Sentences with phrase «issues feel as»

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The tech industry will zero in on a variety of topics involving A.I., including which fields will be the next to feel its impact as well as the thorny privacy issues that are sure to arise.
This is the same as blaming other people for how you feel, or your personal issues.
«As a Catholic Church bank, we feel strongly responsible to participate in tackling the issue of climate change,» Tommy Piemonte, the bank's sustainability research officer, said in a statement.
The company has since fixed the obvious issues such as input controls, Kagan said, and is constantly working with users toward a wider - scale launch across the U.S. in the summer of 2018, with the end goal of allowing users to «never feel the latency.»
And so the resulting sales pitch tends to be as garbled as the public's own feelings about issues surrounding weight and obesity.
As an avowed supporter of open data — or the government freeing the information it gathers to the public — I really wondered how Kundra felt about the issue, especially given that he's now on an advisory panel set up by Tony Clement.
Along with video and text chat, it also periodically takes photos of team members as they work (so everyone feels more connected), allows for easy file sharing and also utilizes minimal bandwidth (something Google Hangouts and Skype occasionally have issues with, according to some users).
«We felt very strongly, that as a company, especially as an employer with 50,000 people with a large percentage of them Hispanic - Americans and African - Americans who were in pain, that it was definitely a work issue,» she said.
So why should you feel any differently about the issue as a merchant?
«The issue with [HIIT] is you become disconnected with how you feel unless, say, you've been training as a sprint athlete for years.»
«Not because simply Haiti needs it, but we feel that it would be in the interest of both countries as Haiti is putting in motion its development plan based on the catastrophe of the Earthquake in 2010 and a set of other issues that came up along the way that has slowed down our reconstruction process.»
Ivy adds, «We did issue statements following both election victories for President Obama, as we have after State of the Union addresses and other situations we felt warranted our voice on how certain issues that the federal government is pursuing would affect the architecture profession.»
And what I hate is that women are always asked the question about diversity, and if you're one of the few women in the room, you feel obligated to raise it as an issue, when you would rather far often talk about the economics of something.
«We knew before the report was shared with us that he was prescribed various pain medications for a multitude of issues including Fentanyl patches,» the post read, «and we feel confident that this was, as the coroner found, an unfortunate accident.»
He anticipates that many employees will opt in to 2G Tuesdays — 2G Mondays just didn't sound nearly as catchy, he jokes — to get a better understanding of what the internet feels like for people in different parts of the world and to help report issues and make suggestions that his team might not have thought of.
I have had some critical medical issues and, working for Cisco, I felt as though I had a big brother who cared for me as my health changed.
Typically used to explain away someone's poor behavior, like the top salesperson who treats people badly or the great engineer who is rude during meetings, the loose translation of this statement is, «Even though it's my job as a boss to address this issue, and I wouldn't let anyone else behave that way, I don't feel like dealing with it.»
As with the Potash issue, the government's position on copyright feels at odds with its ideological home turf.
As a result we felt it was useful to document some of the facts and issues around HFT in foreign exchange.
«It's so easy to characterize this [as an issue] the elites drag out to make the common person feel bad for driving around in a pickup truck.»
If they felt that their online Facebook network agreed with their views on this issue, their willingness to speak out in a face - to - face discussion with friends was higher, although they were still only 0.74 times as likely to voice their opinion.
I understand the potential headwinds that may arise with interest rate hikes as well as the tenant and questionable billing issues that HCP is currently facing, however I feel the long term prospects for these large REITs are much better simply because of demographics.
Currently I feel as though the dividend is stable and safe but I do think that this is an issue that management needs to address sooner rather than later.
I do however, feel this issue is on the verge of being solved with new protocols being adopted such as proof of stake which uses a lock and key sort of verification that eradicates mining equipment and high electric bills.»
As an ardent admirer of Ayn Rand's work and as a Christian, I felt my heart flutter on opening the latest issue of First Things to David Bentley Hart's articlAs an ardent admirer of Ayn Rand's work and as a Christian, I felt my heart flutter on opening the latest issue of First Things to David Bentley Hart's articlas a Christian, I felt my heart flutter on opening the latest issue of First Things to David Bentley Hart's article.
Why do people feel that a professional politicians, such as Rom and Oba, can be taken down by a simple issue.
As I said, when you feel up to an intelligent discussion about the issues I raised, let me know.
Let me add I have not seen your 3 posts asking me about how I feel about it before now when I copied and posted those above and If I had seen before I would have answered you with out any hesitation but did not because I moved to other blogs... And to satisfy you interest my saying I do not like it as a cultural habit but if religion failed to stop it and had to regulate it then what can I do about it... people can still lie and give you an elder age and how can you tell if 9 - 10or more at villages there are no birth certificate issued nor villagers interested to obtain it... what can you tell from their teeth like sheep??
It wouldn't be as interesting a world as it is if everyone felt the same way and thought the same way about every issue.
You have to respect a religion that expects you to study an issue, contemplate upon its ramifications, then act as you feel you should without coercion from others.
If they did want to make an issue of it they'd be asked to leave, just as readily as I'd be asked to leave because I felt I could bring my wife one week, and then my girlfriend one week to worship and others would know about it.
Someone gay is just as much a human as I am — same feelings, hurts, joys, laughter, issues, problems, etc... I see no reason to exclude them from friendship.
Feelings of inadequacy, performance doubts, worries about under - appreciation, and concern over whether their efforts are actually accomplishing anything meaningful were all noted by participants as significant issues.
Anyway, trying to communicate this, and the other issues, to my then pastor was also fraught with problems as he seemed too preoccupied with how my leaving was making him feel than with the years of rejection I described which led to me leaving, I say leaving but I only moved to a church up the road (I had been in the first church for over 20 years but couldn't bear it any longer, which was a sad outcome).
Everyone has their myths, Xavier, including atheists and agnostics... smile I feel the article is a fair statement of many folks issues with Christianity particularly as practiced and perceived among Western protestant evangelical christians.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that many of those who do in fact leave the Church over issues related to sexuality do so because they've been told over and over again that their value as a Christian, and as a human being, is wrapped up in their virginity, so they no longer feel welcomed or worthy.
It's an election issue that gets virtually no attention, but we found out today that many of you do feel strongly about it: Churches being used as Election Day polling places.
(CNN)- It's an election issue that gets virtually no attention, but we found out today that many of you do feel strongly about it: Churches being used as Election Day polling places.
... The Jews (just like the church now) got flippant concerning divorce... I feel Jesus didn't have to mention homosexuality because the Law was clear to any Jew at that time... Paul had to mention it because he was an apostle to the Gentiles who I think were more prone to homosexuality behavior... I'm though not as learned as you... just my thought after 15 years of thinking about this issue... The church has a sacred duty to all... even gays... we need a unified loving answer to give them... but it must be the truth... because only the truth can set us free...
As to those conservative women who feel strongly enough to vote Republican on this issue alone, who ya gonna vote for?
For example, as a straight ally for my LGBT friends, I'm careful to check with them when I write about LGBT issues, to see they feel I've crossed a line or said something off base.
This entire issue feels manufactured and not as big of a deal as some in the media are trying to make it.
You also have people who can register as a specfic party and run on a ticket to strengthen their careers and yet they only espouse one or two things that could count them into the party in the first place.There's also a huge issue of people really thinking that a vote for a 3rd party candidate is a waste, If the only way you feel your vote matters is by voting for one of 2 parties (even if you are unsatisfied with both) does it actually matter?
The parents are shocked and feel quite sure that the headteacher will be supportive as soon as the issue is flagged up.
Of this much, however, I feel sure: no theologian can long avoid these kinds of issues if the character of theology as serious speech about God is to survive.
She felt very strongly that there was something wrong from the beginning, she then started having blood pressure (low) issues, dizziness loss of balance, lethargy etc. she has a rare blood disorder as well and we have had 2 miscarriages in the past 3 healthy births total.
The primary reason for restraint, I believe, is to avoid the issue of God as creator, which he may have felt he had sufficiently dealt with (T8).
But we do not feel that these technical mistakes are really at issue, except insofar as they perhaps suggest a false perspective.
This means facing honestly such issues as their emotional maturity, capacity to bear the responsibilities of child - rearing, and their deep feelings about each other.
The Church in Wales has announced new measures to ordain women as bishops while «making everyone feel valued in the Church, regardless of their views on the issue».
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