Sentences with phrase «issues in the education landscape»

We stay on top of important issues in the education landscape like shifts in the standards and provide practical guidance on adapting to these complex changes.

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Flanagan's post as chair of the education committee has helped him grow in prominence, particularly as issues like the Common Core standards, teacher evaluations and charter schools have dominated the political landscape.
Within the landscape of higher education, the practice of mentoring is also a critical part of a pre-tenure faculty member's success and campus assimilation, according to a white paper issued by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of Eeducation, the practice of mentoring is also a critical part of a pre-tenure faculty member's success and campus assimilation, according to a white paper issued by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of EEducation (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of EducationEducation.
This will be presented by a range of keynote speakers and hands - on sessions to provide an in - depth look at the landscape of education today, examining issues such as online safety, teaching computing, and the importance of school infrastructure for the implementation of technology.
In 2014, Quality Counts took a hiatus from issuing summative grades in order to step back and reassess the education policy landscapIn 2014, Quality Counts took a hiatus from issuing summative grades in order to step back and reassess the education policy landscapin order to step back and reassess the education policy landscape.
The online Higher Education Administration concentration of our EdM in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies develops culturally competent leaders through a specific selection of nine courses that reflect the contemporary higher education landscape and issues currently impacting colleges and univEducation Administration concentration of our EdM in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies develops culturally competent leaders through a specific selection of nine courses that reflect the contemporary higher education landscape and issues currently impacting colleges and univeducation landscape and issues currently impacting colleges and universities.
This special issue brief from the Center for Great Teachers & Leaders at the American Institutes of Research is a first step in addressing these policy gaps by offering state education leaders an overview of the current policy landscape, its implications for CTE teacher effectiveness, and next steps for creating aligned and coherent human capital management policies.
But commissioners could not reach a policy consensus on two other divisive issues in state public education — Michigan's expansive charter school landscape, and the state's generous schools - of - choice law, under which more than 120,000 students attend a public school outside of district boundaries.
First, candidates were asked to respond to a questionnaire to assess their knowledge of the education landscape in Memphis and Shelby County and measure their support (or lack thereof) of issues affecting our students and families.
«When you look over the domestic policy landscape, you see all these different people in different policy silos with different budgets: in health care, education, crime, poverty, social mobility and labor force issues.
More general graduate labour market issues and themes are also explored in GMT, including a data - rich view of graduate internships and degree fraud, as well as a view of the seismic shifts in the higher education landscape.
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