratives, comments regarding topics or issues not discussed on our site, and other comments we didn't have space to include elsewhere.
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