Sentences with phrase «italics through»

You can create paragraph breaks, bullet points, boldface, and italics through Author Central, for example.

Not exact matches

In other words, can one really completely isolate the question of «what God did through the man Jesus in his vocation or office» (ibid., 232, n. 103, italics mine) from the issue of the «existentiell selfhood» of Jesus?
Accordingly, in this book Nichols sets out to «do theology» through the rosary, or more precisely «to contemplate the mysteries that the Rosary sets forth and their wider lessons» (p2, Nichols» italics).
This becomes clear when Hartshorne continues in a vein that runs through realistic epistemic claims of any sort, including the Whiteheadian: «On the other hand, if what I have in present experience is not the past itself but a newly created substitute or image, then the door is open to solipsism of the present moment, and only arbitrary fiat will keep that door closed» (italics added).
Hartshorne's point is that absolutely inaccessible omnipresence is nonsense, not that God «can not» conceal Gad for lack of sufficient stealth capability Elsewhere in this same text Hartshorne writes, «Not even God can, perceptually or mentally run through the totality of events, for there is no such totality complete once for all» (CSPM 138, italics added).
Before learners begin this task, talk them through the first entry (see italics, below) to model the process.
Think about it: you don't need to emulate expression and emotion through font sizes and italics or even emoticons.
He also asked if the public would recognize «joined italics» — one of the two possible types of cursive that Charlotte Webb, prekindergarten - through fifth - grade English language arts coordinator for the education department, said third and fourth graders would be required to learn — as traditional cursive.
The chapter heading style, italics, centering and non-indent on the first paragraph all came through fine.
Some flashbacks are delineated by dated chapter headings, while others are set apart simply through the use of italic script.
The other thing we can do to improve the effectiveness of our blurb is to use through this site we can preview what our blurb will look like when we apply simple HTML tags like Bold or Italics.
It is, or should be, as reliable as the most reliable reportage although it seeks a larger truth [my italics] than is possible through a mere compilation of verifiable facts, the use of direct quotation and the adherence to the rigid organizational style of the old form.»
I also go through and assign italics and bold where required.
Blinded by the light (title in italics) is a 67,000 word fiction mystery thriller that takes readers on an adventure through the eye of protagonist Jennifer Fields and her longtime boyfriend James Pearson.
I discovered through a series of unfortunate events that the Stanza desktop doesn't display some things (like italics) well, though it does in the device versions.
That «in some cases» is in italics for a reason: Amazon will continue to pay authors / publishers the same as before for ebooks that are actually purchased; the change only affects books downloaded from the Kindle Online Lending Library or through Kindle Unlimited.
But when it gets turned into an ebook, you can see the way that italic and bold is achieved is through «markup», or HTML.
Viewed aesthetically, the composition of the piece — the weight of the letters fluctuating with each line, the spacing between the lines methodically decreasing as the text progresses, the winding italics creating rhythmic markers on a background of «ghost text» from the same selection peering through a thin overcoat of white paint — encourage appreciation of the textural qualities of the written word.
From Reference [10], «[t] he table below gives estimates of the particle flux at a time of minimum sunspot activity (when the flux is highest, as in 1965, 1977, 1987 [listed under the heading «max» in the table below]-RRB- and also (in italics) for a period of near maximum solar activity (low flux — though there is no well - defined absolute minimum [listed under the heading «min» in the table below]-RRB-... [The fluxes in columns 2 through 5] are quoted for protons and....
«Plainly, the imposition of budget discipline on law firm matters forces firms to a very different pricing model than the traditional approach of simply recording time and passing the associated «costs» through to the client on a billable - hour basis [italics supplied by me].»
Then a few friends of the blog read through some or all of it and caught a bunch of glitches: extra words, words that should be in italics but weren't, incorrect cross-references, and so on.
You can also selectively apply bold and italics in order for the reader to have an easy time going through your resume.
As a general rule, simple graphics and embellishments (bold, italics, etc) will remain intact through the conversion, although more complex enhancements — graphs and tables — may not fair so well.
Without an understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying the well - established associations between childhood adversity and poor adult outcomes (the proverbial black box), interventions (examples are in italics) are largely limited to preventing childhood adversity (through advocacy) and to addressing the long - term behavioral social, health, and economic consequences (through health and social services).
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