Sentences with phrase «issue voters do»

I don't understand why the single - issue voters don't see that they're clearly being used.

Not exact matches

But voters — whether out of poor understanding or personal aspiration — don't seem to be pressing the issue as much as the president would imply.
NBC News did not witness any of the issues, and it was not clear if the phenomenon was the result of voters not tapping the screen correctly or a technical issue with some machines.
«For a politician who doesn't want to admit that the electorate sent a message that they don't like politicians, it's far easier to scapegoat it on economic issues than it is to address the fundamental question: that there are voters in this country who no longer think their representatives represent them,» said a Democratic strategist involved in 2016.
If Kenney doesn't follow the lead of Brown, his fellow social conservative caucus colleague, it likely signals one of two things: he does want the support of voters for whom parental rights regarding their pre-adolescents and teens are a big issue; or that he's calculated that a softening of his image would show weakness and isn't worth it, because his party has such a comfortable edge over Notley that he can afford to lose voters wary of anything resembling social conservatism.
Does the American voter put this issue high up on his priorities?
But there also was concern that the Syriza leaders did not begin immediately upon their January election victory to educate voters on what actually is at issue: why remaining subject to the junk - economics dictates by the IMF and ECB will make the economy subject to chronic debt deflation.
Anyway, it'll be on policy choices that the Trudeau Government stands or falls with Canadian voters, regardless of the effort of the Conservatives to make couture an issue, and while there's plenty to criticize in the Liberal policy book, taken as a package Canadians don't yet seem that dissatisfied with what they're getting.
Though the Supreme Court is far from a consistent proxy issue for social conservatives or religious voters, it does provide a flashpoint for issues of religious liberty, traditional moral values, and abortion - on - demand.
And how often does «care for the poor» register as an important political issue among evangelical voters?)
Rush Limbach's comments will be taken as gospel for the Right, but they truely illustrate the reason the GOP is in turmoil... the leaders need the Religious Right to win, but know they are being intellectually dishonest because their values do not match the Religious Right, except on the abortion issue, whhich will never go away because the GOP needs that 20 % of voters who would otherwise vote Democrat becasue the Liberal values match Christian values more closely.
The Democrats» present failure stems from their presumption that on economic issues they win by default, that non-wealthy voters know their own material interests» those historically opposed or left unaddressed by Republicans» and do not require instruction or reminding as to which party is on their side.
The decline in political activity proved true for every category, from preaching a sermon on a public policy issue (1 % did so in 2016, down from 37 % in 2014) to distributing voter guides (36 %, down from 45 %) to speaking to the congregation about the importance of voting (62 %, down from 78 %).
We all know that these issues do nt play well with the all - important independent voters.
The affirming voter also does not place exclusive focus upon any one issue.
There are some voters who don't see the election as a contest between two candidates who have differing opinions on nuanced, complicated economic, diplomatic and social issues, but as one between a candidate who is against abortion, and one who supports a woman's right to have one.
(10) While this «Position paper» (and others since issued) does not hold the constitutional status of the Statement of Fundamental Truths approved by the AGs highest body, the biennial General Council in session (typically four to nine thousand voters), the paper does bear the approval of the (roughly two hundred man - no women) General and Executive Presbyteries all of whom are elected by General Council membership.
And again, this «victory» wasn't rooted in an honest presentation and discussion of the issues; rather, it was the result of voter uncertainty about what the amendment entailed, how it defined cloning, and fear that, if it didn't pass, Missourians wouldn't have access to future stem - cell cures.
The Park District expects to finance the purchase by issuing alternative revenue bonds, which do not require voter approval.
Nuttall does this well personally, ridiculing Labour for obsessing about issues like climate change and Palestine when their core voters care about immigration, the NHS and jobs.
The possibility of military confrontation with Russia is also a significant issue for US voters, if they don't know anything else about Russia, they know it's got nukes.
That issue is as dead as door nail because A) the GOP won, B) the public is against late term abortion and C) the voters don't give a crap about that manufactured and divisive issue.
Wary of the headache this issue caused Senate President Malcolm Smith, who had to do a delicate dance to both appease the LGBT community that had invested more than $ 1 million to help him win the majority and the members like Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. who held the votes to his leadership post, Sampson is both supporting the six remaining «no» voters and refusing to promise to bring marriage to the floor for another vote.
However the EU is not always at the forefront of voters» minds: although eurosceptics are frequently vocal in their opposition to the EU, the empirical evidence suggests that, overall, European voters don't consider the EU as an important issue unless events bring it to their attention (such as the signing of a new treaty).
b) to be issued voters Identity Cards «to enable» them «to vote in public elections and referenda» while resident abroad and being outside the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ghana at the time of such elections, and doing so from / at their places of residence abroad or designated centres close to their places of residence abroad or from / at the Ghana Mission / Embassy within their jurisdiction abroad;
Expenditure is «controlled» if it is spending on election activities which «can reasonably be regarded as intended to influence voters to vote for or against political parties or categories of candidates including those parties and categories of candidates who support or do not support particular policies or issues».
«The issue of some large minority of voters not sure we will tally the election results properly are something of concern and... doesn't auger well for a credible election.
The national Democratic Party's hierarchy acknowledged the «perceived influence» of insiders over voters in picking a presidential nominee, but don't know yet how to settle an issue that bedeviled the bitter nomination fight between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in 2016.
However, SNP voters, unlike voters of other parties in Scotland, do not see the independence issue as settled.
This is not true, given that huge numbers of eligible voters don't have strong opinions on issues and that even people with reasonably well formed views may not flip their vote (even in competitive primaries) based on those views.
Throughout the debate, Faso often pointed to Professor Teachout's liberal policy prescriptions and highlighted that she does not know the district or issues that are important to voters, in part, because she only moved here and registered to vote her earlier this year.
What this does highlight however is a broader issue: the Labour leadership are aware of all the above but there is no simple answer because voters themselves are contradictory.
Meanwhile, those within the party who see themselves as Blue Labour think that not enough is being done to address the concerns of the party's own voters on issues such as immigration.
Doesn't look like Tory support is based solely on David Cameron, but, just as Labour's support, on voters» views that the Tories will be better able to take care of the issues they care about.
However, you seem to imply that just by announcing the proposed cut (sometime last year I think) it would somehow go directly into the consciousness of voters who aren't political obsessives and so make a difference to the LD ratings The truth is that for the LD's it will take a general election campaign and Clegg / Cable / Hune hammering the issue home in debate after debate after debate for it to register with people who don't pay much attention to the ups and downs of everyday politics, let alone the tax proposals of the 3rd party.
Earlier in the day, Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, a Republican, said he didn't think the Lopez scandal was resonating with New York voters, as opposed to economic issues.
Neither is there much difference by party — 56 per cent of Labour voters take a high moral stance on this issue, as do half of all Tory voters and 45 per cent of Lib Dems.
Other factors will determine the outcome of the Scottish independence referendum in eight months» time, though polls do seem to suggest that «pocket book» issues are important for swing voters in the referendum.
For this Mayoral Mashup we spoke with voters attending a mayoral candidate forum at Monroe College, hosted by the City Action Coalition, asking one simple question: What do you see as the most important issue that our next mayor will face upon taking office?
Greenberg says the numbers have remained consistent over the last several months, prompting a tweak to the survey: «What Siena did this month is we asked voters how they think Cuomo is doing his job on a variety of specific issues.
And while he can't fix the problem overnight — or even by Election Day 2018 — by demonstrating constant leadership on the issue, proposing new ideas regularly, demanding accountability, and owning the problem (no one dislikes de Blasio more than I do, but trying to pin the blame on him assures mutual destruction), he can convince voters he's on their side and best equipped to (literally) run the trains on time.
The reports produced did, however, highlight a number of weaknesses in each of these examples: a lack of media freedom in the reporting of the election, for example, or issues with voter ID technology.
For this Mayoral Mashup we spoke with voters at a mayoral candidate forum hosted by the New York Young Republican Club and Maverick PAC, asking one simple question: What do you see as the most important issue that our next mayor will face upon taking office?
most Labour voters didn't vote on the basis of Brexit - only around a fifth of surveyed Labour voters named Brexit as their most important election issue
David Paterson's multiple calls for the Democrat - dominated chamber to do so, saying voters had a right to know where their respective lawmakers stood on the issue).
David Paterson pushed for the Assembly to follow suit, insisting voters had a right to know before the 2010 elections where their legislators stood on the issue, but Silver did not heed that call.
I'm not sure how much voters actually care about this issue, though it does provide an opportunity for candidates to accuse one another of a lack of transparency.
Weprin also disagrees with Obama on that issue, but the former mayor said sending a Republican to Congress will have more of an effect when voters do not agree with the president's policies.
Mainstream politicians claim voters want them to focus on immigration — and when they do, the issue is further reinforced in the minds of voters.
Nelson, who served as a delegate for Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2016, has issued stern warnings to his fellow Democrats against accepting funds for corporate interests, and has insinuated voters should not support candidates who do so.
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