Sentences with phrase «issues as»

Esther has hit on one of the two major issues as I see them; Christianity is not a religion and what the world has had enough of and is now looking elsewhere for answers is the institutional church, not Christianity.
Attention has been paid, of course, to such issues as demography, economics, social status and political forces.
During this past decade some of us experienced these issues as growing out of the challenge of liberation.
Many evangelicals share conservative positions with us on such issues as abortion, the family, and marriage.
The writings of Harold Lindsell, Francis Schaefer, Bernard Ramm, Carl Henry, Clark Pinnock, Dick France, James Packer and others present a range of contradictory theological formulations on such issues as the nature of Biblical inspiration, the place of women in the church and family, the church's role in social ethics, and the Christian's response to homosexuality.
«70 Acting on this belief, Wallis led his Sojourners community in over forty public actions during the first six months of 1977, protesting such issues as the use of torture, the proliferation of nuclear armaments, and the government's repressive housing policies.
There was, for example, in the eighties an Interfaith Colloquium against Apartheid and there were various interfaith gatherings on ecological issues as well as interfaith prayer and work for peace, but the Parliament for a moment captured the attention of the world and sought to show, at a time of intense conflict in former Yugoslavia and of communal troubles in India, that religions need not be a cause of division but could unite on certain basic ethical teachings.
Eventually, it developed into the sort of vision that typified many evangelical groups in the late twentieth - century as they moved beyond addressing individual needs to address communal issues as well.
This means facing honestly such issues as their emotional maturity, capacity to bear the responsibilities of child - rearing, and their deep feelings about each other.
As my doctor friend once said, «surgeons see most medical issues as ones that can be solved by surgery.»
Repeatedly, Dawkins discusses such issues as Thomas» «five ways» (which he, as many do, mistakes for Thomas» chief «proofs» for the «existence» of God); but he never bothers to consult anyone who could explain these issues to him.
For example, can one really talk about the Commandment «You shall do no murder» and not raise such issues as war, capital punishment, euthanasia, or abortion?
This is not to say that we can not come to impassioned, principled positions about how to vote, particularly when dealing with issues as important as sexual assault, bigotry, racism, responsible foreign policy, religious liberty, and the dignity of human life at every stage in its development.
There is a massive amount of biblical and theological work to be done simultaneously with our practical response to such pressing issues as global hunger.
Black church people receive limited guidance from their national judicatories on such issues as abortion, homosexuality, capital punishment, women's rights.
These developments confronted «the church and civilization with moral issues as important as the elimination of war» (June 21, 1928).
Of course, there were ignorant people involved in these issues as well, but discussion tended to be dominated by those capable of conducting it at a very high level.
Perhaps a desire to renew this validation accounts for the religious left's determination to frame issues as new civil rights movements.
Colloquium explores such issues as race, urban ministry and the role of women in the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana).
Thus the particular historical exigencies and social possibilities in our own age will necessarily affect the ways in which these values are translated into norms on such issues as women's rights, sexual ethics, social justice, property rights, energy policy or ecological concerns.
Opinion polls show that these members are as liberal on economic issues as members of mainline denominations, even when social class and race are taken into account.
It covers a wider area than the items just noted, for it includes not only such physical matters as rain or fair weather but such vital spiritual issues as the opening up of opportunities for personal enrichment or for service, the well - being of loved ones, the establishment of peace on earth.
The militia movement's stance on such issues as gun control or abortion or the sightings of UN troops in the American heartland do not threaten the Jewish community and thus need not trigger the public opposition of the Jewish community.
In such a world no serious person ought to be asked to consider such issues as whether using the masculine pronoun for the general case might not be psychically injurious to females — or be induced, indeed, to stoop to arguing the opposite.
Christians today should be speaking to these practical issues as examples from Scripture.
I have posed the issues as forcefully as possible not to deny the contribution of Thomas Altizer but to affirm it.
While modernity, the Holocaust, the American Jewish experience, and threats to Israel's existence have forced us to confront serious demographic concerns, oftentimes we use such issues as a veil to cover our ignorance of our own tradition.
He has really expanded my thinking on so many issues as well as Paul Eddy... who is a teaching Pastor there as well.
I found over the years the things that interested me most were philosophical or religious issues as opposed to social issues or topical things.
Such issues as slavery, the status of women, and political freedom, the virtues of scientific honesty and integrity, the freedom of the spirit in worship, all such ethical concerns which have grown in significance throughout Christian history are in part at least implicit in the new life, but they are not explicit, and the reason for that must be sought in the historical situation into which the Gospel came.
I am constantly evolving on many issues as I seek the truth.
Naturally, the correct answer here will be highly relative to specific times and places, and I can imagine few tasks more difficult than offering guidance to the universal Church on issues as particularized as these.
While they do sometimes engage rationally with such issues as ecology and feminism, at heart they are irrational and anti-rational.
If the emotional and mental issues as you perceive them were proven not to exist, would you be pro-choice?
There are a couple fundamental issues as to why that route is innappripruate.
Proponents of the movement to excommunicate Kerry point out that abortion differs from such issues as just war and capitol punishment in that Catholic teaching on the issue is unequivocal.
I have to agree with the resurrection and there fore the word of God, but what issues aside from these issues (assuming you disagree with these minor issues), what issues as doctrine make the new testament something that would not be acceptable, considering that the issue is sin?
gulliblenomore That would be as close to being abreast of the issues as our government could ever come.
Instead, if we understand the culture in which John wrote, the issues that the early church was facing under the Roman Empire, and all of the hundreds of allusions to Old Testament themes and prophetic expectations, the Book of Revelation can have a significant message for followers of Jesus today, who also deal with similar cultural issues as we try to live like Jesus in a world dominated by powers and authority that live in rebellion to the Kingdom of God.
But that is probably true about economic issues as well.
to address domestic violence issues as gender - equal partners.
If we come to agreement on these issues as Wesleyans, is it appropriate to attempt to impose our agreement on the wider society through political processes?
(For instance, I think we're seeing internal financial and organizational issues as key factors that keep bringing Mars Hill Church into the news.)
Please consider these issues as you reflect upon the claims made in this book.
In each chapter, DeYoung addresses the most noteworthy, and often most controversial, emergent theological viewpoints, hitting on such issues as scriptural authority, inaugurated eschatology, eternal damnation, and Jesus's death and resurrection.
So I see Romney's reaction and change to social issues as a real weakness.
But unlike such other popularizers of scientific issues as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking, he does avoid either talking down to his readers or succumbing to adolescent exclamation points at the mere sight of numbers requiring scientific notation.
The panel discussed other issues as well.
Instead, we should take the theological issues as foundational and tell the story this way: «A dispute arose among them concerning the Scriptures and morality.»
We are each «little experts» on ourselves, in general, but not medical / specialist issues as hinted in Fairclough's example.
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