Sentences with phrase «issues pale in comparison»

«All other issues pale in comparison to mitigating the impact of human activity on the environment now.»
There's little doubt, however, that such issues pale in comparison to unconscionable deliberateness with which the narrative unfolds, as the egregiously slow pace heightens the movie's myriad of problems and ensures that the midsection, which primarily revolves around Katniss» solo attempts at surviving, is nothing short of disastrous (ie it's just dull, mostly).
Any other issues pale in comparison to what the film gets right.
His statement on the issue pales in comparison to that of Mayor Bill de Blasio, with whom Lynch has feuded for years.

Not exact matches

Of course, «my» team moving pales in comparison to real - life issues affecting actual people - like player safety, long - term healthcare of ex-players, co-opting cancer awareness drives to make cash, bilking municipalities into subsidizing billionaires» clubhouses, using «patriotism» to make cash / pump up the USA's military - industrial complex, mishandling off - field issues involving players, et al..
When MPs were asked which issues they think will be very important in helping people decide which party to vote for a fifth (22 %) cited «crime, justice and policing», but this paled in comparison to the 87 % who said «managing the economy» and 78 % who predicted «asylum and immigration».
The battle between the sexes in human society may pale in comparison to the one raging among wasps, according to a study in tomorrow's issue of Nature.
There could be licensing issues at play but the fact that the character roster pales in comparison to previous games means that fans will almost definitely be disappointed in the less than ideal collection featured here.
The only real issue BlackBerry has on its hands is the BB10 ecosystem — it pales in comparison to Android and iOS.
While this number is impressive, it pales in comparison to the 900,000 student loans issued through ReliaMax, worth approximately $ 14 billion.
These returns now pale in comparison to the high yield index (S&P U.S. Issued High Yield Corporate Bond Index) as the search for yield continues into 2014.
Though there are some technical issues with Breath of the Wild, they pale in comparison to the sense of wonder and adventure the title projects.
Retention inevitably is always the biggest issue for law firm diversity, and the resources allocated to diversity retention pale in comparison to funds spent on recruitment.
However, I find that the Accident related injuries pale in comparison to the unrelated issues she has with her low back and left knee...
This also means that people who take out guaranteed issue policies should understand the payouts will pale in comparison to term life or even permanent life insurance.
When you consider behaviors such as cutting, eating issues or risky sexual activities, «the coping skills presented in past programs pale in comparison,» he said.
All of the lobbying by CREAcrats, OREAcrats (Ontario) etc. aimed at governments in favour of real estate agents» and their respective associations» concerns will pale in comparison with the public's concerns at the final arbitration point of such issues... the ballot box.
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