Sentences with phrase «issues of social justice in»

Through her work as the Exhibitions and Programming Director at Weinberg / Newton Gallery (Chicago, IL), Meg curates exhibitions focused on issues of social justice in partnership with nonprofit organizations.
Meg also maintains a curatorial practice, formerly as Exhibitions and Programming Director at Weinberg / Newton Gallery (Chicago, IL) where she curated exhibitions focused on issues of social justice in partnership with organizations.
We will explore the different ways teacher educators can include issues of Social Justice in their curricula and we will discuss pedagogical approaches that can enhance student's critical consciousness and empower them to activism.

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In a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter, the mogul reflected on his desire to «amplify» discussions around issues of social justice, and the decision to produce documentaries about Kalief Browder and Trayvon Martin.
El Puente, a Latino organization based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, that focuses on social justice, education and climate change issues, has raised enough money to purchase thousands of lanterns — which Puerto Ricans on the island view as a glimmer of hope to help guide them through the dark.
In addition to this general statement, the Party also provides a detailed summary of its policies in key areas, including health care, the economy, democratic reform, education, the environment, and social justice and issueIn addition to this general statement, the Party also provides a detailed summary of its policies in key areas, including health care, the economy, democratic reform, education, the environment, and social justice and issuein key areas, including health care, the economy, democratic reform, education, the environment, and social justice and issues.
«As Hispanic Catholics in the U.S achieve upward mobility, they may become a little more conservative on social justice and concern for the poor,» Dillon says, «but currently many of the issues that are especially important to Catholics in Latin America are also very important to Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.»
People have the right to leave church and organized religion, they have a right to question an institution that will do anything to save face even if it means letting children be harmed (and trust me, there are Priests that have issues with girls - my mom when to an all girls» Catholic school in the 60s and talks about how many of the priests used to «hang out» with the young girls out and girls have been abused), churches that are not practicing social justice.
Jason Fileta and Scott Bessenecker have both been working in social justice for years, learning the keys to inspiring people to take action on issues of justice the hard way.
Moderate Protestants (along with Catholics) tend to «lean in a conservative direction on personal life - style issues and in a more liberal direction on matters of social justice
But as much as John Paul appreciated the United States, he kept his independence and issued a series of declarations about social justice and peace that challenged many Americans — both on the domestic front and in foreign affairs.
Dolan's statement framed the issue in terms of social justice and respect: «Every person deserves to be treated with justice, compassion, and respect, a proposition of natural law and American law that we as Catholics vigorously promote.»
Since then, she has earned a Masters in Social Justice and directed a short - term missions site on the west - side of Chicago, where she created interactive opportunities for young people to engage issues of poverty, injustice, and race.
Yet if the most important development in that doctrine in Caritas in Veritate is a strong linkage of the life issues to Catholic social - justice concerns, then it is also true that the challenge of this particular encyclical falls more sharply on those who believe that Roe v. Wade was rightly decided, and remedied an injustice in prior American law.»
Vermeer lives in the Chicago suburbs and blogs about the intersections of faith and feminism and, increasingly, social justice issues on her blog, From Two to One.
It is projecting an Urbana - style convention on evangelical social witness, annual conferences for pastors to explore avenues for the involvement of congregations in community justice issues, and the formation of vocational task forces among evangelicals in politics, business and other callings, through which the shape of American political and business life might be altered to promote Christian values.
Between 1980 and 1995, 32 percent of the articles in the CHRISTIAN CENTURY dealt with social - justice issues, only 5 percent with family - and sex - related topics.
Moreover, more than 40 percent of family - focused articles in these journals and in the CENTURY dealt with social - justice - related issues like child poverty.
The result is that America is a nation deeply divided between people who are concerned about real - life issues — war and peace, social justice, the health and welfare of people — on one hand, and other people who are concerned, instead, about «values,» by which they mean adherence to ancient taboos, dependence on a magical God, enforcing acceptance of ancient creeds, requiring everyone to believe as they do, and finding safety in raw (though often hidden) social and economic power.
The central term of normative Christian thinking in relation to social issues has been «justice
Introduction In inviting me to participate, Professor Joseph Bracken asked that I present some of the foundational elements in contemporary Christian liberation theologies relative to the issues of social justicIn inviting me to participate, Professor Joseph Bracken asked that I present some of the foundational elements in contemporary Christian liberation theologies relative to the issues of social justicin contemporary Christian liberation theologies relative to the issues of social justice.
Though in recent years he's become more and more vocal about social justice issues, for much of his career, Brand has been known for his uniquely raunchy brand of shock comedy (This is the guy who once brought his drug dealer to work with him when he was an MTV VJ.).
In inviting me to participate, Professor Joseph Bracken asked that I present some of the foundational elements in contemporary Christian liberation theologies relative to the issues of social justicIn inviting me to participate, Professor Joseph Bracken asked that I present some of the foundational elements in contemporary Christian liberation theologies relative to the issues of social justicin contemporary Christian liberation theologies relative to the issues of social justice.
In this lecture the author outlines the major social justice issues to which various forms of liberation theology are responding.
In this lecture I shall first outline the major social justice issues to which various forms of liberation theology are responding.
The New Deal did not, in their estimate, constitute the hardest step in bringing about a socialized economic system; the idealistic weekly was sidestepping the crucial issues of class conflict and the factor of coercion in effecting social justice.
Does the lack of explicitness in the Apostle's Creed leave open the possibility that a pastor or church could ignore the pressing issues of social justice, kingdom living, and earth - care, among many others?
Since then, she has worked with national speaker and consultant Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil, earned a Masters in Social Justice, and directed a short - term missions site on the west - side of Chicago, where she created interactive opportunities for young people to engage issues of poverty, injustice and race.
But the history of the voting privilege in the twentieth century shows that it takes the combined power of mass movements, economic pressures, and the Federal Government with its military force to give even a relative assurance that this requirement of justice will be realized.3 It seems, therefore, that when we move from the perspective of love to concrete issues of social strategy and political power, justice is accomplished by a confluence of historical forces and humane considerations which indeed may be enforced by love, but which must have other sources.
Much has been said in criticism of Luther's doctrine here, and there are many issues concerning the later development of the Christian ethic in relation to war and social justice; but our immediate concern is to understand Luther's faith that it is possible for the Christian to live the life of agape in the midst of the world's affairs and conflicts.
On the other side of the social justice debate are those who argue that social justice issues are at the center of the Gospel, and that as we look at the life and ministry of Jesus, we see Him engaged in social justice actions at every turn.
First, some Christians say that social justice is a perversion of the Gospel, and that rather than seek to engage in social justice issues, we should instead just preach the Gospel.
Those who are involved in small groups often claim that these groups have influenced how they think on political and economic issues — for example, raising their interest in questions of peace and social justice or, in the case of conservative religious groups, generating ire about abortion and gay rights.
Some see the issue in communism, some in devotional exercises in public schools, some in concern over pornography, some in issues of social justice.
We see it in the flourishing of fundamentalism; in the controversy raging in the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod; in the phenomenon of the Jesus freaks, the spreading charismatic movement, the popularity of Transcendental Meditation; in attacks on the National and World councils of churches and the cooling of ardor for such social issues as racial justice, world peace, and the abolition of hunger and malnutrition.
For others, resistance to healing prayer may not signal a fear of losing control or face, but a fear of losing prophetic roots in peace and social justice issues.
Issues of ecological justice, and justice to the weaker sections of society and specifically development of social institutions can not be taken up by the economy directed only by the market - profit mechanism in which the social objectives of the peoples are destroyed for the sake of economic growth.
NETWORK, a group founded by 47 Catholic sisters that speaks out on social justice issues in particular, will be hitting states like Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia in order to reveal «how federal budget cuts proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan, (R - WI), and passed by the House of Representatives will hurt struggling families in these states,» a release by the group reads.
As Novak wrestles with the complexity involved even in defining social justice, evangelical leaders think they can handle the big issues of the day in a way that helps the church in trite servings of 140 characters or less.
(21) They must be hospitable to the whole family of God, enabling the family members in their diversity to address with integrity the whole range of issues that divide us, issues of Christology and ecclesiology, issues of culture, race, and gender, issues of social justice and the integrity of creation.
Even a glance at the issue's table of contents shows the article by the Acton Institute's Kevin Schmiesing, «Another Social Justice Tradition: Catholic Conservatives,» which highlights and quotes CA: «The pope approves of that capitalism «which recognizes the fundamental and positive role of business, the market, private property, and the resulting responsibility for the means of production, as well as free human creativity in the economic sector.
He added: «One of the big issues raised by the campaign has been the issue of social justice and poverty which of course all Christians care about and are interested in.
To start with, one must wonder why these two issues» both of which ought to place politically liberal evangelicals in significant conflict with the Democratic party's social platform» are presented as «controversial» matters about which faithful Christians may disagree, while issues like foreign policy, environmentalism, and economics are presented as simple matters of justice.
For a moving and unique approach to Interpretation of Scripture by persons most involved in social justice issues, see Ernesto Cardenal, The Gospel in Solentiname, 4 vols.
Since 1976 I have been associated with the faculty, students, staff, and administration of Pacific School of Religion, where an entire academic community is also a faith community struggling with a multitude of social justice issues in personal and corporate ways.
This school is one small thing, one small stone in that massive mountain of complex issues related to economics, social justice, community development, family, debt repayments, international policy, poverty, education, all of it.
You'll leave this course with an understanding of how school food operates, and how a healthy school meal program can play a role in social justice issues for kids across the nation.
By Jon Sparkes With terms like «social justice» and «tackling inequality» being used by all main political parties in recent years, and the political rhetoric increasingly shifting to the need for addressing the «root causes» of social issues, one would be inclined to believe that homelessness, one of the most acute forms of poverty, is in decline.
It is questionable whether it makes sense, in the 21st century, to reflect about questions of social justice, liberty, equality or other core concepts of political theory without taking economic issues into account.
It had to be seen in the context of Iain Duncan Smith's earlier report on social justice, he said, and the forthcoming Gummer - Goldsmith report on quality of life issues.
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