Sentences with phrase «issue of consent»

However, they used instructions focused on issues of consent and mistaken belief in consent rather than the instructions on «avoiding judgements based on stereotypes» (see «Telling Tales: Exploring Narratives of Life and Law within the (Mock) Jury Room» (2015) 35 (2) Legal Studies 201).
If Red Sparrow is a movie about the things it purports to be about, like the blurred lines around issues of consent in the espionage game, then it's a misfire at best and horribly exploitative at worst.
The complainants will face intense questioning about issues of consent on the witness stand; to conclude on the same note as Joshua Sealy - Harrington did when this matter first came to light, «let's hope that the courageous women coming forward... can blaze a trail for the many silenced voices that remain unheard.»
«Stealthing» is the new sexual assault — a crime by any other name, say Canadian lawyers — that adds another twist to current issues of consent in cases of sexual violence.
Since qualifying as a Solicitor in the Clinical Negligence department in November 2009, she has represented clients in relation to a variety of claims including issues of consent, misdiagnosis and poorly performed surgery.
In a constructive abandonment, there are still issues of consent (i.e., did both parties mutually consent to the cessation of their sexual relationship).
According to a 2012 study conducted by professors at the University of New South Wales, [55] due to child pornography laws that prohibit any minor from consenting to sexual activity, issues of consent among adolescent teens is seldom discussed.
The recent furore over the activities of Cambridge Analytica focuses on issues of consent and the ethics of data profiling.
In light of these findings, Plan UK is calling for greater support for teachers to prevent incidents of unwanted sexual contact, as well as high - quality statutory sex and relationships education to teach young people about issues of consent and healthy relationships, and ensuring bullying policies address gender and sexual violence, providing a safe environment for pupils to report concerns.
And they will — or at least should — thereby bring to the fore the philosophical and legal complexities of the issue of consent.
Incestuous relationships between adults should push the issue of consent and its many complexities and weaknesses to the fore in debates about sexual morality and marriage.
In addition, the issue of consent in stranger rape is a lot less muddy than in date rape.
For at heart, this is an issue of consent.
In this context it is important to note that the issue of consent is largely irrelevant.
But given the issues of consent and privacy raised by Skloot's book, many quickly wondered if the researchers had gotten permission from Lacks's family.
In an era where the issue of consent is more debated and struggled for more than ever, sending unsolicited images of your genitals is perplexing at best, and...
What I remember about the original movie WESTWORLD is that issues of consent * do * come up in the film.
For education, this is an increased burden to comply with new rules, such as privacy notices; appointing a DPO; data audits; data protection impact assessments; and the issue of consent.
It's the issue of consent that is needed from a student and a parent for filming in classrooms and broadcasting videos to Twitter.
Victims of SDC's player killing actions often raise the issue of consent within Elite Dangerous.
And it's this issue of consent that often leads to claims of harassment.
Already, the wall text mentions another model's anonymous allegations of inappropriate sexual contact by Mr. Araki, noting that «the controversy surrounding Araki's work has almost exclusively been about reception and meaning, and far less about the issues of consent and the potential abuses of power that can be at the foundation of artistic practice and artistic production.»
Consider the experience that zillions of parents have had where they go for diagnosis and are then tossed a prescription that they are pressured / fearmongered into administering — the issue of consent to treatment, separate from diagnosis, or a choice of treatment options, having been all but erased by the «experts.»
Or are the issues of consent (given and withdrawn, presumed for or against in the circumstances etc) and intention either specific enough to need legislation on their own, or too hard to cover by specific legislation (so they are better caught by more generic language)?
To the surprise of many observers, including, presumably, the petitioner and respondent in Executive Benefits, whose Supreme Court briefing focused, for the most part, on the issue of consent, the Supreme Court chose not to address the question of whether a party's consent to bankruptcy court adjudication on a Stern Claim may operate to effectively negate any constitutional concerns.
Another phase of medical care in which malpractice can occur is the issue of consent.
Defending sex assault cases is more than simply resolving the issue of consent.
K.D.'s conflicting testimony on the issue of consent was said to be «typical... of a recanting complainant in a domestic matter» (2008 ONCJ 195 at para. 8).
More broadly, LEAF argued that the issue of consent should be addressed with a view to the prevalence of sexual violence against women who are unconscious for a variety of reasons, including «sleep, medication, voluntary or involuntary intoxication, accident, illness, or disability» (LEAF factum at para. 5).
As argued by the Crown, Judge Camp's comments reflect impermissible uses of sexual history evidence, which is recognized as irrelevant to issues of consent and credibility (see section 276 (1) of the Criminal Code).
As noted in the Factum of the Intervener of the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), the accused had been convicted of assaulting the complainant on two previous occasions, and as noted by the trial judge, the complainant's recantation on the issue of consent was typical of a domestic violence context (at para. 2).
«However, the reality is that the specifics of the future are not always known, and [this] ruling importantly establishes that issues of consent have to be considered in their full context.»
No issue of consent arises in such circumstances absent a substantial risk of material and adverse effect on the lawyer's loyalty to or representation of a client.
The issue of consent was at the forefront from the early days of the litigation and consumed all of the efforts of counsel on both sides.
We shall provide every one of our 28,000 students comprehensive health education that includes medically accurate information young people need to protect themselves, which includes information around contraception, but also components around healthy relationships, abuse in relationships, and issues of consent.
Provide information on data custodianship, management, reporting and presentation, including models of monitoring and evaluation and issues of consent;
Even as sex education in public schools gained widespread support in the 1960s because of concerns about teen pregnancy, issues of consent and sexual violence were never central.
TREB counsel Don Affleck responded that TREB had received separate counsel from lawyers on the issue of consents and complying with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada's data privacy law, and was advised that all of the forms currently used would need to be revised.
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