Sentences with phrase «it has in common with»

You'll be able to capture information that could be relevant to your conversation, as well as potentially locate a connection you might have in common with a person you're contacting.
One other thing they have in common with Twitter: Facebook figured out their killer pieces and copied them shamelessly.
Here's something you don't have in common with 94 other supporters of this movement who tell us they live in Keene, NH.
If you prefer to work in complete silence, you have that in common with Franz Kafka, Charles Darwin, and Anton Chekhov.
Yet, instead of giving up he did the one thing that so many immigrants have in common with entrepreneurs: he kept taking risks.
To an outsider, such a move may seem like a bit of a head - scratcher; after all, what do portable medical devices have in common with massive Middle Eastern refineries?
Here's how The British Psychological Society Research Digest blog sums up the results: «The data showed that the more a participant had turned their thoughts towards what they had in common with the other director, the more their ingratiation behaviors paid off — they were more likely to get an invitation to join the board in the months that followed.»
In The Best Place To Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace Ron Freeman explains, «The more we have in common with others... the more we tend to like them.»
If you're wondering what you could possibly have in common with an aerobatic flight team, it's that there's a strong correlation between gratitude and high performance.
In a moment, we'll tell you what my number - crunching «Freakonomics» co-author Steve Levitt has in common with a bunch of abs - crunching Navy SEALs.
How much else Mexico's economy will have in common with its wealthy neighbors to the north, though, remains an open question.
I discussed here recently what the Bitcoin system has in common with a gold standard, and how it differs in important ways.
In fact, it's the one thing they have in common with each other.
What do many of the most successful (and richest) hedge fund managers have in common with a life - long homeless person?
With the exception of language, there is little the South has in common with the rest of the country.
The 2 no's were for totally different reasons and the yes reason had more in common with 1 of the no's than the 2 no's had in common with each other.
What believers have in common with postmoderns is a distrust of modern claims to knowledge.
What does the God of Christianity have in common with the gods of Norse mythology?
What could he possibly have in common with Jesus?
To affirm, for example, that the essential elements of Christianity in the first century were only those items which believers of that day have in common with the «liberal» theologian of the twentieth century, is to eliminate as unessential to first - century believers their realistic eschatology, their belief in demons and angels, their vivid supernaturalism, their sacramentalism, their notion of the miraculous content of religious experience, and various other features of similar importance.
Sexuality in our age is almost completely dominated by the stimulus of bodily attraction, that is, the male - female mode of sexual power or that power of attraction which humans have in common with the animals.
An empiric person finds, having purged the self of spiritual presumption, how much one has in common with other persons, none now superior or subordinate, and all deserving love.
Too many clergy try to live off composite identities borrowed from functions we have in common with other helping professions.
There's certain ground which I have in common with all Jews, even if our ways of being Jewish are very different.
I shall not delay the discussion here to defend Bergson against his critics, except to point out that what is frequently termed «irrationalism» in Bergson is precisely what he has in common with all modern disciplines that take the dimension of depth seriously.
If you've been watching Pete Holmes» Crashing on HBO, you've probably realized how much you have in common with the protagonist, Pete.
When actual entity B feels actual entity A, there (usually) are actual entities «between» them, namely, those actual entities that the causal future of A has in common with the causal past of B.
So, you have that in common with the muslims...
Ultimately, the Church's social teaching is connected to the Church's distinctive Christology; it is not merely concomitant with her moral witness or the generic religiosity she has in common with other religions.
One thing Atheist have in common with God, we enjoy seeing Christians» head spin trying to make sense of the Bible.
Since the human developed out of the subhuman, and since this process of development was a continuous one, it is essential to understand what man has in common with other animals, as well as to describe the threshold that marked his appearance as something genuinely and decisively new.
What does nuclear deterrence have in common with (1) pacifist idealism, (2) the modern notion that warfare must be total, and (3) romanticism's vision of history?
When I became a Catholic over a decade later one of the many things I thanked God for was that I now had in common with the Irish their (and now my) most precious possession.
We have enough of those already... Instead, look for six other good leadership qualities which leaders have in common with marshmallows.
Because process philosophy is essentially a relational philosophy, it has in common with feminism an emphasis upon the interconnectedness of persons and of humans with nature.
It's hard for me to imagine what an image of vultures eating dead bodies could possibly have in common with a Myth about Zeus having sex with a man.
However, one thing Obama's populism has in common with his techno - politics is the view that political experience is reducible to the pursuit of tepid interests and that statesmanship is nothing but their polite superintendence.
In that dance we learn about the values and struggles we have in common with people from different religious, cultural and political systems.
To understand a particular man is not to understand what he has in common with all other men, or even with all other equally developed men.
But it is not just what simple church practitioners have in common (in fact, we may not all even identify with that title), but what every form of church has in common with each other.
Instead, look for six other good leadership qualities which leaders have in common with marshmallows.
Despite these contrary characteristics, what an eternal object has in common with an actual entity is its determination through the category of the one and the many.
What do «Pale Face» westerners have in common with the «Blood of Abraham»?
And with Leibniz and Berkeley I see no reason why God should create such entities, nor what his knowledge of them could have in common with his knowledge of sentient creatures realizing values.
What could Protestants possibly have in common with someone with Aquinas's hyper - Catholic resume?
Reminds me of what a comedy tutor said about comedy having in common with other art forms of alchemising pain into passages of great beauty.
No, I am not Roz... I am a Rozta» (big fan of Roz, and I made up the eponym) Roz is in the Indian Ocean, somewhere, rowing from east to west (Australia to Madgascar, I think) and you have in common with her that she is also naked (salt water and clothing make for a bad skin situation when one is in that environment for months on end) You should look her up... writes a fantastic blog.
Shrills is something they have in common with apes.
What the old Republican establishment has in common with the new is the sense that the establishment represents the only viable alternative to the Democrats.
This works against the idea that the faculties of theological schools have more in common with one another in a cross-disciplinary way than they have in common with colleagues in the same disciplines outside theological schools.
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