Sentences with phrase «jagged edges around»

Viewing at off - center angles produces a noticeable color shift, and the low resolution makes it impossible to ignore some of the jagged edges around certain aspects of the user interface.
Due to its low pixel density though, you can easily spot jagged edges around icons.
Often, the game will become somewhat pixellated, with many jagged edges around the various objects on - screen — one of the times this became more apparent was on Mission 2, during a boss battle in a flaming building.

Not exact matches

Look closely at how convoluted and complex all the little jigs and jags are around the edge.
Jagged edges cropped up with minor frequency, and edge enhancement seemed apparent on occasion; for example, the scene in which Joker first confronts Grissom clearly demonstrated ringing around Jack.
Raising her big - screen stock considerably from last year's soggy showcase in «Breathe,» the British actress doesn't softly edge around the ways in which Sawyer herself can be a jagged little pill, while the script serves ample evidence of how personal and professional relations with men have made her armor up over the years; even Foy's candid expressions of terror come with a terse, practical edge.
I noticed a hint of edge enhancement — most obvious around onscreen lettering — but shimmering and jagged edges remained absent.
Martin Campbell returns to the once edgy and jagged ground of his excellent BBC miniseries Edge of Darkness with a much slicker spin that sheds much of what made the first go around so good.
The Kindles and Sony PRS - T1 have a similar feature and it comes in handy sometimes for darkening fonts to make them look bolder, although it tends to make them look more jagged and rough around the edges.
That is, unless you go through Xbox Backwards Compatibility to play it as it's very jagged around those edges and the slower frame rate really changes the pacing.
When I first laid eyes upon the backwards compatible version I found it rather ugly, it was jagged around the edges and need a boost.
The highly detailed crumple of metal on metal is so satisfying to watch and has been so brilliantly executed it's hard to fathom just how they managed to make everything around so concrete, no jagged edges or weakness in structure to be seen.
Here the artist's borders metamorphose into jagged or elliptical shapes that slide around the edges of boxy canvases, some of them placed near the floor like radiator covers.
Netflix and Amazon's video quality in the highest available setting on the app was always jagged and often showed weird artefacts around fine text and edges.
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