Sentences with phrase «issues surrounding something»

Also, Chrome OS doesn't support Flash, so any security issues surrounding it won't affect the system.
We examine the after - effects of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, and the myriad of issues surrounding it.
Wrongful death claims have a number of legal issues surrounding them where causation and liability... Read More
Trials Fusion isn't a bad game at its core, but its design doesn't take advantage of the best parts of the series well enough, and the technical issues surrounding it all are a bummer.
Though Jatropha - based biodiesel usage continues to expand in India, there are many issues surrounding it which aren't all good: Despite claims of growing on marginal lands, good yields require watering; and, those «marginal lands» aren't always acquired for growing Jatropha under the best of circumstances.
When it comes to the fiscal cliff or any of the myriad issues surrounding it, NAR is always watching to achieve policy that benefits our industry and the nation's property owners.
It's been a year since state lawmakers and Cuomo agreed to not enact an ammunition database as part of the SAFE Act, and since then there's been little momentum to resolve the technology issues surrounding it.
Any woman with issues surrounding her menstrual cycle, whether they be irregularity, complete absence (amenorrhea) of a period, bad cramps, heavy flow, or premenstrual syndrome, needs to be carefully and thoroughly investigated for underlying health issues, medical and emotional — which are, of course, tightly interrelated.
Your sofa can also be a surprisingly dangerous place for a rabbit and there are also a number of safety issues surrounding it that needs to be considered to be sure your bunny does not come to harm.
Artist Statement: Monica Magtoto expresses issues surrounding her community and heritage through dream - like, and bold, graphic imagery of women.
This bodily injury coverage pulls you out of the legal issues surrounded you during an accident.
Though Jatropha - based biodiesel usage continues to expand in India, there are many issues surrounding it which aren't all good: Despite claims of growing on marginal lands, good yields require watering; and, those «marginal
Trials Fusion isn't a bad game at its core, but its design doesn't take advantage of the best parts of the series well enough, and the technical issues surrounding it all are a bummer.
Cyber bullying can be very hard because the legal issues surrounding it are not yet fully formed within the states.
The tragedy in Oakland is a wake - up call for many in mainstream culture, and the issues surrounding it will be discussed in many forums.
Most issues that come up during the divorce process are resolved once and for all by the final decree of divorce but child support and issues surrounding it may go on for years after the divorce is final.
In so far as some sceptics and deniers are proclaiming that carbon dioxide - induced anthropogenic global warming may be «the scientific fraud of the century» then surely the issues surrounding it must be the scientific debate of the century.
«We were pleased by how comprehensively this year's essays described the latest genetic tests and by students» thoughtful consideration of the issues surrounding them
Talking about partners, with the information supplied by a member, especially when it has to do with his or her disability and issues surrounding it, the agency is able to find a possible compatible partner for such member.
Follow this blog to get explanation on menstruation and all issues surrounding it in the most friendly manner.
Lesson plans, videos, and much more will help teachers bring a study of the letter exchange and the issues surrounding it into their classrooms.
As technology became more sophisticated, so did ebooks and the issues surrounding them.
I share with them the concept of a universe of obligation, from the educational organization Facing History and Ourselves, as a pedagogical framework that asks us to consider the people and issues surrounding us.
But the back - end functionality, and the issues surrounding it, and explaining them, to end users and to colleagues, is downright painful.
For a further overview of all sorts of e-book offerings and issues, check out the new ALA title No Shelf Required 2 (Ala 2011) which collects essays by librarians across all service levels (myself included, I have to admit) in discussions of e-books and issues surrounding them, along with specific examples of implementations.
The DX is beast all of its own and a lot of the issues surrounding it come from the fact that it is a first / second - generation Kindle.
The Resource Guide contains vocabulary, HIV information, and an AIDS timeline, as well as thoughts and questions to encourage further engagement with the film and the issues surrounding it.
As I started exploring the reasons for this absence, I found that there are many issues surrounding it, and that they combine to create a wicked problem — one that is not easily solved and continues to become more complex the more detail is known about it.
The Grievor agrees that until August 1, 2009 she will not disparage The Globe and Mail or any of its current or former employees relating to any issues surrounding her employment and termination from The Globe and
• Everyone in the CFL will receive mandatory training on violence against women and the issues surrounding it on an annual basis.
David Whelan has explored many of the options and issues surrounding them, from the technical perspective.
I may disagree, but I also understand some of the issues surrounding it like price, game developers not using it, and consumers not caring for it.
Follow this blog to get explanation on menstruation and all issues surrounding it in the most friendly manner.
North Dakota About Blog Speech Adventures is specifically aimed toward speech - language pathologists and discusses the issues surrounding them.
Follow this blog to get explanation on menstruation and all issues surrounding it in the most friendly manner.
Most issues that come up during the divorce process are resolved once and for all by the final decree of divorce but child support and issues surrounding it may go on for years after the divorce is final.
A recent panel at the National Association of REALTORS ® (NAR) Conference & Expo in Orlando tackled the trend and highlighted some of the issues surrounding it in a 90 - minute session, «Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones) and How They Can Help You.»
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