Sentences with phrase «issue with children in»

Our findings suggest that the most important mental health screening issue with children in foster care is to identify what specific mental health problems need to be addressed so that the most effective treatment services can be provided.

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Finding those with knowledge of the facts and issues surrounding child trafficking and coupling them with people who have a fiery passion for ending the injustice has allowed Love146 to grow their presence in both the US and the UK.
He can speak with moral authority on the issue: In his state, a gunman killed 20 young children, as well as six adults, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 201In his state, a gunman killed 20 young children, as well as six adults, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 201in December 2012.
Benefits offered: Zoetis offers every employee one week of paid caregiver leave annually, an on - site child care center, assistance with covering treatments for children with autism spectrum and related issues and infertility benefits that averaged $ 35,000 per person in 2016.
Once she was out on her own, she developed an interest in fashion and started purchasing more expensive clothing to counterbalance the issues she dealt with as a child.
Yes, children with attentional issues can be obnoxious and difficult to parent, but they are often the ones later in life who are creative geniuses and innovative masterminds.
Typical entrepreneurs are so preoccupied with ramping up the value of their enterprises that when it comes to an essential issue like retirement planning, they're like the cobbler's children without shoes,» warns Arthur Warren, a retirement - strategy specialist who owns his company, Benefits Advisors of New England, in Franklin, Mass..
Also good are T. Rowe Price's and BlackRock's vague non-denials that they issue R.F.A.'s, and a proxy solicitor's statement that «Institutional investors want to share the sick children in their portfolio with someone who can help make them better.»
Forty years ago, my father participated on the Commission on Emotional and Learning Disorders in Children that issued a report called «One Million Children» providing a blueprint for meeting the needs of one million Canadian children with primary learning diChildren that issued a report called «One Million Children» providing a blueprint for meeting the needs of one million Canadian children with primary learning diChildren» providing a blueprint for meeting the needs of one million Canadian children with primary learning dichildren with primary learning disorders.
If every time your child struggles with financial issues, you step in to fix the problem, your adult child will never learn to deal with those financial issues.
In recent issues of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor I've covered the U.S. government's ongoing «War on Cash»... how our government is trying to take over the Internet with the latest push for «net neutrality»... the risks and advantages of digital currency like bitcoin... how U.S. banks are preparing for «bail - ins» during the next financial crisis... how the U.S. government is using Common Core to indoctrinate children so they'll submit to the coming socialist society... and much, much more.
Child chains can enforce further rules on transactions denominated in their token, such as permissioning, limiting which accounts are authorized to issue specific transaction types, in order to e.g. comply with KYC rules for a child chain pegged to a fiat currency, or assets marketed to a jurisdiction imposing additional restrictions on who can trade Child chains can enforce further rules on transactions denominated in their token, such as permissioning, limiting which accounts are authorized to issue specific transaction types, in order to e.g. comply with KYC rules for a child chain pegged to a fiat currency, or assets marketed to a jurisdiction imposing additional restrictions on who can trade child chain pegged to a fiat currency, or assets marketed to a jurisdiction imposing additional restrictions on who can trade them.
Elementary children at the least equipped to deal with, and get help for, any issues of mental health, especially in dysfunctional homes that aren't the «worst of the worst»... there is likely a better chance the kid getting beaten black and blue will get notices (but not necessarily, sadly), then the child that is being psychologically or emotionally abused.
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
With courts increasingly willing to nullify popular legislation and proclaim new rights, legislators are encouraged to avoid their responsibility for tackling controversial issues; interest groups are encouraged to take their cases to the courts rather than to try to persuade their fellow citizens; and citizens get the feeling that they have no say in setting the conditions under which they live, work, and raise their children.
After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants.The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors, The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children
Just published in the journal the most careful, rigorous, and methodologically sound study ever conducted on this issue found numerous and significant differences between these groups — with the outcomes for children of h0m0 rated «suboptimal in almost every category
Kay has spoken openly about family life when their youngest child, Matthew, was suffering from mental health issues — and has bravely shared how they are continuing to deal with the overwhelming grief of losing him to suicide in 2013.
In the past, she has worked with Republicans on legislation that reformed the foster care system and encouraged more adoptions, issues I know matter to many pro-life evangelicals who advocate on behalf of adoption and open their homes to children.
In contrast, if a child grew up with a parent who was emotionally disconnected, passive, anxious, fearful, or unavailable (perhaps due to chronic sickness or mental health issues), or if children were consistently shamed when they expressed need, they may become insecurely attached.
If I keep weapons in my home and know how to use them and teach my children the power of those weapons no one should have the right to paint with such a wide brush as to eliminate my right to ownership of a weapon because this country is too afraid to tackle mental health issues.
By the time W finished his second term, I had graduated from college, come to terms with the fact that the criminalization of abortion is highly unlikely no matter the party in power, expanded my definition of «pro-life» to include Iraqi children and prisoners of war, and experienced first - hand some of the major problems with America's healthcare system, which along with poverty and education issues, contributes to the troubling abortion rate in the U.S. I remained pro-life idealistically, but for the first time, voted for a pro-choice president, hoping that the reforms I wanted to see in the healthcare, the economy, immigration, education, and for the socioeconomically disadvantaged would function pragmatically to reduce abortions.
maybe our government could issue a new kind of press release: in keeping with the teachings of Jesus... 3 children and their parents -LCB- militants -RCB- were terminated with CIA drones today.
The announcement of a new Government review into school exclusions has been welcomed by a Christian charity which fears children with behavioural issues are not always receiving the support they need to stay in classes.
The Muslims many people have issue with are the ones that would complain about the show (the ones that have no interest in respecting other non-Muslims in this country and have no intention of ever assimilating to this country... the kind that come here to take advantage of our great country and then kill their children in the name of «honor» when they become like the people on the show.
Following the case of a baby in Canada whose parent was issued with a health card that does not specify the child's gender, Dr Peter Saunders... More
Moreover, more than 40 percent of family - focused articles in these journals and in the CENTURY dealt with social - justice - related issues like child poverty.
Many other modern interpreters of marriage have made the same mistake, and so have many people in American churches, who are tempted to join with Coontz and insist that couples get married for reasons of love alone, Economic, kinship and network issues and even the desire to have children are sometimes seen as contaminations of the purity of marital love.
The equal - regard interpretation of neighbor love fits the needs of the postmodern family faced with a new range of issues around shared authority, more equal financial power, and more nearly equal roles in raising children and meeting each other's needs in the midst of the 80 - hour work week.
The wave of life in its substance and with its particular characteristics is of necessity communicated to the child in and through the fertilised cell, the issue of the parents.
«This has never been done by a committee,» but «it's been an elephant in the room, an unaddressed issue for years: What are we doing with respect to the sexual health of our children?
Psychosis / most psychiatric illnesses often arise in adolescence or in early adult life however 75 per cent of children with mental health disorders / issues do not get the help they need — I fell into that 75 per cent, I was misdiagnosed by a doctor and then the self - induced trance - like altered state of consciousness induced by intense / deep meditation and prayer coupled with the theology about how prayer and God work in a Christian's life (more on this below) just pushed me right over the edge.
Given that children grow and develop physically and emotionally at different rates, we should be careful how we deal with such personal and intimate issues, recognising that for some children it may well be embarrassing to talk about these things in a mixed class.
Morals do not come from belief and in fact we can find a great many immoral issues with belief - the bible is a proponent of such immoral issues - rape; human sacrifice; animal sacrifice; child abuse; mass murder; idolatry (the 1st 4 commandments are exactly that); bigotry (the non-stop judging of gays based solely on what the bible says); oppression of women; incest.
** In discussing abortion I will not address instances where most people, however they might ultimately decide the issue, would feel genuine moral anguish, cases, for example, where it is known that the child will be born with severe deformities.
Through their associated non-profit, Sudara Freedom Fund, they have an even greater impact on the lives of women and children in India by equipping even more women and their children with education and housing and micro-loans — tools needed to build and sustain a new life such as the Sunetha Home, supporting long - term, systemic change by directly addressing issues that lead to generational sex work.
I do nt believe a persons view on creationism or evolution is a «salvation issue» but once you have become a child of God I do nt see how you cant allow yourself to believe in the entire Bible and trust that God is BIG enough to do what He says and did create the world in 7 days with no help from «time and evolution» evolution is a trick from Satan to keep you from completly trusting God for everything.
With all of the healthy children in foster care as we speak, do you honestly believe that children with these kinds of issues really have a air shot at adoptWith all of the healthy children in foster care as we speak, do you honestly believe that children with these kinds of issues really have a air shot at adoptwith these kinds of issues really have a air shot at adoption?
My issues today in 2015, are with sexual orientations being slammed in our faces from local judges to the Supreme Court affecting our children in schools and Christian business owners.
Although Rapp states in her introduction that «the intersection of disability rights and reproductive rights [are] paradoxically linked feminist issues,» the potentially prophetic witness of the mothers who care for children with disabilities remains sequestered in this, the penultimate chapter.
For example, when working with children in the grammar school period and with their parents, it is important to understand the general growth issues and needs that are typical of the particular life stages of the children and of their parents.
Most recently, GRACE is in the process of a breakthrough project that will fundamentally change the way the faith community addresses and responds to the many issues associated with child abuse.
After leaving the prosecutor's office in 2001, I was burdened to apply what I had learned on the front lines as a child sexual abuse prosecutor in helping to train and equip the faith community to address the many issues associated with abuse.
He added: «The most effective way to deal with it is to accept that it is there, to educate ourselves as best we can about both the benefits and the risks of online activity and to seek to engage our children and young people in meaningful regular dialogue about those issues
I know there are local churches that regard their minister as a hired man, others that regard him as a functionary to be dealt with today but happily gone elsewhere next year, and even some that get his political voting record and his children's marks in school before they issue a call.
They attend to scripture; struggle to discern the gospel's call and demand on them and their congregations in particular contexts; lead worship, preach and teach; respond to requests for help of all kinds from myriad people in need; live with children, youth and adults through life cycles marked by both great joy and profound sadness; and take responsibility for the unending work of running an organization with buildings, budgets, and public relations and personnel issues.
It's claimed frontline staff at Rochdale Council didn't know how to deal with cases of child sexual exploitation and that the head of the council «didn't appear to be interested in children's social care issues».
What I think I'd like to do is to write about it here in a series of posts, hand - in - hand with these homeschool book posts, taking on what I think he gets right as well as assumptions about children, parenting, and education with which I take issue.
Kenneth agree with you totally its not just adams and abrahams problem its us guys we give in to our wives to keep the peace we should learn that the best way is always Gods way not our way or mans way.That to me is the message behind the story.The issue is rather than taking on the burden of his wife Abraham should have taken it back to the Lord its in our weakness he strengthens us.In the end he did what any married man would have done in order to please his wife.We are no different we put our wives or children church work before the Lord just as he did and loo at the consequences that came from that decision the arab nations became a thporn in there side.In my mind we need to put him first always.When we please the Lord he will bless us and our relationships when we do it our way there will be consequences.brentnz
We do not pay attention to the greatest of all the limitations in talking about God, the Bible, or other religious issues with children, the problem of literalism.
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