Sentences with phrase «issue of interpretation»

Issues of interpretation of contracts are handled in the same fashion, i.e., by subject area.
This makes issues of interpretation difficult, if not Impossible.
Because its very interdisciplinariness and inherent concern with issues of interpretation have put it at the center of the most significant controversy in the human sciences today.
Only one or two scholars openly discussed issues of interpretation or the relevance of social context to the understanding of the Qur» an.
His work as an educator has usually intersected his interest as an artist, making his work often reflects on issues of interpretation, dialogue, and the role of contemporary culture in a global reality.
A second issue of interpretation besides the tradition of allegorization must be faced by the reader of the Song.
I advocate this method, not over minute issues of interpretation, but with regard to the big questions - theological matters such as the canon, major doctrinal issues, ethics, and liturgy.
Pierce has brought into a new focus the background and the complex issues of interpretation in 1 Peter.
Writing in the January 2005 issue of Interpretation magazine, Robert Sherman states that we need to order our «lives in such a way that the Lord's time [becomes] sovereign,» which could «become the means by which a gracious God liberates us from the tyranny of seemingly implacable and ultimately pointless time.»
There are, however, some crucial issues of interpretation that beg for serious empirical analysis.
Why These Cases Could Go To the Supreme Court Neither of these cases deals with simple legal questions, and both involve issues of interpretation and characterization that are notoriously finicky.
Helguera's work as an educator has usually intersected his interest as an artist, making his work often reflect on issues of interpretation, dialogue, and the role of contemporary culture in a global reality.
No David this is not am issue of your interpretation an one of mine.
While people felt that it was in principle necessary to clear up the issue of interpretation, they felt that it was really a side issue.
If you consider it past, then we run into a lot of issues of interpretation.
Since its organization in 1963, the panel has struggled with the issues of interpretation and sought to prepare a slate of «award» caliber films for the B.F.C.'s consideration.
Then there are issues of interpretation.
The First Order Draft is subject to a formal Expert Review, where any expert is encouraged to comment on all aspects of the draft, including, but not limited to, issues of interpretation, missed literature, and presentation.
When Laypeople draft Contracts that are Uncertain, Ambiguous and Incomplete, the Courts must strive for a «Sensible and Businesslike» Interpretation, says the ABCA When complex commercial contracts have been drafted entirely by laypeople — without any input or advice from legal counsel — issues of interpretation can be a challenge.
The case revolves around the issue of interpretation of certain provisions of the underling agreement and the interplay between the English law rules on equitable set - off and Russian foreign currency exchange regulations.
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