Sentences with word «jaguarundis»

Coati predators include jaguarundis, boa constrictors, foxes, dogs, tayras, ocelots, and jaguars.
Based on a plan drawn up free of charge by a Seattle architecture firm, the new zoo maintains the intimacy of the old zoo — a rustic place with dusty paths, teetering structures and the occasional mango tree in bloom — while enabling people to see animals in their natural habitats: paca in river forest, pumas in pineland, jaguarundi at the forest edge.
It is also the habitat of two rare cats, the Gulf Coast jaguarundi and ocelot.
You might also hear black howler monkeys and see keel - billed toucan, peccary and Belize's other cats, including jaguarundi, ocelot and margay.
See wild cats up close at the Las Pumas Rescue Center: jaguars, pumas, ocelots, or jaguarundis.
Wildlife to see includes jaguar, jaguarundi, peccary, howler monkey, gibnut, agouti, snakes, coatamundi, over 300 bird species.
The Cockscomb Basin Jaguar Preserve Tour Length: Approx. 7 hours Degree of Difficulty: Moderate Terrain: Dense tropical rainforest with well maintained trails, jungle canopy to 120» < Possible Wildlife: jaguar, jaguarundi, peccary, howler monkey, gibnut, agouti, snakes, coatamundi, over 300 bird species
The small marguay, the jaguarundi, and perhaps the oscelot.
This preserve is believed to have the world's highest density of jaguar as well as puma, ocelot, margay and jaguarundi.
The television presenter was amazed at the amount of Costa Rican wildlife, «Costa Rica is awash with animal life, including the four - eyed opossum, the silky anteater, the jaguarundi and gaggles of monkeys.
This sanctuary is home to jaguarundis, margays, ocelots, pumas, deer, howler monkeys, and tapirs.
Jaguars, jaguarundi and cougars are also said to roam in the park.
It also provides a refuge to a variety of land based animals such as monkeys, coatis, ocelots, margay cats and jaguarundis.
Many mammals and other wildlife also call the park home including white - tailed deer, kinkajou, jaguarundi, armadillo, and white - tailed deer.
All five of Belize's indigenous wild cats roam this forest as well; the endangered jaguar, the overgrown housecat - sized ocelot, margay, and jaguarundi, and the mountain lion.
If you love adventure activities, you can go for hiking and at the time of hiking, you can spot different species of local monkeys, toucans, scarlet macaws, agoutis, coatimundis and jaguarundis and also many other wild life.
A few types of exotic cats have also been spotted at the park including the ocelot, jaguar, and jaguarundi.
And there are five different big cat species that prowl the rainforest floor, including pumas, margays, ocelots, jaguarundis, and the king of the jungle himself, the elusive jaguar.
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