Sentences with phrase «italic letters»

Not exact matches

Signatories who have signed both letters appear in bold and italic.
Those who have signed the initial letter appear in plain text and those who have signed the updated, new letter (Dreamer letter) appear in italic.
Journalists may chuckle knowingly at conversations about the angle of italics or discovering the new paper only has three headline - sized letter Es («let's hope nothing happens to the fucking Bee Gees!»)
Variables are always set in italics or as plain Greek letters (e.g., P, T, m).
A font with narrow letters, or another with big bold ones, or with letters in italic, usually makes it difficult for the audience to actually read what is written on the slide.
Webb explained that traditional cursive has more loops, while joined italics allows students to pick up their writing utensils while creating a word, though letters must still be connected.
What this means is that I can't globally change the style all of the italics or boldface characters — or those drop - capped initial letters.
The page he'd landed on was stark white, with red and black lettering: double underscore, bold, italic, and very, very angry.
• Basic formatting features include making the letters bold, italic, and underlined, aligning the paragraph, creating bulleted list, find and replace, insert pictures, split chapter at cursor, and add internal link.
Make sure that you set proper margins, choose the right font and its size, use underlining, bold letters and italics where they are appropriate.
Viewed aesthetically, the composition of the piece — the weight of the letters fluctuating with each line, the spacing between the lines methodically decreasing as the text progresses, the winding italics creating rhythmic markers on a background of «ghost text» from the same selection peering through a thin overcoat of white paint — encourage appreciation of the textural qualities of the written word.
[1] This text complies with the artist's preferred title style, as documented in the exhibition catalogue: «In keeping with Bruce Conner's clearly articulated wish, the titles of his works are given in all capital letters without italics
America was once great at some point, but italics were never readable, and it's easier to make the rise of the oceans pause and rewind with the pure power of thought than to alter one letter of the laws of typography.
All names, logos and trademarks owned by or licensed to Foley Hoag LLP and are set off from surrounding text, and are referred to with a ™ or ® symbol or appear in italics or all capital letters.
Maintain consistency in your resume by presenting your information in a logical consistent format utilizing boldface, italics, and capital letters to emphasize headings and important pieces of information.
Further maximize the effectiveness of your letter by incorporating bold or italics sparingly to accent key phrases or concepts.
Your contact information is incomplete or hard to read (for example, it is in a very light italic font where the number one looks like the letter el).
Mr. P. is ADORABLE with capital letters, bold, italics, squiggly lines, exclamation marks and every other punctuation point you can imagine.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z